- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/549/A60
- Title:
- Ages and [Fe/H] of M31 globular clusters
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/549/A60
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The formation and evolution of disk galaxies are long standing questions in Astronomy. Understanding the properties of globular cluster systems can lead to important insights on the evolution of its host galaxy. We aim to obtain the stellar population parameters - age and metallicity - of a sample of M31 and Galactic globular clusters. Studying their globular cluster systems is an important step towards understanding their formation and evolution in a complete way.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/751/122
- Title:
- Ages and masses for 920 LMC clusters
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/751/122
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present new age and mass estimates for 920 stellar clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on previously published broadband photometry and the stellar cluster analysis package, MASSCLEANage. Expressed in the generic fitting formula, d^2^N/dMdt{prop.to}M^{alpha}^t^{beta}^, the distribution of observed clusters is described by {alpha}=-1.5 to -1.6 and {beta}=-2.1 to -2.2. For 288 of these clusters, ages have recently been determined based on stellar photometric color-magnitude diagrams, allowing us to gauge the confidence of our ages. The results look very promising, opening up the possibility that this sample of 920 clusters, with reliable and consistent age, mass, and photometric measures, might be used to constrain important characteristics about the stellar cluster population in the LMC. We also investigate a traditional age determination method that uses a {chi}^2^ minimization routine to fit observed cluster colors to standard infinite-mass limit simple stellar population models. This reveals serious defects in the derived cluster age distribution using this method. The traditional {chi}^2^ minimization method, due to the variation of U, B, V, R colors, will always produce an overdensity of younger and older clusters, with an underdensity of clusters in the log(age/yr)=[7.0,7.5] range. Finally, we present a unique simulation aimed at illustrating and constraining the fading limit in observed cluster distributions that includes the complex effects of stochastic variations in the observed properties of stellar clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/436/136
- Title:
- Ages and masses of LMC clusters
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/436/136
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Whether or not the rich star cluster population in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is affected by significant disruption during the first few x10^8^yr of its evolution is an open question and the subject of significant current debate. Here, we revisit the problem, adopting a homogeneous data set of broad-band imaging observations. We base our analysis mainly on two sets of self-consistently determined LMC cluster ages and masses, one using standard modelling and one which takes into account the effects of stochasticity in the clusters' stellar mass functions. On their own, the results based on any of the three complementary analysis approaches applied here are merely indicative of the physical conditions governing the cluster population. However, the combination of our results from all three different diagnostics leaves little room for any conclusion other than that the optically selected LMC star cluster population exhibits no compelling evidence of significant disruption - for clusters with masses, M_cl_, of log(M_cl_/M_{sun}_)>~3.0-3.5 - between the age ranges of [3-10 and 30-100]Myr, either 'infant mortality' or otherwise. In fact, there is no evidence of any destruction beyond that expected from simple models just including stellar dynamics and stellar evolution for ages up to 1Gyr. It seems, therefore, that the difference in environmental conditions in the Magellanic Clouds on the one hand and significantly more massive galaxies on the other may be the key to understanding the apparent variations in cluster disruption behaviour at early times.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/NewA/19.1
- Title:
- Ages and masses of NGC1893 PMS stars
- Short Name:
- J/other/NewA/19.
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper we continued our efforts to understand the star formation scenario in and around the young cluster NGC 1893. We used a sample of the young stellar sources (YSOs) identified on the basis of multiwavelength data (optical, near-infrared (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR) and X-ray) to study the nature of YSOs associated with the region. The identified YSOs show an age spread of ~5Myr. The YSOs located near the nebulae at the periphery of the cluster are relatively younger in comparison to those located within the cluster region. The present results are in accordance with those obtained by us in previous studies. Other main results from the present study are: 1) the fraction of disk bearing stars increases towards the periphery of the cluster; 2) there is an evidence supporting the notion that the mechanisms for disk dispersal operate less efficiently for low-mass stars; 3) the sample of Class II sources is found to be relatively older in comparison to that of Class III sources. A comparison of various properties of YSOs in the NGC 1893 region with those in the Tr 37/ IC 1396 region is also discussed.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/152/208
- Title:
- Ages and metallicities for M31 star clusters
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/152/208
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Application of fitting techniques to obtain physical parameters-such as ages, metallicities, and {alpha}-element to iron ratios-of stellar populations is an important approach to understanding the nature of both galaxies and globular clusters (GCs). In fact, fitting methods based on different underlying models may yield different results and with varying precision. In this paper, we have selected 22 confirmed M31 GCs for which we do not have access to previously known spectroscopic metallicities. Most are located at approximately one degree (in projection) from the galactic center. We performed spectroscopic observations with the 6.5m MMT telescope, equipped with its Red Channel Spectrograph. Lick/IDS absorption-line indices, radial velocities, ages, and metallicities were derived based on the EZ_Ages stellar population parameter calculator. We also applied full spectral fitting with the ULySS code to constrain the parameters of our sample star clusters. In addition, we performed {chi}_min_^2^ fitting of the clusters' Lick/IDS indices with different models, including the Bruzual & Charlot models (adopting Chabrier or Salpeter stellar initial mass functions and 1994 or 2000 Padova stellar evolutionary tracks), the galev, and the Thomas et al. models. For comparison, we collected their UVBRIJK photometry from the Revised Bologna Catalogue (v.5) to obtain and fit the GCs' spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Finally, we performed fits using a combination of Lick/IDS indices and SEDs. The latter results are more reliable and the associated error bars become significantly smaller than those resulting from either our Lick/IDS indices-only or our SED-only fits.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/750/91
- Title:
- Ages and metallicities of old stellar systems
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/750/91
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a statistical analysis of the properties of a large sample of dynamically hot old stellar systems, from globular clusters (GCs) to giant ellipticals, which was performed in order to investigate the origin of ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs). The data were mostly drawn from Forbes et al. (2008, Cat. J/MNRAS/389/1924). We recalculated some of the effective radii, computed mean surface brightnesses and mass-to-light ratios, and estimated ages and metallicities. We completed the sample with GCs of M31. We used a multivariate statistical technique (K-Means clustering), together with a new algorithm (Gap Statistics) for finding the optimum number of homogeneous sub-groups in the sample, using a total of six parameters (absolute magnitude, effective radius, virial mass-to-light ratio, stellar mass-to-light ratio, and metallicity). We found six groups. FK1 and FK5 are composed of high- and low-mass elliptical galaxies, respectively. FK3 and FK6 are composed of high-metallicity and low-metallicity objects, respectively, and both include GCs and UCDs. Two very small groups, FK2 and FK4, are composed of Local Group dwarf spheroidals. Our groups differ in their mean masses and virial mass-to-light ratios. The relations between these two parameters are also different for the various groups. The probability density distributions of metallicity for the four groups of galaxies are similar to those of the GCs and UCDs. The brightest low-metallicity GCs and UCDs tend to follow the mass-metallicity relation like elliptical galaxies. The objects of FK3 are more metal-rich per unit effective luminosity density than high-mass ellipticals.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/901/109
- Title:
- Ages & [Fe/H] of the MW bulge using APOGEE
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/901/109
- Date:
- 18 Feb 2022 00:39:30
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present stellar age distributions of the Milky Way bulge region using ages for ~6000 high-luminosity (log(g)<2.0), metal-rich ([Fe/H]>=-0.5) bulge stars observed by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment. Ages are derived using The Cannon label-transfer method, trained on a sample of nearby luminous giants with precise parallaxes for which we obtain ages using a Bayesian isochrone-matching technique. We find that the metal-rich bulge is predominantly composed of old stars (>8Gyr). We find evidence that the planar region of the bulge (|Z_GC_|<=0.25kpc) is enriched in metallicity, Z, at a faster rate (dZ/dt~0.0034Gyr^-1^) than regions farther from the plane (dZ/dt~0.0013Gyr^-1^ at |Z_GC_|>1.00kpc). We identify a nonnegligible fraction of younger stars (age ~2-5Gyr) at metallicities of +0.2<[Fe/H]<+0.4. These stars are preferentially found in the plane (|Z_GC_|<=0.25kpc) and at R_cy_~2-3kpc, with kinematics that are more consistent with rotation than are the kinematics of older stars at the same metallicities. We do not measure a significant age difference between stars found inside and outside the bar. These findings show that the bulge experienced an initial starburst that was more intense close to the plane than far from the plane. Then, star formation continued at supersolar metallicities in a thin disk at 2kpc<~R_cy_<~3kpc until ~2Gyr ago.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/476/1213
- Title:
- Ages for stars in 19 clusters
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/476/1213
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The pace and pattern of star formation leading to rich young stellar clusters is quite uncertain. In this context, we analyse the spatial distribution of ages within 19 young (median t<=3Myr on the Siess et al. time-scale), morphologically simple, isolated, and relatively rich stellar clusters. Our analysis is based on young stellar object (YSO) samples from the Massive Young Star-Forming Complex Study in Infrared and X-ray and Star Formation in Nearby Clouds surveys, and a new estimator of pre-main sequence (PMS) stellar ages, Age_JX_, derived from X-ray and near-infrared photometric data. Median cluster ages are computed within four annular subregions of the clusters. We confirm and extend the earlier result of Getman et al. (2014ApJ...787..108G, Cat. J/ApJ/787/108; 2014ApJ...787..109G. Cat. J/ApJ/787/109): 80 per cent of the clusters show age trends where stars in cluster cores are younger than in outer regions. Our cluster stacking analyses establish the existence of an age gradient to high statistical significance in several ways. Time-scales vary with the choice of PMS evolutionary model; the inferred median age gradient across the studied clusters ranges from 0.75 to 1.5Myr/pc. The empirical finding reported in the present study - late or continuing formation of stars in the cores of star clusters with older stars dispersed in the outer regions - has a strong foundation with other observational studies and with the astrophysical models like the global hierarchical collapse model of Vazquez-Semadeni et al. (2017MNRAS.467.1313V).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/415/1883
- Title:
- AGES HI sources in NGC 7448
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/415/1883
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper we describe results from the Arecibo Galaxy Environments Survey (AGES). The survey reaches column densities of ~3x10^18^cm^-2^ and masses of ~10^7^M_{sun}_, over individual regions of order 10deg^2^ in size, out to a maximum velocity of 18000km/s. Each surveyed region is centred on a nearby galaxy, group or cluster, in this instance the NGC 7448 group. Galaxy interactions in the NGC 7448 group reveal themselves through the identification of tidal tails and bridges. We find ~2.5 times more atomic gas in the intergalactic medium than in the group galaxies. We identify five new dwarf galaxies, two of which appear to be members of the NGC 7448 group. This is too small, by roughly an order of magnitude, a number of dwarf galaxies to reconcile observation with theoretical predictions of galaxy formation models. If they had observed this region of the sky in previous wide-area blind HI surveys, HIPASS and ALFALFA, they would have detected only 5 and 43 per cent, respectively, of the galaxies we have detected, missing a large fraction of the atomic gas in this volume.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/443/2634
- Title:
- AGES HI sources in NGC 7448 field
- Short Name:
- J/MNRAS/443/2634
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present completed observations of the NGC 7448 galaxy group and background volume as part of the blind neutral hydrogen Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey. Our observations cover a region spanning 5{deg}x4{deg}, over a redshift range of approximately -2000<cz<20000km/s. A total of 334 objects are detected, mostly in three overdensities at cz~7500, cz~9600 and cz~11400km/s. The galaxy density is extremely high (15deg^-2^) and many (~24%) show signs of extended HI emission, including some features as much as 800kpc in projected length. We describe the overall characteristics of this environment: kinematics, typical galaxy colours and mass-to-light ratios, and substructure. To aid in the cataloguing of this data set, we present a new fits viewer (FRELLED: fits Realtime Explorer of Low Latency in Every Dimension). This incorporates interactive source cataloguing tools which increase our source extraction speed by approximately a factor of 50.