This database table contains the list of all Röntgen Satellite (ROSAT) X-Ray Telescope (XRT) pointing-mode observations for which data sets are available, i.e., it excludes the ROSAT All-Sky Survey observations. Users should consult the RASSMASTER database table for those XRT observations which were made in scanning mode during the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) phase (30 July 1990 to 25 January 1991, and 3 August 1991 to 13 August 1991). For each observation listed in this table, parameters such as the focal-plane instrument used, the data processing site, and the target name and coordinates are given, as well as the ROSAT Observation Request (ROR) number, the actual and requested exposure times, the date(s) on which the observation took place, etc. For details about the ROSAT instruments, consult the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility (GOF) website at <a href=""></a>. A list of the available online ROSAT documentation can be found at <a href=""></a>. This table was created by the HEASARC in July 2004 by combining the data from two long-standing HEASARC Browse tables into one master table. It was updated by the HEASARC in March 2022 to add start and end times for the 157 sequence IDs which did not already have start and end times. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The WFCPOINT database table contains the list of ROSAT-Wide Field Camera calibration (CAL), performance verification (PV), and AO phase observations. For each observation listed in WFCPOINT, the target name, celestial co-ordinates, sequence number, PI name, and proposal title are given. The date of the observation, date that the data were distributed, and the date that the data will be released to the public are also given. The public release date is nominally 1 year and 14 days after the distribution date; however, because of some processing problems with a few datasets, the actual release date will be delayed from the given date. One duplicate entry was removed from the HEASARC implementation of this catalog in June 2019. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The ROSATLOG database table has been created for the purpose of providing a complete, accurate, and easily accessible record of ROSAT observations. ROSATLOG is made by cross-correlating ROSAT observation records with the short-term timeline and contains information about all pointings executed by the satellite during the performance verification (PV) and AO phases. For each observation, details are given concerning target name and coordinates, pointing start and stop times, PI name and country, ROSAT Observation Request sequence number, and more. ROSATLOG is based on the short-term timelines and observation records generated at the German ROSAT Science Data Center at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) and sent to the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Many duplicate entries were removed from the HEASARC implementation of this catalog in June 2019. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
The SAS2RAW database is a log of the 28 SAS-2 observation intervals and contains target names, sky coordinates start times and other information for all 13056 photons detected by SAS-2. The original data came from 2 sources. The photon information was obtained from the Event Encyclopedia, and the exposures were derived from the original "Orbit Attitude Live Time" (OALT) tapes stored at NASA/GSFC. These data sets were combined into FITS format images at HEASARC. The images were formed by making the center pixel of a 512 x 512 pixel image correspond to the RA and DEC given in the event file. Each photon's RA and DEC was converted to a relative pixel in the image. This was done by using Aitoff projections. All the raw data from the original SAS-2 binary data files are now stored in 28 FITS files. These images can be accessed and plotted using XIMAGE and other columns of the FITS file extensions can be plotted with the FTOOL FPLOT. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
This database is the Third Small Astronomy Satellite (SAS-3) Y-Axis Pointed Observation Log. It identifies possible pointed observations of celestial X-ray sources which were performed with the y-axis detectors of the SAS-3 X-Ray Observatory. This log was compiled (by R. Kelley, P. Goetz and L. Petro) from notes made at the time of the observations and it is expected that it is neither complete nor fully accurate. Possible errors in the log are (i) the misclassification of an observation as a pointed observation when it was either a spinning or dither observation and (ii) inaccuracy of the dates and times of the start and end of an observation. In addition, as described in the HEASARC_Updates section, the HEASARC added some additional information when creating this database. Further information about the SAS-3 detectors and their fields of view can be found at: <a href=""></a> Disclaimer: The HEASARC is aware of certain inconsistencies between the Start_date, End_date, and Duration fields for a number of rows in this database table. They appear to be errors present in the original table. Except for one entry where the HEASARC corrected an error where there was a near-certainty which parameter was incorrect (as noted in the 'HEASARC_Updates' section of this documentation), these inconsistencies have been left as they were in the original table. This database table was released by the HEASARC in June 2000, based on the SAS-3 Y-Axis pointed Observation Log (available from the NSSDC as dataset ID 75-037A-02B), together with some additional information provided by the HEASARC itself. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
This service provides access to a modified version of the Skiff Spectral catalog.
The full catalog is available from VizieR. The table includes the standard
spectral classifications (with spaces removed) and their encoded values as described
in the IVOA note titled "An Encoding system to Represent Stellar Spectral Classes
in Archival Databases and Catalogs". The table contains roughly 450,000 targets.
Note Skiff does not list novae or supernovae.
The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) was installed in HST on Feb. 14, 1997, replacing the GHRS spectrograph. STIS provides spectra and images at ultraviolet and visible wavelengths, probing the Universe from our solar system out to cosmological distances.
This database table contains the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) log of executed and scheduled observations, and is updated on a weekly basis. Spitzer is the fourth and final element in NASA's family of Great Observatories and represents an important scientific and technical bridge to NASA's Astronomical Search for Origins program. The SST Observatory carries an 85-cm cryogenic telescope and 3 cryogenically cooled science instruments capable of performing imaging and spectroscopy in the 3.6 to 160 micron (µm) range. Spitzer was launched on a Delta 7920H from Cape Canaveral into an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit in August 2003. While the Spitzer cryogenic lifetime requirements are 2.5 years, current estimates indicate that achieving a goal of a 5-year cryogenic mission is possible. For more overview information, refer to the Spitzer Science Center (SSC) Overview at <a href=""></a>. The purpose of this HEASARC table is to help users, particularly those in the high-energy astronomy community, learn about which targets Spitzer has observed or will shortly observe. This table does not at this time have links from table entries to Spitzer data products. Once a particular Spitzer dataset of interest is identified, the SSC Archives/Analysis web page at <a href=""></a> should be used to access the dataset. The information in this table has been derived from the following files obtained from the SSC website: <p> The schedule of Spitzer science observations as executed: <pre> <a href=""></a> </pre> The list of all approved Spitzer science programs: <pre> <a href=""></a> </pre> Notice that this table contains primarily observations (identified by their AOR key value) from the first URL above. A given observation should appear only once in this HEASARC table. The HEASARC checks these URLs for modifications periodically and updates the table whenever changes are detected. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) Exposures Log
Short Name:
07 Mar 2025
This table contains the Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) log of exposures having observation type = 'OBJECT' (those with 'BIAS', 'FLAT' and other types are not included) which have been made since April 2001. Note that from the version of Nov. 2005 on, the number of rows has significantly increased because those data with worse position determination (up to 30 arcsec error) are now included. The data currently extend to November 2005 and it is anticipated that they will be regularly updated Suprime-Cam is an 80-mega pixels (10240 x 8192) mosaic CCD camera, for the wide-field prime focus of the 8.2m Subaru telescope. Suprime-Cam covers a field of view 34' x 27', a unique facility among the 8-10m class telescopes, with a resolution of 0.202 arcseconds per pixel. The focal plane consists of ten high-resistivity 2kx2k CCDs developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, which are cooled by a large Stirling-cycle cooler. The CCD readout electronics was designed to be scalable, which allows the multiple read-out of tens of CCDs. It takes 50 seconds to readout entire arrays. A filter-exchange mechanism of the jukebox type is designed that can hold up to ten large filters (205 x 170 x 15 mm<sup>3</sup>). The wide-field corrector is basically a three-lens Wynne-type, but has a new type of atmospheric dispersion corrector. The corrector provides a flat focal plane and an un-vignetted field of view of 30' in diameter. The achieved co-planarity of the focal array mosaic is smaller than 30 um peak-to-peak, which realizes mostly the seeing limited image over the entire field. The median seeing in the I_c-band, measured over one year and a half, is 0.61 arcseconds. The PSF anisotropy in Suprime-Cam images, estimated by stellar ellipticities, is about 2% under this median seeing condition. At the time of its commissioning, Suprime-Cam had the largest survey speed, which is defined as the field of view multiplied by the primary mirror area of the telescope, among those cameras built for sub-arcsecond imaging. For more details, see: Miyazaki et al., Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 54, 833-853, 2002 (2002PASJ...54..833M). This table was created by the HEASARC in September 2007 based on CDS table B/subaru/suprimc.dat (the ReadMe file for the latter was tagged with a date of August 25th, 2007). This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
This database table records high-level information for each Suzaku observation and provides access to the data archive. Each record is associated with a single observation. An observation contains data from all instruments on board Suzaku. The Suzaku satellate operated from July 2005 till September 2015. This database table was generated at the Suzaku proceesing site with the final data reprocessing (September 2016) after the mission stopped operating. During operation, it was updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .