- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/kic10
- Title:
- Kepler Input Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 19:43:29
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The KIC, or Kepler Input Catalog, is the primary source of information about objects observed as part of the ground-based Kepler Spectral Classification Program (SCP) in preparation for the selection of Kepler PI and GO targets. The KIC lists objects down to 21st magnitude, but it is not complete to this limit. Light from only about 1/3 of these 14 million objects falls on the Kepler CCD detector. A small number of the KIC objects are calibration objects distributed across the sky.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/k2
- Title:
- Kepler K2 Data Search Catalog
- Short Name:
- K2
- Date:
- 22 Jul 2020 21:33:57
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- Launched in 2009, the Kepler Mission is surveying a region of our galaxy to determine what fraction of stars in our galaxy have planets and measure the size distribution of those exoplanets. Although Kepler completed its primary mission to determine the fraction of stars that have planets in 2013, it is continuing the search, using a more limited survey mode, under the new name K2. The K2 Data Search Service provides the main catalog for all K2 data.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/kepler/k2_epic
- Title:
- Kepler K2 Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 19:53:23
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- Launched in 2009, the Kepler Mission is surveying a region of our galaxy to determine what fraction of stars in our galaxy have planets and measure the size distribution of those exoplanets. Although Kepler completed its primary mission to determine the fraction of stars that have planets in 2013, it is continuing the search, using a more limited survey mode, under the new name K2. The K2 Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog is the primary source of information about objects observed as potential targets for the K2 mission, as the Kepler Input Catalog was used for the original Kepler mission.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/kepler_koi
- Title:
- Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI)
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 19:51:12
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- Launched in 2009, the Kepler Mission is surveying a region of our galaxy to determine what fraction of stars in our galaxy have planets and measure the size distribution of those exoplanets. Although Kepler completed its primary mission to determine the fraction of stars that have planets in 2013, it is continuing the search, using a more limited survey mode, under the new name K2. KOI is the Kepler Objects of Interest catalog listing observed Kepler targets which are flagged as potentially having exoplanets but may be false positives caused by other types of transient detection. This catalog is produced by the Kepler project and brought to MAST via NExScI.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/kepler_published_planets
- Title:
- Kepler Published Planets
- Short Name:
- K Pub Planets
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 19:41:28
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- "Kepler Published Planets" is a catalog created from NExScI catalogs listing of published exoplanets found using Kepler. All included metadata is from the published paper.
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/kepler_fov
- Title:
- Kepler Target Search
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 19:50:32
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The Kepler Target Search interface provides access to a 12.5 million row table created by MAST by joining entries from the Kepler Input catalog (KIC) with the Kepler Characteristics table (CT) and merging these with "associated" entries from the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (IRT) project, the USNOb catalog, GALEX, the Kepler Isaac Newton Telescope Survey (KIS), and the Everett KPNO (UBV) survey. The search interface allows users to find targets within the Kepler field of view (FOV) and allows searches on magnitudes, colors, and other parameters for both KIC and associated non-KIC targets. This is the recommended interface for potential guest observers to locate possible targets for observation. GO proposers however should check on the target's position by either (or both) looking to one of our posted FFI images and seeing if it is on a chip, and (2) confirming this with the GO office.
- ID:
- ivo://org.gavo.dc/life/q/cone
- Title:
- LIFE Target Database Cone Search
- Short Name:
- life_td cone
- Date:
- 27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
- Publisher:
- The GAVO DC team
- Description:
- The LIFE Target Star Database contains information useful for the planned `LIFE mission`_ (mid-ir, nulling interferometer in space). It characterizes possible target systems including information about stellar, planetary and disk properties. The data itself is mainly a collection from different other catalogs. Note that LIFE's target database is living data. The content – and to some extent even structure – of these tables may change at any time without prior warning. .. _LIFE mission: https://life-space-mission.com/
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/maximaster
- Title:
- MAXI Master Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The MAXIMASTER database table records high-level information of the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) observations and provides access to the data archive. MAXI is a Japanese experiment located at the International Space Station (ISS), designed to continuously monitor, through a systematic survey, X-ray sources as the ISS orbits Earth. MAXI was launched by the space shuttle Endeavour on 2009 July 16, then mounted on port No. 1 on JEM-EF on July 24. After the electric power was turned on, MAXI started nominal observations on 2009 August 3. The MAXI data are a copy of the MAXI data processing; the output of which is hosted at the DARTS archive located at ISAS (<a href="https://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/maxi/">https://darts.isas.jaxa.jp/astro/maxi/</a>). This catalog is then generated at the HEASARC by collecting high-level information from the data and is updated regularly during operation. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/hst/nicmos
- Title:
- Near Infrared Camera and Multi Object Spectrograph
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 23 Jul 2020 19:50:23
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The HST Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) provides imaging capabilities in broad, medium, and narrow band filters, broad-band imaging polarimetry, coronographic imaging, and slitless grism spectroscopy, in the wavelength range 0.8-2.5 microns. NICMOS has three adjacent but not contiguous cameras, designed to operate independently, each with a dedicated array at a different magnification scale.
100. NICER Master Catalog
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/nicermastr
- Title:
- NICER Master Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This table records high-level information for the observations obtained with NICER (Neutron star Interior Composition ExploreR) and provides access to the NICER data archive. NICER is a NASA Explorer program Mission of Opportunity dedicated to the study of the neutron stars, exploring the exotic states of matter where density and pressure are higher than in atomic nuclei. NICER instrument is a payload aboard the International Space Station (ISS). It was launched on 3 June 2017 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and placed on the ISS. Normal operation started on 17 July 2017 after a commission phase to test the system and perform initial calibration. NICER's X-ray Timing Instrument (XTI) consists of an aligned collection of 56 X-ray "concentrator" optics (XRC) and silicon drift detector (SDD) pairs working in the energy range of 0.2-12 keV. Each XRC collects X-rays over a large geometric area from a roughly 30 arcmin<sup>2</sup> region of the sky and focuses them onto a small SDD. The SDD detects individual photons, recording both energies (with a 3% energy resolution at 6 keV) and high precision times (with 100 nanoseconds RMS relative to Universal Time). During one day of operation, NICER monitors several sources. For each observed source the data are divided into intervals of one day and labeled with a sequence number. This database table contains one record for each sequence number and includes parameters related to the observation. This contents of this database table are generated at the NICER Science and Mission Operations Center (SMOC) and updated regularly with new observations. Note that some fields have been added and are populated by the HEASARC. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .