- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/479/865
- Title:
- CoRoT exoplanet candidates
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/479/865
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The discovery of the short-period giant exoplanet population, the so-called hot Jupiter population, and their link to brown dwarfs and low-mass stars challenges the conventional view of planet formation and evolution. We took advantage of the multi-fiber facilities GIRAFFE and UVES/FLAMES (VLT) to perform the first large radial velocity survey using a multi-fiber spectrograph to detect planetary, brown-dwarf candidates and binary stars. We observed 816 stars during 5 consecutive half-nights. These stars were selected within one of the exoplanet fields of the space mission CoRoT.
Number of results to display per page
Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/523/A91
- Title:
- CoRoT/Exoplanet fields with MATISSE
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/523/A91
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The homogeneous spectroscopic determination of the stellar parameters is a mandatory step for transit detections from space. Knowledge of which population the planet hosting stars belong to places constraints on the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems. We used the FLAMES/GIRAFFE multi-fiber instrument at ESO to spectroscopically observe samples of stars in three CoRoT/Exoplanet fields, namely the LRa01, LRc01, and SRc01 fields, and characterize their stellar populations. We present accurate atmospheric parameters, Teff, logg, [M/H], and [alpha/Fe] derived for 1227 stars in these fields using the MATISSE algorithm. The latter is based on the spectral synthesis methodology and automatically provides stellar parameters for large samples of observed spectra. We trained and applied this algorithm to FLAMES observations covering the MgIb spectral range. It was calibrated on reference stars and tested on spectroscopic samples from other studies in the literature. The barycentric radial velocities and an estimate of the vsini values were measured using cross-correlation techniques. We corrected our samples in the LRc01 and LRa01 CoRoT fields for selection effects to characterize their FGK dwarf stars population, and compiled the first unbiased reference sample for the in-depth study of planet metallicity relationship in these CoRoT fields. We conclude that the FGK dwarf population in these fields mainly exhibit solar metallicity. We show that for transiting planet finding missions, the probability of finding planets as a function of metallicity could explain the number of planets found in the LRa01 and LRc01 CoRoT fields. This study demonstrates the potential of multi-fiber observations combined with an automated classifier such as MATISSE for massive spectral classification.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/B/corot
- Title:
- CoRoT observation log (N2-4.4)
- Short Name:
- B/corot
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- CoRoT, a space astronomy mission, has measured photometric micro-variability of stars from minutes to months (up to 150 days) with a high duty cycle (more than 90%). The mission was led by CNES in association with four French laboratories and 7 participating countries and agencies (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the ESA Science Programme). The satellite was composed of a PROTEUS platform (the 3rd in the series) and a unique instrument: a stellar rapid photometer. It was launched on December 27th 2006 by a Soyuz Rocket, from Baikonour. The mission has lasted almost 6 years (the nominal 3-year duration and a 3-year extension) and has observed more than 160 000 stars. It stopped sending data on November 2nd 2012. Two regions of the sky were accessible for long period of time: circles of 10 degrees centered on the equator around alpha=06:50 and alpha=18:50. They were called the CoRoT eyes: the "anticenter" and the "center eye" (as they are approximately in these directions). Each pointing covers 1.4x2.8 square degrees within one of those CoRoT eyes. The original scientific objectives were focussed on the study of stellar pulsations (asteroseismology) to probe the internal structure of stars, and the detection of small exoplanets through their "transit" in front of their host star, and the measurement of their size. This lead to introduce two modes of observations, working simultaneously: - The "bright star" mode dedicated to very precise seismology of a small sample of bright and closeby stars - The "faint star" mode, observing a very large number of stars at the same time, to detect transits, which are rare events, as they imply the alignment of the star, the planet and the observer. The large amount of data gathered in this mode turned out to be extremely fruitful for many topics of stellar physics. Beyond these two initial objectives, CoRoT data revealed stellar variability associated with various other phenomena: granulation, rotational modulation by spots associated with magnetic activity, oblateness induced by a nearby companion star, ... The data of this CoRoT CDS archive correspond to the legacy release V4.4 of CoRoT N2 data. A complete description can be found in the "CoRoTN2versions_30sept2014.pdf" document available on the vizier ftp as well as on project websites listed in the "See also" field below. Other archives provide an access to the CoRoT data at different levels, or to complementary catalogues - the CoRoT IAS archive at idoc-corot.ias.u-psud.fr/ and mirrors of this archive at exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/ETSS/CoRoT_exo_index.html and at exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/applications/ETSS/CoRoT_astero_index.html - archive at https://sipad-corot.cnes.fr/ or at the CoRoT IAS archive, but they require a deep understanding of the instrument and the observation conditions to be scientifically helpful. - Raw data N0 are available upon request at the CoRoT CNES archive. - Complementary data on the CoRoT targets, obtained through ground based complementary observations, can be found in :
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/564/A119
- Title:
- CoRoT red giants abundances
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/564/A119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A precise characterisation of the red giants in the seismology fields of the CoRoT satellite is a prerequisite for further in-depth seismic modelling. High-resolution FEROS and HARPS spectra were obtained as part of the ground-based follow-up campaigns for 19 targets holding great asteroseismic potential. These data are used to accurately estimate in a self-consistent manner their fundamental parameters and the abundances of 16 chemical species. Some powerful probes of mixing are investigated (the Li and CNO abundances, as well as the carbon isotopic ratio in a few cases). The information provided by the spectroscopic and seismic data is combined to provide more accurate physical parameters and abundances. The stars in our sample follow the general trends between various abundance ratios and the metallicity observed in stars of the Galactic disk. After allowance is made for the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium, the observational signature of internal mixing phenomena is revealed through the detection at the stellar surface of the products of the CN and, in the case of the most massive stars, NeNa cycles. Together with the asteroseismic constraints, these data will pave the way for a detailed theoretical investigation of the physical processes responsible for the transport of chemical elements in evolved, low- and intermediate-mass stars.
- ID:
- ivo://idoc.d2s/corot/redgiants-conesearch
- Title:
- CoRoT Red Giants D2S ConeSearch
- Short Name:
- CoRoT_N2_RedGia
- Date:
- 13 May 2019 17:26:29
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This catalog includes CoRoT targets from the exoplanet channel which were identified as possible red giants and actually presents acoustic oscillations of solar-like type, as published by Hekker et al. (A&A, 2009, vol. 506, p. 465).
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/corotexlog
- Title:
- CoRoT Stellar Targets for Exoplanet Detection Observation Log
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- CoRoT was a space astronomy mission devoted to the study of the variability with time of stars' brightness, with an extremely high accuracy (100 times better than from the ground), for very long durations (up to 150 days) and with a very high duty cycle (more than 90%). The mission was led by CNES in association with four French laboratories, and 7 participating countries and agencies (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Spain, and the ESA Science Programme). The satellite is composed of a PROTEUS platform (the 3rd in the series), and a unique instrument: a stellar photometer. It was launched on December 27th, 2006 on a Soyuz Rocket, from Baikonour. The mission has lasted almost 6 years (the nominal 3 years duration and a 3 years extension) and has observed more than 160,000 stars. It suddenly stopped sending data on November 2nd, 2012. CoRoT performed Ultra High Precision Photometry of Stars to detect and characterize the variability of their luminosity with two main objectives: (i) the variability of the object itself: oscillations, rotation, magnetic activity, etc.; (ii) variability due to external causes such as bodies in orbit around the star: planets and companion stars. The original scientific objectives were focused on the study of stellar pulsations (asteroseismology) to probe the internal structure of stars, and the detection of small exoplanets through their transit in front of their host star, and the measurement of their sizes. This lead to the introduction of two modes of observations, working simultaneously: - The bright star mode dedicated to very precise seismology of a small sample (171) of bright and nearby stars (presented in the file named "Bright_star.dat" in the CDS version at <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/">https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/</a>): these data are not included in this HEASARC table, notice; - The faint star mode, observing a very large number of stars at the same time, to detect transits, which are rare events, as they imply the alignment of the star, the planet and the observer (these data are presented in the file named "Faint_star.dat" in the CDS version at <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/">https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot/</a>): this HEASARC table is based on this sample. The large amount of data gathered in this mode mode turned out to be extremely fruitful for many topics of stellar physics. Due to project constraints, two regions of the sky were accessible (circles of 10 degrees centered on the equator around Right Ascensions of 06<sup>h</sup> 50<sup>m</sup> and 18<sup>h</sup> 50<sup>m</sup>). They are called the CoRoT 'eyes': the first one is called the "anticenter" eye, whereas the second one is called the "center eye". Each pointing covers 1.4 x 2.8 square degrees. The CoRoT project is still processing the data, aiming at removing instrumental artifacts and defects. Therefore the format and content of the catalog is still somewhat evolving. More details on the data can be found in the file <a href="http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/CoRoT_N2_versions_30sept2014.pdf">http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/CoRoT_N2_versions_30sept2014.pdf</a>. More details on the CoRoT N2 data may be found in the documentation file <a href="http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/DescriptionN2v1.5.pdf">http://idoc-corotn2-public.ias.u-psud.fr/jsp/doc/DescriptionN2v1.5.pdf</a>. This HEASARC table contains information on stars observed by CoRoT in its exoplanet detection program. A few percent of these stars have 2 entries since they were observed in different windows (as specified by the corot_window_id parameter) in a subsequent observing run to the initial run in which they were observed. Each entry in this table corresponds to the unique specification of target and corot_window_id, each with a link to its associated N2 data products. The original names of the parameters in this table, as given in the CoRoT mission documentation, are given in square brackets at the end of the parameter descriptions listed below. This table was created by the HEASARC in May 2012 based on <a href="https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/cats/B/corot">CDS Catalog B/corot</a> file Faint_star.dat. The HEASARC routinely updates this table after updates are made to the CDS version of this catalog. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
3327. CoRoT transit catalogue
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/619/A97
- Title:
- CoRoT transit catalogue
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/619/A97
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The CoRoT space mission observed 163665 stars over 26 stellar fields in the faint star channel. The exoplanet teams detected a total of 4123 transit-like features in the 177454 light curves. We present the complete re-analysis of all these detections carried out with the same softwares so that to ensure their homogeneous analysis. Although the vetting process involves some human evaluation, it also involves a simple binary flag system over basic tests: detection significance, presence of a secondary, difference between odd and even depths, colour dependence, V-shape transit, and duration of the transit. We also gathered the information from the large accompanying ground-based programme carried out on the planet candidates and checked how useful the flag system could have been at the vetting stage of the candidates. From the initial list of transit-like features, we identified and separated 824 false alarms of various kind, 2269 eclipsing binaries among which 616 are contact binaries and 1653 are detached ones, 37 planets and brown dwarfs, and 557 planet candidates. We provide the catalogue of all these transit-like features, including false alarms. For the planet candidates, the catalogue gives not only their transit parameters but also the products of their light curve modelling: reduced radius, reduced semi-major axis, and impact parameter, together with a summary of the outcome of follow-up observations when carried out and their current status. For the detached eclipsing binaries, the catalogue provides, in addition to their transit parameters, a simple visual classification. Among the planet candidates whose nature remains unresolved, we estimate that eight (within an error of three) planets are still to be identified. After correcting for geometric and sensitivity biases, we derived planet and brown dwarf occurrences and confirm disagreements with Kepler estimates, as previously reported by other authors from the analysis of the first runs: small-size planets with orbital period less than ten days are underabundant by a factor of three in the CoRoT fields whereas giant planets are overabundant by a factor of two. These preliminary results would however deserve further investigations using the recently released CoRoT light curves that are corrected of the various instrumental effects and a homogeneous analysis of the stellar populations observed by the two missions.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/other/Ser/182.35
- Title:
- Corrected proper motion for HIP stars
- Short Name:
- J/other/Ser/182.
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- During the last century, there were many so-called independent latitude (IL) stations with the observations which were included into data of a few international organizations (like Bureau International de l'Heure - BIH, International Polar Motion Service - IPMS) and the Earth rotation programmes for determining the Earth Orientation Parameters - EOP. Because of this, nowadays, there are numerous astrometric ground-based observations (made over many decades) of some stars included in the Hipparcos Catalogue (ESA 1997, Cat. <A HREF="http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/Cat?I/239">I/239</A>). We used these latitude data for the inverse investigations - to improve the proper motions in declination µ<SUB>δ</SUB> of the mentioned Hipparcos stars. We determined the corrections Δµ<SUB>δ</SUB> and investigated agreement of our µ<SUB>δ</SUB> and those from the catalogues Hipparcos and new Hipparcos (van Leeuwen 2007, Cat. <A HREF="http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/Cat?I/311">I/311</A>). To do this we used the latitude variations of 7 stations (Belgrade, Blagoveschtschensk, Irkutsk, Poltava, Pulkovo, Warsaw and Mizusawa), covering different intervals in the period 1904.7-1992.0, obtained with 6 visual and 1 floating zenith telescopes (Mizusawa). On the other hand, with regard that about two decades have elapsed since the Hipparcos ESA mission observations (the epoch of Hipparcos catalogue is 1991.25), the error of apparent places of Hipparcos stars has increased by nearly 20mas because of proper motion errors. Also, the mission lasted less than four years which was not enough for a sufficient accuracy of proper motions of some stars (such as double or multiple ones). Our method of calculation, and the calculated µ<SUB>δ</SUB> for the common IL/Hipparcos stars are presented here. We constructed an IL catalogue of 1200 stars: there are 707 stars in the first part (with at least 20 years of IL observations) and 493 stars in the second one (less than 20 years). In the case of µ<SUB>δ</SUB> of IL stars observed at some stations (Blagoveschtschensk, Irkutsk, Mizusawa, Poltava and Pulkovo) we find the formal errors less than the corresponding Hipparcos ones and for some of them (stations Blagoveschtschensk and Irkutsk) even less than the new Hipparcos ones.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AN/341/770
- Title:
- Corrected proper motion for HIP stars
- Short Name:
- J/AN/341/770
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Independent Latitude Stations (INDLS) catalog of proper motion in declination {mu}_{delta}_ for 682 bright Hipparcos (HIP) stars is presented. It is obtained in the Hipparcos reference frame, and only the Hipparcos mean position at epoch 1991.25 is used for INDLS data to calculate independent {mu}_{delta}$ (the HIP {mu}_{delta}_ values are not entering the INDLS data). Catalog comparisons were made in pairs for the four catalogs (HIP, new Hipparcos -- NHIP, Gaia DR2, INDLS) to look for possible systematic differences as a function of brightness, color, position coordinates ({alpha}, {delta}). All catalogs were found in agreement, except: 0.21mas/yr for differences INDLS-DR2 in line with the brightness, -0.13mas/yr and 0.24mas/yr for differences HIP-DR2 in line with the free term and brightness respectively, -0.16mas/yr, 0.23mas/yr and 0.13mas/yr for differences NHIP$-$DR2 in line with the free term, brightness and color respectively. A slightly better consistency is in the cases INDLS-NHIP and INDLS-DR2 than HIP-DR2 and NHIP-DR2. The systematic error is in line with brightness on the level 0.1mas/yr in DR2, and near 0.1mas/yr in line with color. An indication that the bright reference frame of DR2 rotates by about 0.1mas/yr relative to the faint quasar frame is in line with a presented sinusoidal curve of differences {mu}_{delta}_ as a function of {alpha}. Its amplitude is A=0.53+/-0.11mas/yr for INDLS-DR2 (0.26+/-0.07 for INDLS-NHIP); about 0.2 belongs to DR2. The level of formal errors is near 1.9mas/yr for the case INDLS-DR2, and near 1.5 for: INDLS-NHIP, HIP-DR2, NHIP-DR2. The values {mu}_{delta}_ of bright DR2 stars could be underestimated; the astrometry is unreliable for G<=6mag due to detector saturation.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AN/350/789
- Title:
- Corrected proper motion for HIP stars (Damljanovic, 2020)
- Short Name:
- J/AN/350/789
- Date:
- 21 Jul 2020 05:54:18
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The INDLS catalog of for 682 bright stars is presented.