We carried out an unbiased, spectroscopic survey using the low-resolution module of the infrared spectrograph (IRS) onboard Spitzer targeting two 2.6 square arcminute regions in the GOODS-North field. The IRS was used in a spectral mapping mode with 5hr of effective integration time per pixel. One region was covered between 14 and 21um and the other between 20 and 35um. We extracted spectra for 45 sources. About 84% of the sources have reported detections by GOODS at 24um, with a median f_{nu}_(24um)~100uJy. All but one source are detected in all four IRAC bands, 3.6 to 8um. We use a new cross-correlation technique to measure redshifts and estimate IRS spectral types; this was successful for ~60% of the spectra. Fourteen sources show significant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission, four mostly SiO absorption, eight present mixed spectral signatures (low PAH and/or SiO) and two show a single line in emission. For the remaining 17, no spectral features were detected. Redshifts range from z~0.2 to z~2.2, with a median of 1. IR luminosities are roughly estimated from 24um flux densities, and have median values of 2.2x10^11^L_{sun}_ and 7.5x10^11^L_{sun}_ at z~1 and z~2, respectively. This sample has fewer active galactic nuclei than previous faint samples observed with the IRS, which we attribute to the fainter luminosities reached here.
We have performed mid-IR photometry of the young open cluster NGC 2264 using the images obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer instruments and presented a normalized classification scheme of young stellar objects in various color-color diagrams to make full use of the information from multicolor photometry. These results are compared with the classification scheme based on the slope of the spectral energy distribution (SED). From the spatial distributions of Class I and II stars, we have identified two subclusterings of Class I objects in the CONE region of Sung et al. (Cat. J/AJ/135/441). The disked stars in the other star-forming region S Mon are mostly Class II objects. In addition, we have derived a somewhat higher value of the primordial disk fraction for NGC 2264 members located below the main pre-main-sequence locus (so-called BMS stars). This result supports the idea that BMS stars are young stars with nearly edge-on disks.
The ObsCore VizieR table gather FITS images, spectra and time-series into a single table. The contents are the VizieR associated data, publilished in original article with the tables. The metadata comes from the ObsCore Data Model. ObsCore (Tody et al. 2011) is a standard of the Virtual Observatory used to map images,spectra or time-series resources with standardized metadata.
We studied a sample of 415 associated (z_abs_~z_em_; relative velocity with respect to QSO in units of c, {beta}<0.01) MgII absorption systems with 1.0<=z_abs_<=1.86, in the spectra of SDSS DR3 QSOs, to determine the dust content and ionization state in the absorbers. We also compared these properties to those of a similarly selected sample of 809 intervening systems ({beta}>0.01), so as to understand their origin. Normalized, composite spectra were derived for absorption line measurements, for the full sample and for several subsamples, chosen on the basis of the line strengths and other absorber and QSO properties. From these, and from the equivalent widths in individual spectra, we conclude that the associated MgII absorbers have higher ionization (higher ratios of the strengths of CIV and MgII lines), than the intervening absorbers. The ionization decreases with increasing {beta}. Average extinction curves were obtained for the subsamples by comparing their geometric mean QSO spectra with those of matching (in z_em_ and i magnitude) samples of QSOs without absorption lines. There is clear evidence for SMC-like dust attenuation in these systems; the 2175{AA} absorption feature is absent. The extinction is almost twice that observed in intervening systems. We reconfirm that QSOs with nonzero FIRST radio flux are intrinsically redder than the QSOs with no detection in the FIRST survey.
The Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) First Source Catalog (1FGL) provided spatial, spectral, and temporal properties for a large number of {gamma}-ray sources using a uniform analysis method. After correlating with the most-complete catalogs of source types known to emit {gamma} rays, 630 of these sources are "unassociated" (i.e., have no obvious counterparts at other wavelengths). Here, we employ two statistical analyses of the primary {gamma}-ray characteristics for these unassociated sources in an effort to correlate their {gamma}-ray properties with the active galactic nucleus (AGN) and pulsar populations in 1FGL. Based on the correlation results, we classify 221 AGN-like and 134 pulsar-like sources in the 1FGL unassociated sources. The results of these source "classifications" appear to match the expected source distributions, especially at high Galactic latitudes. While useful for planning future multiwavelength follow-up observations, these analyses use limited inputs, and their predictions should not be considered equivalent to "probable source classes" for these sources. We discuss multiwavelength results and catalog cross-correlations to date, and provide new source associations for 229 Fermi-LAT sources that had no association listed in the 1FGL catalog. By validating the source classifications against these new associations, we find that the new association matches the predicted source class in ~80% of the sources.
We present new BVRI broadband photometry for the old open cluster NGC 188, based on an analysis of 299 CCD images either obtained by us, donated by colleagues, or retrieved from public archives.
Two recent observing campaigns provide us with moderate dispersion spectra of more than 230 cluster and 370 field B stars. Combining them and the spectra of the B stars from our previous investigations (~430 cluster and ~100 field B stars) yields a large, homogeneous sample for studying the rotational properties of B stars. We derive the projected rotational velocity vsini, effective temperature, gravity, mass, and critical rotation speed V_crit_ for each star. We compare the evolutionary trends of rotation (measured according to the polar gravity of the star) with recent models that treat internal mixing.
We used the large photometric database of the ASTEP program, whose primary goal was to detect exoplanets in the southern hemisphere from Antarctica, to search for eclipsing binaries (EcBs) and variable stars. 673 EcBs and 1166 variable stars were detected, including 31 previously known stars. The resulting online catalogs give the identification, the classification, the period, and the depth or semi-amplitude of each star. Data and light curves for each object are available at http://astep-vo.oca.eu/.
I, J, K magnitudes of 1233 asteroids (numbered between 1 and 8000) are presented here. These asteroids have been recovered in the DENIS Survey (Deep European Near-Infrared southern sky Survey) on the basis of their predicted ephemerides. The observations were performed with the 1m-telescope at ESO, La Silla (Chile). The limiting magnitudes of the three bands I, J, K centered at 0.8, 1.25 and 2.15 microns are respectively 18.5, 16.5 and 13.5.