The Bochum Galactic Disk Survey is a project to monitor the stellar
content of the Galactic disk in a 6 degree wide stripe centered on the
Galactic plane. The data has been recorded from September 2010 to
September 2019 with the RoBoTT Telecsope at the
Universitaetssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in the Chilean
Atacama desert. It contains measurements of more than 2x10^7 stars.
The second and final data release contains follow-up observations from
January 2017 to September 2019 in Sloan r and i and intermittent
measurements in Johnson UVB, Sloan z and the narrowbands OIII, NB,
Halpha and SII.
This archive collects and re-publishes third-party, mostly amateur,
images of the Gaia astrometry satellite to complemement the Ground Based
Optical Tracking (GBOT) effort.
Until Gaia passivation, there is a temporary upload facility
This is a deep optical mosaic of the Fornax cluster’s core, covering
1.6 square degrees. The data were acquired with ESO/MPG 2.2m/WFI,
using a transparent filter that nearly equals the no-filter throughput
and thus provides a high signal-to-noise ratio. Based on an
approximate conversion to V-band magnitudes, the unbinned and binned
mosaics (0.24 and 0.71 arcsec/pixel) reach a median depth of 26.6 and
27.8 mag/sq.arcsec, respectively.
From 1986 through 1991, the Astronomical Institute of Münster
University performed a search for flare stars in several southern
associations and open stellar clusters using the GPO telescope (d=40
cm, WFPDB identifier ESO040); the fields suveyed include Coalsack,
M42, B228 Lup, the Chameleon T1 association, omicron Vel cluster, R
CrA association, the Pipe nebula (B59 Oph), and the Sco-Oph
association. This was done primarily through multiple exposures. The
files published here are plate scans done in 2017.
The obscore collection name for these files is Muenster Flare Survey.