We combine deep K-band (W. M. Keck Telescope) with V- and I-band (New Technology Telescope) observations of two "blank" high Galactic latitude fields, surveying a total of ~2arcmin^2^. The K-band number-magnitude counts continue to rise above K~22mag, reaching surface densities of few x10^5^deg^-2^. The slope for the galaxy counts is approximately [dlog(N)/dmag].deg^-2^=0.23+/-0.02 over the range 18-23mag. While this slope is consistent with other recent deep K-band surveys, there is a definite scatter in the normalisations by about a factor of 2. In particular, our normalisation is ~2x greater than the galaxy counts reported by Djorgovski et al. in 1995 (1995ApJ...438L..13D). Optical near-infrared color-magnitude and color-color diagrams for all objects detected in the V+I+K image are plotted and discussed in the context of grids of Bruzual-Charlot isochrone synthesis galaxy evolutionary models. The colors of most of the observed galaxies are consistent with a population drawn from a broad redshift distribution. A few galaxies at K~19-20 are red in both colors (V-I>3; I-K>2, consistent with being early-type galaxies having undergone a burst of star formation at z>5 and viewed at z~1. At K>20, we find several (approximately eight) "red outlier" galaxies with I-K>4 and V-I<2.5, whose colors are difficult to mimic by a single evolving or nonevolving stellar population at any redshift unless they either have quite low metallicity or are highly reddened. We compare the data against the evolutionary tracks of second-burst ellipticals and against a grid of models that does not constrain galaxy ages to a particular formation redshift. The red outliers' surface density is several per square arcminute, which is so high that they are probably common objects of low luminosity L<L*. Whether these are low-metallicity, dusty dwarf galaxies, or old galaxies at high redshift, they are curious and merit spectroscopic follow-up.
This table lists VIKs photometry for compact objects in the giant Virgo elliptical NGC 4365. The majority of these objects are globular clusters. V and I magnitudes are measured on images taken with the FORS1 instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope, while the K magnitudes are from the SOFI imager on the ESO New Technology Telescope. No correction for foreground extinction has been applied to the photometry in the table.
The fourteenth part of the OGLE-III Catalog of Variable Stars (OIII-CVS) contains Cepheid variables detected in the OGLE-II and OGLE-III fields toward the Galactic bulge. The catalog is divided into two main categories: 32 classical Cepheids (21 single-mode fundamental-mode F, four first-overtone 1O, two double-mode F/1O, three double-mode 1O/2O and two triple-mode 1O/2O/3O pulsators) and 335 type II Cepheids (156 BL Her, 128 W Vir and 51 RV Tau stars). Six of the type II Cepheids likely belong to the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. The catalog data include the time-series photometry collected in the course of the OGLE survey, observational parameters of the stars, finding charts, and cross-identifications with the General Catalogue of Variable Stars.
We present the most comprehensive picture ever obtained of the central parts of the Milky Way probed with RR Lyr variable stars. This is a collection of 38257 RR Lyr stars detected over 182 square degrees monitored photometrically by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) in the most central regions of the Galactic bulge. The sample consists of 16804 variables found and published by the OGLE collaboration in 2011 and 21453 RR Lyr stars newly detected in the photometric databases of the fourth phase of the OGLE survey (OGLE-IV). 93% of the OGLE-IV variables were previously unknown. The total sample consists of 27 258 RRab, 10825 RRc, and 174 RRd stars. We provide OGLE-IV I- and V-band light curves of the variables along with their basic parameters. About 300 RR Lyr stars in our collection are plausible members of 15 globular clusters. Among others, we found the first pulsating variables that may belong to the globular cluster Terzan 1 and the first RRd star in the globular cluster M54. Our survey also covers the center and outskirts of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy enabling studies of the spatial distribution of the old stellar population from this galaxy.
The eleventh part of the OGLE-III Catalog of Variable Stars (OIII-CVS) contains 16836 RR Lyr stars detected in the OGLE fields toward the Galactic bulge. The total sample is composed of 11756 RR Lyr stars pulsating in the fundamental mode (RRab), 4989 overtone pulsators (RRc), and 91 double-mode (RRd) stars. About 400 RR Lyr stars are members of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. The catalog includes the time-series photometry collected in the course of the OGLE survey, basic parameters of the stars, finding charts, and cross-identifications with other catalogs of RR Lyr stars toward the Milky Way center.
The fifteenth part of the OGLE-III Catalog of Variable Stars (OIII-CVS) contains 232406 long-period variables (LPVs) detected in the OGLE-II and OGLE-III fields toward the Galactic bulge. The sample consists of 6528 Mira stars, 33235 semiregular variables and 192643 OGLE small amplitude red giants. The catalog data and data resources that are being published include observational parameters of stars, finding charts, and time-series I- and V-band photometry obtained between 1997 and 2009.
We present the first part of a new catalog of variable stars (OIII-CVS) compiled from the data collected in the course of the third phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-III). In this paper we describe the catalog of 3361 classical Cepheids detected in the ~40 square degrees area in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The sample consists of 1848 fundamental-mode (F), 1228 first-overtone (1O), 14 second-overtone (2O), 61 double-mode F/1O, 203 double-mode 1O/2O, 2 double-mode 1O/3O, and 5 triple-mode classical Cepheids. This sample is supplemented by the list of 23 ultra-low amplitude variable stars which may be Cepheids entering or exiting instability strip
The sixth part of the OGLE-III catalog of Variable Stars presents delta Sct pulsators in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Altogether 2786 variable stars were found and amongst them 92 are multi-mode objects, including 67 stars pulsating in the fundamental mode and the first overtone (F/1O), nine double-mode pulsators with various combinations of the first three overtones excited (1O/2O, 2O/3O and 1O/3O pulsators), and two triple mode (F/1O/2O) delta Sct stars. In total 1490 of stars are marked as uncertain, due to scattered photometry and small amplitudes. For single-mode objects it was not possible to unambiguously identify pulsation mode, however we suggest the most of the single-mode variable stars pulsate in the first overtone.
The tenth part of the OGLE-III Catalog of Variable Stars contains 125 Double Periodic Variables (DPVs) from the Large Magellanic Cloud. DPVs are semi-detached binaries which show additional variability with a period around 33 times longer than the orbital period. The cause of this long cycle is not known and previous studies suggest it involves circumbinary matter.
We present a catalog of 26121 visually inspected eclipsing binary stars identified in the Large Magellanic cloud during the third phase of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. the sample is limited to the out-of-eclipse brightness I<20mag. The catalog consist mostly of detached eclipsing binaries - ellipsoidal variables were not included.