- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/872/202
- Title:
- CFHT ugi photometry of globular clusters in M85
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/872/202
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We survey globular clusters (GCs) in M85 using ugi-band images of a 1{deg}x1{deg} field obtained with the MegaCam at the 3.6m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We identify 1318 GC candidates with 20.0mag<g_0_<23.5mag in the entire survey region. Their radial number density profile is well fit by a Sersic profile with n=2.58_-0.33_^+0.43^ and effective radius R_e,GCS_=4.14' (=22kpc), showing that the candidates at R<20' are mostly genuine GCs in M85. We estimate the total number of GCs, N(total)=1216_-50_^+82^, and the specific frequency, S_N_=1.41_-0.06_^+0.10^. The overall color distribution of the GCs in M85 is bimodal, but the GCs in the central region at R<2' do not show a bimodal distribution clearly. The radial number density profile and surface number density map of the blue GCs (BGCs) show more extended structures than those of the red GCs (RGCs). The spatial distributions of both BGCs and RGCs are elongated, similar to that of the galaxy stellar light. The number fraction of the RGCs in the central region is much smaller compared to those in other early-type galaxies of similar luminosity. The mean (g-i)_0_ color of the RGCs in M85 is about 0.1mag bluer than typical values for other Virgo early-type galaxies of similar luminosity, indicating that a significant fraction of the RGCs in M85 may be younger than typical GCs. These results indicate that M85 might have undergone a major wet merger recently.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/400/299
- Title:
- Chandra deep protocluster survey
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/400/299
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present X-ray point-source catalogues for a deep ~400ks Chandra ACIS-I (Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer) exposure of the SSA22 field. The observations are centred on a z=3.09 protocluster, which is populated by Lyman break galaxies (LBGs), Ly{alpha} emitters (LAEs) and extended Ly{alpha}-emitting blobs (LABs). The survey reaches ultimate (3 count) sensitivity limits of ~5.7x10^-17^ and ~3.0x10^-16^erg/cm^2^/s for the 0.5-2 and 2-8keV bands, respectively (corresponding to L_2-10keV_~5.7x10^42^erg/s and L_10-30keV_~2.0x10^43^erg/s at z=3.09, respectively, for an assumed photon index of {GAMMA}=1.4). These limits make SSA22 the fourth deepest extragalactic Chandra survey yet conducted, and the only one focused on a known high-redshift structure. In total, we detect 297 X-ray point sources and identify one obvious bright extended X-ray source over a ~330arcmin^2^ region. In addition to our X-ray catalogues, we provide all available optical spectroscopic redshifts and near-infrared and mid-infrared photometry available for our sources.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/127/2659
- Title:
- CHANDRA observations of NGC 2264
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/127/2659
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present results of a Chandra observation of a field in NGC 2264. The observations were taken with the ACIS-I camera with an exposure time of 48.1ks. We present a catalog of 263 sources, which includes X-ray luminosity, optical and infrared photometry, and X-ray variability information. We found 41 variable sources, 14 of which have a flarelike light curve, and two of which have a pattern of a steady increase or decrease over a 10-hr period. The optical and infrared photometry for the stars identified as X-ray sources are consistent with most of these objects being premain-sequence stars with ages younger than 3Myr.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/770/98
- Title:
- Chandra study of NGC 6791
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/770/98
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the first X-ray study of NGC 6791, one of the oldest open clusters known (8Gyr). Our Chandra observation is aimed at uncovering the population of close interacting binaries down to L_X_~1x10^30^erg/s (0.3-7keV). We detect 86 sources within 8' of the cluster center, including 59 inside the half-mass radius. We identify 20 sources with proper-motion cluster members, which are a mix of cataclysmic variables (CVs), active binaries (ABs), and binaries containing sub-subgiants. With follow-up optical spectroscopy, we confirm the nature of one CV. We discover one new, X-ray variable candidate CV with Balmer and He II emission lines in its optical spectrum; this is the first X-ray-selected CV in an open cluster. The number of CVs per unit mass is consistent with the field, suggesting that the 3-4 CVs observed in NGC 6791 are primordial. We compare the X-ray properties of NGC 6791 with those of a few old open (NGC 6819, M67) and globular clusters (47 Tuc, NGC 6397). It is puzzling that the number of ABs brighter than 1x10^30^erg/s normalized by cluster mass is lower in NGC 6791 than in M 67 by a factor ~3-7. CVs, ABs, and sub-subgiants brighter than 1x10^30^erg/s are under-represented per unit mass in the globular clusters compared to the oldest open clusters, and this accounts for the lower total X-ray luminosity per unit mass of the former. This indicates that the net effect of dynamical encounters may be the destruction of even some of the hardest (i.e., X-ray-emitting) binaries.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/696/47
- Title:
- Chandra study of Rosette star-forming complex. II.
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/696/47
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We explore here the young stellar populations in the Rosette Molecular Cloud (RMC) region with high spatial resolution X-ray images from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, which are effective in locating weak-lined T Tauri stars as well as disk-bearing young stars. A total of 395 X-ray point sources are detected, 299 of which (76%) have an optical or near-infrared (NIR) counterpart identified from deep FLAMINGOS images. From X-ray and mass sensitivity limits, we infer a total population of ~1700 young stars in the survey region. Based on smoothed stellar surface density maps, we investigate the spatial distribution of the X-ray sources and define three distinctive structures and substructures within them. Structures B and C are associated with previously known embedded IR clusters, while structure A is a new X-ray-identified unobscured cluster. A high-mass protostar RMCX 89=IRAS 06306+0437 and its associated sparse cluster are studied.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/588/1009
- Title:
- Chandra X-ray observations of NGC 2516
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/588/1009
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a comprehensive study of the Chandra X-ray observations of the young open cluster NGC 2516. We have analyzed eight individual Chandra observations. We have combined the data to achieve the greatest sensitivity, reaching down to log f_X_=-14.56(erg/s/cm^2^), or logLX=28.69(erg/s) at the distance of NGC 2516. Out of 284 X-ray sources detected, 155 are identified with photometric cluster members, with very little ambiguity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/238/23
- Title:
- Chandra X-ray point sources in Abell 133
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/238/23
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- As an evolutionary phase of galaxies, active galactic nuclei (AGNs) over a large range of redshifts have been utilized for understanding cosmic evolution. In particular, the population and evolution of AGNs have been investigated through the study of the cosmic X-ray background in various fields. As one of the deep fields observed by Chandra, with a total of 2.8Ms exposures, Abell 133 is a special region for investigating AGNs, providing a testbed for probing the environmental effects on AGN triggers, since cluster environments can be different from field environments. The achieved flux limits of data at the 50% completeness levels of 6.95x10^-16^, 1.43x10^-16^, and 1.57x10^-15^erg/s/cm^2^ are 0.5-8, 0.5-2, and 2-8keV. Using the wavdetect and no-source binomial probability (i.e., p<0.007), we analyze the combined Chandra image, detecting 1617 (in 0.5-8keV), 1324 (in 0.5-2keV), and 1028 (in 2-8keV) X-ray point sources in the Abell 133 region. Here, we present the X-ray point source catalog with the source fluxes, which can be combined with multiwavelength data for future works. We find that the number count distribution of the X-ray point sources is well reproduced with a broken power-law model, while the best-fit model parameters are sensitive to the fitting range of the number count distribution. Finally, we find an excess of number density (a decrease of AGN fraction) at the central region of the cluster, which reflects the effect of dense environments on AGN triggers, a finding similar to those of other studies of galaxy clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/824/5
- Title:
- Chemical abundances in NGC 5024 (M53)
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/824/5
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the Fe, Ca, Ti, Ni, Ba, Na, and O abundances for a sample of 53 red giant branch stars in the globular cluster (GC) NGC 5024 (M53). The abundances were measured from high signal-to-noise medium resolution spectra collected with the Hydra multi-object spectrograph on the Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO 3.5m telescope. M53 is of interest because previous studies based on the morphology of the cluster's horizontal branch suggested that it might be composed primarily of first generation (FG) stars and differ from the majority of other GCs with multiple populations, which have been found to be dominated by the second generation (SG) stars. Our sample has an average [Fe/H]=-2.07 with a standard deviation of 0.07dex. This value is consistent with previously published results. The alpha-element abundances in our sample are also consistent with the trends seen in Milky Way halo stars at similar metallicities, with enhanced [Ca/Fe] and [Ti/Fe] relative to solar. We find that the Na-O anti-correlation in M53 is not as extended as other GCs with similar masses and metallicities. The ratio of SG to the total number of stars in our sample is approximately 0.27 and the SG generation is more centrally concentrated. These findings further support that M53 might be a mostly FG cluster and could give further insight into how GCs formed the light element abundance patterns we observe in them today.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/459/871
- Title:
- Chemically peculiar stars in the LMC
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/459/871
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present high precision photometric Delta a observations of 417 objects in NGC 2136/7 and its surrounding field, of which five turned out to be bona fide magnetic CP stars. In addition, we discovered two Be/Ae stars. This intermediate band photometric system samples the depth of the 520nm flux depression by comparing the flux at the center with the adjacent regions with bandwidths of 11nm to 23nm. The Delta a photometric system is most suitable for detecting CP2 stars with high efficiency, but is also capable of detecting a small percentage of non-magnetic CP objects. From our investigations of NGC 1711, NGC 1866, NGC 2136/7, their surroundings, and one independent field of the LMC population, we derive an occurrence of classical chemically peculiar stars of 2.2(6)% in the LMC, which is only half the value found in the Milky Way. The mass and age distribution of the photometrically detected CP stars is not different from that of similar objects in galactic open clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/119/3026
- Title:
- Circumstellar disk candidates in Orion
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/119/3026
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present an optical study of four 45'x45' fields centered ~0.5{deg} east, west, north, and south of the Orion Nebula Cluster center. We have measured V and I_C_ photometry for ~5000 stars, and U photometry for ~1600 of these. We have obtained spectral classifications for ~300 of the stars with UVI_C_ photometry plus an additional ~200 stars located outside the area of our photometric survey. Dereddened photometry allows us to investigate the evidence for circumstellar accretion disks from excess emission at ultraviolet wavelengths, as well as the mass and age distributions of our sample. We find ~230 active accretion disk candidates and estimate the accretion disk fraction at >~40%. We use the magnitude of the ultraviolet excess to infer disk accretion rates. The mass accretion rate (dM/dt) decreases slowly with age over the limited age range spanned by our data, 1-3Myr, and increases slowly with mass over the limited mass range 0.2-1.2 M_{sun}_.