We present new data from BVRI photometric observations of five PMS stars during the period from April 2013 to July 2014. The stars are located in the field of NGC 7000/IC 5070 ("Gulf of Mexico") - a region with active star formation. The presented paper is a continuation of our long-term photometric investigations of the young stellar objects in this region. The long-term multicolor photometric observations of PMS stars are very important for their exact classification. Our results show that the studied stars exhibit different types of photometric variability in all bands. We tried to classify them using our data from the long-term photometry and data published by other authors.
BVRI data are presented for the majority of steep-spectrum objects in the RATAN-600 7.6cm catalog (RC) catalog with m(R)<23.5mag. Previously developed programs are applied to these data to estimate the redshifts and age of the stellar population of the host galaxies.
BVRI photometry has been obtained for 82 of the spectroscopic binaries with orbits published in The Observatory by Griffin and his collaborators. The observations were obtained on nineteen nights during 1994-95. Given here are the star name, Griffin's paper number for the spectroscopic orbit, the abbreviated calendar date and heliocentric Julian Date (HJD) of the observation, the derived V, (B-V), (V-R)c, and (R-I)c values, and the phase in the spectroscopic orbit. The mean photometric values are listed in the final entry for each star. One night of poor quality, 950128, was given half weight in forming the means. The rms error of a single observation is about 0.025 mag. for all indices.
We present V- and I-band CCD surface photometry on 234 inclined Sa-Sd galaxies, completed by similar data in B and R for a reduced subsample. In this first paper of a series, the reduction of the data is discussed, and several comparisons are made with other recent works. Radial profiles are presented for the surface brightness and the characteristics of ellipses fitted to isophotes; global, effective, and isophotal parameters are listed.
The AAVSO has received 4270 CCD measurements of BZ UMa over four nights during its March, 2004 outburst. Analysis of the measurements reveals rapid flickering and quasiperiodic behaviour but no coherent periodicity (beyond the orbital period) and the notable absence of superhumps
We extend our previous study of the stellar population of L1641, the lower-density star-forming region of the Orion A cloud south of the dense Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), with the goal of testing whether there is a statistically significant deficiency of high-mass stars in low-density regions. Previously, we compared the observed ratio of low-mass stars to high-mass stars with theoretical models of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) to infer a deficiency of the highest-mass stars in L1641. We expand our population study to identify the intermediate-mass (late B to G) L1641 members in an attempt to make a more direct comparison with the mass function of the nearby ONC. The spectral-type distribution and the K-band luminosity function of L1641 are similar to those of the ONC, but problems of incompleteness and contamination prevent us from making a detailed test for differences. We limit our analysis to statistical tests of the ratio of high-mass to low-mass stars, which indicate a probability of only 3% that the ONC and the southern region of L1641 were drawn from the same population, supporting the hypothesis that the upper-mass end of the IMF is dependent on environmental density.
BVRI photometry and J2000.0 positions have been obtained for stars in the field of the open cluster Stock 1. The photometry has been combined with available spectral types and proper motions to investigate cluster membership. We conclude that Stock 1 is a young cluster with a reddening of E(B-V)=0.16+/-0.04, a distance modulus of V_0_-M_V_=7.5+/-0.1, and an age of 300+/-50Myr.
Using 27 sets of new multiband photometry light curves acquired from our long-term photometric campaign carried out in the last 5yr and high-resolution spectroscopic data from seven nights, we analyzed the physical mechanisms of period variation, starspot cycle, optical flares, and chromospheric activities of the eclipsing binary DV Psc. Our updated O-C diagram covering a period of approximately 20yr shows an oscillation in its orbital period. This variations might be caused by a third body with an orbital period of 14.58+/-0.28yr. There are two active regions of starspots at longitude belts of about 90{deg} and 270{deg}. We obtained its starspot cycles with periods of 3.60+/-0.03yr and 3.42+/-0.02yr at about 90{deg} and 270{deg}, respectively. Moreover, the magnitude difference of Max.I-Max.II shows cyclic oscillation of 5.15+/-0.01yr. During our decade long photometric campaign, we observed DV Psc a total of 326.4hr, detected 18 outbursts (12 of them have never been reported) with flare energies in the range of (6.62-1106.85)x10^24^J. The slope of the relationship between the phase of the max flare and spots is 0.842 +/-0.083, implying a correlation between spots and flares. We discovered evidence for a correlation between the rotation period and the activity cycle for the short-period eclipsing binaries. Our high-resolution spectroscopic observations of DV Psc show obvious emissions above continuum in the H{alpha} line and small self-reversal emissions of the CaII IRT lines.
We present colour transformations for the conversion of the W1 and W2 magnitudes of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) photometric system to the Johnson-Cousins BVRI, Sloan Digital Sky Survey gri and Two-Micron All-Sky Survey JHKs photometric systems, for dwarfs.
We studied the evolution of elliptical galaxies at z>~1 using a sample of 247 Extremely Red Objects (EROs) with R-Ks>3.35 (AB) and Ks<=22.1 (AB) constructed from BVRi'z'JHKs multicolor data of a 114arcmin^2^ area in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field taken with the Subaru Telescope and the UH 2.2m telescope. By fitting template spectra of old galaxies (OGs) and young, dusty starbursts (DSs) to the multicolor data, we classified EROs into these two classes and estimated their redshifts. We found that 58% of the EROs in our sample belong to the OG class and that these OGs have a wide range of colors at any redshift. We derived rest-frame B-band luminosity functions of OGs in our sample at z=1-1.5 and 1.5-2.5, and found that the number density of galaxies obeying passive evolution drops at z>~1.5 by a factor of three or more. The spatial correlation length of OGs is estimated to be r_0_>~8h^-1^Mpc, which is comparable to, or larger than, those of present-day early-type galaxies of similar luminosities. We also discussed properties of DSs in our data.