The catalogue includes [Fe/H] determinations and atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg ) obtained from high resolution spectroscopic observations and detailed analyses, most of them carried out with the help of model-atmospheres. This fifth Edition of the catalogue contains 5946 determinations for 3247 stars, including 751 stars in 84 associations, clusters or galaxies. The literature (700 bibliographical references) is complete up to December 1995. The Catalogue is made up of three tables : Table 1 : field stars Table 2 : stars in galactic associations and clusters, and in SMC, LMC, M33 Table 3 : numbered list of bibliographical references
The catalogue presented here is a compilation of published atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, [Fe/H]) obtained from high resolution, high signal-to-noise spectroscopic observations. This new edition has changed compared to the five previous versions. It is now restricted to intermediate and low-mass stars (F, G, and K stars). It contains 6354 determinations of (Teff, logg, [Fe/H]) for 3356 stars, including 899 stars in 79 stellar systems. The literature is complete between January 1980 and December 2000 and includes 378 references. The catalogue is made up of two tables, one for field stars and one for stars in galactic associations, open and globular clusters and external galaxies.
The catalogue of 361 galactic contact binaries is presented. Enlisted contact binaries are divided into five groups according to the type and quality of the available observations and parameters. For all systems the ephemeris for the primary minimum, minimum and maximum visual brightness and equatorial coordinates are given. If available, photometric elements, (M_1_+M_2_)*(sin)i^3^, spectral type, parallax and magnitude of the O'Connell effect are also given. Photometric data for several systems are augmented by new observations. The quality of the available data is assessed and systems requiring modern light-curve solutions are selected. Selected statistical properties of the collected data are discussed.
We present a new edition of the catalogue of high-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy. The catalogue contains source name(s), coordinates, finding chart, X-ray luminosity, system parameters, and stellar parameters of the components and other characteristic properties of 114 high-mass X-ray binaries, together with a comprehensive selection of the relevant literature. The aim of this catalogue is to provide the reader with some basic information on the X-ray sources and their counterparts in other wavelength ranges (gamma-rays, UV, optical, IR, radio). About 60% of the high-mass X-ray binary candidates are known or suspected Be/X-ray binaries, while 32% are supergiant/X-ray binaries. Some sources, however, are only tentatively identified as high-mass X-ray binaries on the basis of their X-ray properties similar to the known high-mass X-ray binaries. Further identification in other wavelength bands is needed to finally determine the nature of these sources. In cases where there is some doubt about the high-mass nature of the X-ray binary this is mentioned. Literature published before 1 October 2005 has, as far as possible, been taken into account.
We present a new edition of the catalogue of the low-mass X-ray binaries in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. The catalogue contains source name(s), coordinates, finding chart, X-ray luminosity, system parameters, and stellar parameters of the components and other characteristic properties of 187 low-mass X-ray binaries, together with a comprehensive selection of the relevant literature. The aim of this catalogue is to provide the reader with some basic information on the X-ray sources and their counterparts in other wavelength ranges ({gamma}-rays, UV, optical, IR, and radio). Some sources, however, are only tentatively identifed as low-mass X-ray binaries on the basis of their X-ray properties similar to the known low-mass X-ray binaries. Further identification in other wavelength bands is needed to finally determine the nature of these sources. In cases where there is some doubt about the low-mass nature of the X-ray binary this is mentioned. Literature published before 1 October 2006 has, as far as possible, been taken into account.
The "Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (Version 2000)" appears in Abhandlungen aus der Hamburger Sternwarte, Band XII in the year 2001. It is a continuation of CGPN(1967) and contains 1510 objects classified as galactic PNe up to the end of 1999. The lists of possible pre-PNe and possible post-PNe are also given. The catalogue is restricted only to the data belonging to the location and identification of the objects. It gives identification charts of PNe discovered since 1965 (published in the supplements to CGPN) and those charts of objects discovered earlier, which have wrong or uncertain identification. The question "what is a planetary nebula" is discussed and the typical values of PNe and of their central stars are summarized. Short statistics about the discoveries of PNe are given. The catalogue is also available in the Centre de Donnees, Strasbourg and at Hamburg Observatory via internet.
We present redshifts for 2753 low-redshift (0.05~<z_spec_~<0.5) galaxies with 18<=r<=22 obtained with Hectospec at the Multi-Mirror Telescope (MMT). The observations targeted the XMM-LSS, ELAIS-N1 and DEEP2-3 fields, each of which covers ~1deg^2^. These fields are also part of the recently completed CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS) and on-going Hyper Suprime-Cam deep fields surveys. The efficiency of our technique for selecting low-redshift galaxies is confirmed by the redshift distribution of our sources. In addition to redshifts, these high S/N spectra are used to measure ages, metallicities, and nuclear activity levels. In combination with the photometric catalogue in u, g, r, i, z, y down to 27 AB mag, we are able to study the galaxy population down to stellar masses of ~10^8^M_{sun}_ . This paper presents the observation strategy, the reduction procedure and properties of the galaxy sample. The catalog can be accessed through the webpage of this survey
We have derived the galaxy luminosity function (GLF) in the cluster of galaxies Abell 496 from a wide field image in the I band. A single Schechter function reproduces quite well the GLF in the 17<=I_AB_<=22 (-19.5<=M_I_<=eq-14.5) magnitude interval, and the power law index of this function is found to be somewhat steeper in the outer regions than in the inner regions. This result agrees with the idea that faint galaxies are more abundant in the outer regions of clusters, while in the denser inner regions they have partly been accreted by larger galaxies or have been dimmed or even disrupted by tidal interactions.
Catalogue of galaxies towards the Coma Supercluster
Short Name:
21 Oct 2021
(Summary of the paper) The existence of a filament of galaxies was shown by Fontanelli (1984) in the Coma cluster region. This paper concerns the study of a IIIaJ Palomar Schmidt plate of the Eastern end of this filament. We have developed a real time reduction technique, quite similar to that used for the COSMOS machine and performed, in real time, an image segmentation. The galaxy selection was made using a classical Bayesian classification based on the diagram of the integrated density versus the area. All the non-stellar objects were thus identified using the PDS and a morphological type was attributed to the galaxies. Our catalogue gives coordinates, magnitudes (derived from the Zwicky et al. (1961-68) and Nilson (1973) catalogues), area in pixels, and morphological types for 7582 galaxies. A histogram of all the galaxy magnitudes shows that the catalogue is apparently complete down to about the 19th magnitude. The asymmetry in the distribution of the bright objects between the North-West and the South-East part of the plate found by Fontanelli (1984) is also present for the fainter objects of our catalogue. We have identified galaxy condensations using an image segmentation on the galaxy density map. The parameters, position, axis, and orientation of these condensations have been estimated.