- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/771/13
- Title:
- UV-IR photometry of SMC stars
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/771/13
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The nature of the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is still a mystery. While plausible candidates are known for both the single-degenerate and double-degenerate models, the observed numbers fall significantly short of what is required to reproduce the SNe Ia rate. Some of the most promising single-degenerate Type Ia progenitors are recurrent novae and super-soft sources (SSS). White dwarfs (WDs) with higher mass transfer rates can also be SN Ia progenitors. For these rapidly accreting white dwarfs (RAWDs), more material than is needed for steady burning accretes on the WD, and extends the WD's photosphere. Unlike SSS, such objects will likely not be detectable at soft X-ray energies, but will be bright at longer wavelengths, such as the far-ultraviolet (UV). Possible examples include LMC N66 and the V Sagittae stars. We present a survey using multi-object spectrographs looking for RAWDs in the central core of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), from objects selected to be bright in the far-UV and with blue far UV-V colors. While we find some unusual objects, and recover known planetary nebula and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars, we detect no candidate RAWD. The upper limits from this non-detection depend on our expectations of what an RAWD should look like, as well assumptions about the internal extinction of the SMC. Assuming they resemble LMC N66 or fainter versions of WR stars we set an upper limit of 10-14 RAWDs in the SMC. However, our survey is unlikely to detect objects like V Sge, and hence we cannot set meaningful upper limits if RAWDs generally resemble V Sge.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/548/A107
- Title:
- U,V photometry in M2 (NGC 7089)
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/548/A107
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present U, V photometry of the globular cluster M2. Stars within 1' and outside of 4' from the cluster center are excluded from the CMD to reduce blending effects and the field star contamination, respectively. We imposed on all stars the selection limits of CHI<2.0 and -1<SHARP<1 on DAOPHOT II photometric parameters. To select a sample of well-measured stars we have followed the procedure given in Lardo et al. (2012A&A...541A.141L), Sect. 5.1. M2 photometry displays an anomalous branch beyond the red edge of the main body of the RGB. The difference in color between stars belonging to this structure and normal RGB stars is quite large (of the order of 0.2-0.3mag, well above the typical measurement errors) and extends down to the SGB region. There may be a second group of stars that are 0.3mag redder with respect to this sequence and can possibly be more, anomalous RGB stars. The observations were carried out during the nights of 2010 July 15 at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) located in La Palma, Canary Islands (Spain), with he DOLORES camera. The DOLORES camera offers a field of view of 8.6'x8.6' with a 0.252"/pix scale. We obtained images of the cluster in the standard Johnson U and V filters for a total of 540s shifted in 3 single exposures in each filter. The seeing condition were average during (~1.2-1.3") during the observing night.
1223. UV photometry of M15
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/670/379
- Title:
- UV photometry of M15
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/670/379
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We have obtained deep FUV and NUV images of the inner region of the dense globular cluster M15 with the HST ACS. The FUV-NUV color-magnitude diagram shows a well-defined track of horizontal branch stars, as well as a trail of blue stragglers and white dwarfs. The main-sequence turnoff is clearly visible at FUV~22.5mag and FUV-NUV~3mag, and the main-sequence stars form a prominent track that extends at least 2mag below the main-sequence turnoff. As such, this is the deepest FUV-NUV color-magnitude diagram of a globular cluster presented so far. Cataclysmic variable and blue straggler candidates are the most centrally concentrated stellar populations, which might either be an effect of mass segregation or reflect the preferred birthplace in the dense cluster core of such dynamically formed objects. We find 41 FUV sources that exhibit significant variability. We classify the variables based on an analysis of their UV colors and variability properties. We find four previously known RR Lyrae and 13 further RR Lyrae candidates, one known Cepheid and six further candidates, six cataclysmic variable candidates, one known and one probable SX Phoenicis star, and the well-known low-mass X-ray binary AC 211. Our analysis represents the first detection of SX Phoenicis pulsations in the FUV. We find that Cepheids, RR Lyrae stars, and SX Phoenicis exhibit massive variability amplitudes in this wave band (several magnitudes).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/545/A141
- Title:
- UV selected sources in the GOODS-S field
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/545/A141
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Dust attenuation in galaxies is poorly known, especially at high redshift. And yet the amount of dust attenuation is a key parameter to deduce accurate star formation rates from ultraviolet (UV) rest-frame measurements. The wavelength dependence of the dust attenuation is also of fundamental importance to interpret the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and to derive photometric redshifts or physical properties of galaxies. We want to study dust attenuation at UV wavelengths at high redshift, where the UV is redshifted to the observed visible light wavelength range. In particular, we search for a UV bump and related implications for dust attenuation determinations.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/602/A97
- Title:
- UV structure of 11 galaxies with Swift-UVOT
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/602/A97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- GALEX detected a significant fraction of early-type galaxies, in particular S0s, showing Far-UV bright structures, sometimes involving an entire galaxy out to its outskirts. These features suggest the presence of either recent, ongoing and/or prolonged star formation episodes, shedding new light on the evolution of these systems. We aim at understanding the evolutionary path[s] of these early-type galaxies and the mechanisms at the origin of their UV-bright structures. We investigate with a multi{lambda} approach the link between the inner and the outer galaxy regions of a set of eleven early-type galaxies selected because of their nearly passive stage of evolution in the nuclear region. This paper, second of a series, focuses on the information coming from the comparison between UV features detected by Swift-UVOT, tracing recent star formation, and the galaxy optical structure mapping older stellar populations. We performed a surface photometric study of these early-type galaxies, observed with Swift-UVOT UV filters, W2 2030{AA} {lambda_0}, M2 2231{AA} {lambda_0}, W1 2634{AA} {lambda_0}, and UBV bands. BVRI photometry from other sources in the literature is also used. Our integrated magnitude measurements have been analyzed and compared with corresponding values in the literature. We characterize the overall galaxy structure best fitting the UV and optical luminosity profiles using a single Sersic law. NGC 1366, NGC 1426, NGC 3818, NGC 3962 and NGC 7192 show featureless luminosity profiles. Excluding NGC~1366 which has a clear edge-on disk (n~1-2), and NGC 3818, the remaining three have Sersic's indices n~3-4 in optical and a lower index in the UV. Bright ring/arm-like structures are revealed by UV images and luminosity profiles of NGC 1415, NGC 1533, NGC 1543, NGC 2685, NGC 2974 and IC 2006. The ring/arm-like structures are different from galaxy to galaxy. Sersic indices of UV profiles for those galaxies are in the range n=1.5-3 both in S0s and in galaxies classified as "bona fide" ellipticals, such as NGC 2974 and IC 2006. We notice that in our sample optical Sersic indices are usually larger than in the UV ones. (M2-V) color profiles are bluer in ring/arm-like structures with respect to the galaxy body. The lower values of Sersic's indices in the UV bands with respect to optical ones, suggesting the presence of a disk, point out that the role of the dissipation cannot be neglected in recent evolutionary phases of these early-type galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/533/A142
- Title:
- UV-to-IR fluxes of Hickson compact groups
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/533/A142
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a comprehensive study on the impact of the environment of compact galaxy groups on the evolution of their members using a multi-wavelength analysis, from the UV to the infrared, for a sample of 32 Hickson compact groups (HCGs) containing 135 galaxies. Fitting the SEDs of all galaxies with the state-of-the-art model of da Cunha (2008MNRAS.388.1595D) we can accurately calculate their mass, SFR, and extinction, as well as estimate their infrared luminosity and dust content. We compare our findings with samples of field galaxies, early-stage interacting pairs, and cluster galaxies with similar data. We find that classifying the groups as dynamically "old" or "young", depending on whether or not at least one quarter of their members are early-type systems, is physical and consistent with past classifications of HCGs based on their atomic gas content. Dynamically "old" groups are more compact and display higher velocity dispersions than "young" groups. Late-type galaxies in dynamically "young" groups have specific star formation rates (sSFRs), NUV-r, and mid-infrared colors which are similar to those of field and early stage interacting pair spirals. Late-type galaxies in dynamically "old" groups have redder NUV-r colors, as they have likely experienced several tidal encounters in the past building up their stellar mass, and display lower sSFRs. We identify several late-type galaxies which have sSFRs and colors similar to those of elliptical galaxies, since they lost part of their gas due to numerous interactions with other group members. Also, 25% of the elliptical galaxies in these groups have bluer UV/optical colors than normal ellipticals in the field, probably due to star formation as they accreted gas from other galaxies of the group, or via merging of dwarf companions. Finally, our SED modeling suggests that in 13 groups, 10 of which are dynamically "old", there is diffuse cold dust in the intragroup medium. All this evidence point to an evolutionary scenario in which the effects of the group environment and the properties of the galaxy members are not instantaneous. Early on, the influence of close companions to group galaxies is similar to the one of galaxy pairs in the field. However, as the time progresses, the effects of tidal torques and minor merging, shape the morphology and star formation history of the group galaxies, leading to an increase of the fraction of early-type members and a rapid built up of the stellar mass in the remaining late-type galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/111/1128
- Title:
- UV-UBV photometry in NGC 595
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/111/1128
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- As part of a larger effort to study the resolved and composite properties of the giant H II regions in Messier 33, we have analyzed multiband HST/WFPC-2 images of NGC 595 in terms of the ionizing cluster's resolved stellar population. Photometric reductions of the PC images yield 100 stars in the UV image, 272 stars on the U image, 345 stars on the B image, and 561 stars on the V image. A total of 267 stars are common to the U, B, and V images while 86 stars are detected on all 4 images. Although some clustering is evident, the degree of central concentration is less than that seen in 30 Doradus. The resulting U-B vs B-V diagram of the resolved stars is used to determine the reddening of each star. The average reddening derived from this diagram is E(B-V)=0.36+/-0.28mag. The dereddened color-M_V diagram is best fit by a model cluster having an age of 4.5+/-1.0Myr, and hence initial masses no greater than 51M_{sun}_. A total of 13 supergiant stars and 10 candidate WR stars [Drissen et al. (1993AJ....105.1400D), and references therein] are identified with M_V=-5 to -8mag. The remainder are main-sequence O-type (98) and early B-type (>145) stars with M_V=-1 to -6mag. The ratio of WR to O stars is WR/O=0.11+/-0.01, roughly the same as found in the core of 30 Doradus. The resulting luminosity function has a slope of alpha=-0.71. The derived IMF has a slope of Gamma=-1.32+/-0.02 before subtracting a background component, and Gamma=-1.00+/-0.05 after subtracting a background based on photometry of the surrounding WF images. Integration of the derived IMF down to a lower mass limit of 4M_{sun}_ yields a total mass of 7350M_{sun}_, while integration down to 0.1_{Msun}_ yields a total mass of 18000M_{sun}_. The total estimated ionizing luminosity is 5.0x10^50photon/s, roughly half that which is inferred from the Halpha luminosity in this region. This shortfall of ionizing photons can be reconciled by allowing for a spread in the stellar ages, and/or increasing the modeled EUV luminosity of the stars at the inferred cluster age.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/403/247
- Title:
- Variability in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/403/247
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a systematic search for variability among the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) X-ray sources. We generated lightcurves for about 30000 X-ray point sources detected sufficiently high above background. For our variability study different search algorithms were developed in order to recognize flares, periods and trends, respectively. The variable X-ray sources were optically identified with counterparts in the SIMBAD, the USNO-A2.0 and NED data bases, but a significant part of the X-ray sources remains without cataloged optical counterparts. A complete list of the 1207 variable sources we found is presented here.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/461/183
- Title:
- Variability of classical T Tauri
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/461/183
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report the results of a study the long term variability of Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) over up to 20 years, characterize it from a set of statistical parameters and discuss its origin. We characterize the long term photometric variations of 49 CTTs with sufficient data for allowing a robust statistical analysis and propose an empirical classification scheme. Several patterns of long term photometric variability are identified. The most common pattern, exhibited by a group of 15 stars which includes T Tau itself, consists of low level variability (with V-amplitude less than 0.4mag) with no significant changes occurring from season to season over many years. A related subgroup of 22 stars exhibit a similar stable long term variability pattern, though with larger amplitudes (up to 1.6mag). Besides these representative groups, we identify three smaller groups of 3-5 stars each of which have distinctive photometric properties. The long term variability of most CTTS is fairly stable and merely reflects shorter term variability due to cold and hot surface spots. Only a small fraction of CTTS undergo significant brightness changes on the long term (months, years), which probably arise from slowly varying circumstellar extinction.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/353/77
- Title:
- Variability & polarization of luminous quasars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/353/77
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We use 250 radio loud quasars with UBV photometry available and z<1.65, to study whether there is a gap in the distribution of absolute magnitudes, from M_V_~-25.8 (for H_0_=100km/s/Mpc, q_0_=0.5) to -25.3, as was suggested by Teerikorpi (1981A&A....98..309T; Paper I). In Paper I it was also proposed that there is a class of the most luminous radio quasars, differing in some properties from fainter quasars on the other side of the gap. The main conclusion of Paper I remains intact. The gap in the distribution of absolute magnitudes is confirmed with the new formalism of cosmological Malmquist bias (Teerikorpi, 1998A&A...339..647T), which allows one to use heterogeneous samples with magnitude inhomogeneity.