- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/685/773
- Title:
- X-ray-UV relations in SDSS DR5 QSOs
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/685/773
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyze archived Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations of 536 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 5 (DR5) quasars (QSOs) at 1.7<=z<=2.7 in order to characterize the relative UV and X-ray spectral properties of QSOs that do not have broad UV absorption lines (BALs). We constrain the fraction of X-ray-weak, non-BAL QSOs and find that such objects are rare; for example, sources underluminous by a factor of 10 comprise <~2% of optically selected SDSS QSOs. X-ray luminosities vary with respect to UV emission by a factor of <~2 over several years for most sources. UV continuum reddening and the presence of narrow-line absorbing systems are not strongly associated with X-ray weakness in our sample. X-ray brightness is significantly correlated with UV emission-line properties, so that relatively X-ray-weak, non-BAL QSOs generally have weaker, blueshifted CIV {lambda}1549 emission and broader CIII] {lambda}1909 lines. The CIV emission-line strength depends on both UV and X-ray luminosity, suggesting that the physical mechanism driving the global Baldwin effect is also associated with X-ray emission.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/606/466
- Title:
- X-ray variability in NGC 2516
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/606/466
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- NGC 2516 has been observed by Chandra several times in order to correct the plate scale of the spacecraft's focal plane instruments. Because of this, Chandra has observed NGC 2516 with all four imaging arrangements available. In addition, NGC 2516 has been observed as part of the High Resolution Camera (HRC) guaranteed time program and is scheduled for return plate scale calibration visits. This makes it the best cluster to study for long-term variability. NGC 2516 is about 140Myr old and less than 400pc away. In our first paper, Harnden et al., 2001ApJ...547L.141H, we discussed the detection of 150 X-ray sources (42% of which are identified as cluster members) in the calibration data taken during the orbital activation phase of the Chandra mission. In our second paper, Damiani et al., 2003, Cat. <J/ApJ/588/1009>, we combined all the extant data sets and detected 284 sources, more than half of which are considered likely cluster members. In this our third paper, we further explore techniques of combining Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) and HRC Chandra data for timing analysis. We have been able to combine almost 70ks of observation time, spread over five epochs, to study variability in this cluster on multiple timescales. We find that while stochastic variability rates are about the same for all objects in the sample, the timescale for detecting variability is shorter for late-type stars. Both stochastic and flare variability rates seen in NGC 2516 are similar to those seen in younger clusters IC 348, NGC 1333, and M42.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/177/465
- Title:
- X-ray variability in NGC 6946, NGC 4485/90
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/177/465
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We analyze data from five Chandra observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 and from three Chandra observations of the irregular/spiral interacting galaxy pair NGC 4485/4490, with an emphasis on investigating the long-term variability exhibited by the source populations. We detect 90 point sources coincident with NGC 6946 down to luminosities of a few times 10^36^ergs/s, and 38 sources coincident with NGC 4485/90 down to a luminosity of ~1x10^37^ergs/s. Twenty-five (15) sources in NGC 6946 (NGC 4485/90) exhibit long-term (i.e., weeks to years) variability in luminosity; 11 (4) are transient candidates. The single ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in NGC 6946 and all but one of the eight ULXs in NGC 4485/90 exhibit long-term flux variability. Two of the ULXs in NGC 4485/90 have not been identified before as ultraluminous sources. The widespread variability in both systems is indicative of the populations being dominated by X-ray binaries, and this is supported by the X-ray colors of the sources. The distribution of colors among the sources indicates a large fraction of high-mass X-ray binaries in both systems. The shapes of the X-ray luminosity functions of the galaxies do not change significantly between observations and can be described by power laws with cumulative slopes ~0.6-0.7 (NGC 6946) and ~0.4 (NGC 4485/90).
17904. X-ray variability of AGN
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/536/A84
- Title:
- X-ray variability of AGN
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/536/A84
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The X-ray variability of the active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been most often investigated with studies of individual, nearby sources, and only a few ensemble analyses have been applied to large samples in wide ranges of luminosity and redshift. We aim to determine the ensemble variability properties of two serendipitously selected AGN samples extracted from the catalogues of XMM-Newton and Swift, with redshift between ~0.2 and ~4.5, and X-ray luminosities, in the 0.5-4.5keV band, between ~10^43^erg/s and ~10^46^erg/s. We used the structure function (SF), which operates in the time domain, and allows for an ensemble analysis even when only a few observations are available for individual sources and the power spectral density (PSD) cannot be derived. The SF is also more appropriate than fractional variability and excess variance, because these parameters are biased by the duration of the monitoring time interval in the rest-frame, and therefore by cosmological time dilation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/487/475
- Title:
- X-ray variability of AGNs in Lockman Hole
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/487/475
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the results from a detailed X-ray variability analysis of 66 AGN in the Lockman Hole, which have optical spectroscopic identifications. We compare, quantitatively, their variability properties with the properties of local AGN, and we study the "variability - luminosity" relation as a function of redshift, and the "variability - redshift" relation in two luminosity bins. We use archival data from the last 10 XMM-Newton observations of the Lockman Hole field to extract light curves in the rest frame, 2-10keV band. We use the "normalized excess variance" to quantify the variability amplitude. Using the latest results regarding the AGN power spectral shape and its dependence on black hole mass and accretion rate, we are able to compute model "variability - luminosity" curves, which we compare with the relations we observe. When we consider all the sources in our sample, we find that their variability amplitude decreases with increasing redshift and luminosity.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/555/A65
- Title:
- X-ray variability of M31 central field
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/555/A65
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The central field of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) was monitored from 2006 to 2012 using the Chandra HRC-I detector (about 0.1-10keV energy range) with the main aim of detecting X-rays from optical novae. We present a systematic analysis of all X-ray sources found in the 41 nova monitoring observations, along with 23 M31 central field HRC-I observations available from the Chandra data archive starting in December 1999. Based on these observations, we studied the X-ray long-term variability of the source population and especially of X-ray binaries in M31. We created a catalogue of sources detected in the 64 available observations that adds up to a total exposure time of about 1Ms. To study the variability, we developed a processing pipeline to derive long-term Chandra HRC-I light curves for each source over the 13 years of observations. We also searched for extended X-ray sources in the merged images. We present a point-source catalogue containing 318 X-ray sources with detailed long-term variability information, 28 of which are published for the first time. The spatial and temporal resolution of the catalogue allows us to classify 115 X-ray binary candidates showing high X-ray variability or even outbursts, as well as 14 globular cluster X-ray binary candidates showing no significant variability. The analysis may suggest that outburst sources are less frequent in globular clusters than in the field of M31. We detected seven supernova remnants, one of which is a new candidate, and also resolved the first X-rays from a known radio supernova remnant. In addition to 33 known optical nova/X-ray source correlations, we discovered one previously unknown super-soft X-ray outburst and several new nova candidates. The catalogue contains a large sample of detailed long-term X-ray light curves in the M31 central field, which helps in understanding the X-ray population of our neighbouring spiral galaxy M31.
17907. X-ray view of IC348
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/537/A135
- Title:
- X-ray view of IC348
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/537/A135
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- IC348 is a nearby (~310pc), young (~2-3Myr) open cluster with >300 members identified from optical and infrared observations. We study the properties of the coronae of the young low-mass stars in IC348 combining X-ray and optical/infrared data. The four existing Chandra observations of IC348 are merged, thus providing a deeper and spatially more complete X-ray view than previous X-ray studies of the cluster. We have compiled a comprehensive catalog of IC348 members taking into account recent updates to the cluster census. Our data collection comprises fundamental stellar parameters, infrared excess indicating the presence of disks, Halpha emission as a tracer of chromospheric emission or accretion and mass accretion rates. We have detected 290 X-ray sources in four merged Chandra exposures, of which 187 are associated with known cluster members corresponding to a detection rate of ~60% for the cluster members of IC348 identified in optical/infrared studies. According to the most recent spectral classification of IC348 members only four of the X-ray sources are brown dwarfs (spectral type M6 and later). The detection rate is highest for diskless Class III stars and increases with stellar mass. This may be explained with higher X-ray luminosities for higher mass and later evolutionary stage that is evident in the X-ray luminosity functions. In particular, we find that for the lowest examined masses (0.1-0.25 Msun) there is a difference between the X-ray luminosity functions of accreting and non-accreting stars (classified on the basis of their Halpha emission strength) as well as those of disk-bearing and diskless stars (classified on the basis of the slope of the spectral energy distribution). These differences disappear for higher masses. This is related to our finding that the Lx/Lbol ratio is non-constant across the mass/luminosity sequence of IC348 with a decrease towards lower luminosity stars. Our analysis of an analogous stellar sample in the Orion Nebula Cluster suggests that the decline of Lx/Lbol for young stars at the low-mass end of the stellar sequence is likely universal.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/373/438
- Title:
- X-ray view of M33 after ROSAT
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/373/438
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Table2 contains the catalogue of X-ray sources in M 33 detected in ROSAT observations. X-ray properties and results from cross-correlations with other catalogues are listed. The total number of sources is 184.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/139/1066
- Title:
- X-ray view of NGC 2403 central region
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/139/1066
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Archival Chandra observations are used to study the X-ray emission associated with star formation in the central region of the nearby SAB(s)cd galaxy NGC 2403. The distribution of X-ray emission is compared to the morphology visible at other wavelengths using complementary Spitzer, Galaxy Evolution Explorer, and ground-based H{alpha} imagery.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/900/141
- Title:
- X-ray weak quasars from SDSS & Chandra
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/900/141
- Date:
- 02 Feb 2022 13:37:44
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We investigate systematically the X-ray emission from type 1 quasars using a sample of 1825 Sloan Digital Sky Survey non-broad absorption line (non-BAL) quasars with Chandra archival observations. A significant correlation is found between the X-ray-to-optical power-law slope parameter ({alpha}_OX_) and the 2500{AA} monochromatic luminosity (L_2500{AA}_), and the X-ray weakness of a quasar is assessed via the deviation of its {alpha}_OX_ value from that expected from this relation. We demonstrate the existence of a population of non-BAL X-ray-weak quasars, and the fractions of quasars that are X-ray weak by factors of >=6 and >=10 are 5.8%+/-0.7% and 2.7%+/-0.5%, respectively. We classify X-ray-weak quasars (X-ray weak by factors of >=6) into three categories based on their optical spectral features: weak emission-line quasars (WLQs; CIV rest-frame equivalent width <16{AA}), red quasars ({Delta}(g-i)>0.2), and unclassified X-ray-weak quasars. The X-ray-weak fraction of 35_-9_^+12^% within the WLQ population is significantly higher than that within non-WLQs, confirming previous findings that WLQs represent one population of X-ray-weak quasars. The X-ray-weak fraction of 13_-3_^+5^% within the red quasar population is also considerably higher than that within the normal quasar population. The unclassified X-ray-weak quasars do not have unusual optical spectral features, and their X-ray weakness may be mainly related to quasar X-ray variability.