The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) is a legacy programme (KPGT_soliver1) designed to map a set of nested fields totalling 380 sq. deg. Fields range in size from 0.01 to 20 sq. deg., using SPIRE at 250, 350 and 500 microns. These bands cover the peak of the redshifted thermal spectral energy distribution from interstellar dust and thus capture the reprocessed optical and ultraviolet radiation from star formation that has been absorbed by dust, and are critical for forming a complete multiwavelength understanding of galaxy formation and evolution.
The Herschel Orion Protostar Survey (HOPS, KPOT_tmegeath_2) is a sample of 410 young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Orion molecular clouds, selected from Spitzer data. Most objects have near-infrared photometry from 2MASS, mid- and far-infrared data from Spitzer and Herschel, and submillimeter photometry from APEX; thus, the SEDs cover 1.2 - 870 microns and are used to classify the sample into protostellar classes. Of the 410 YSOs, 330 have Spitzer and Herschel data and are mostly protostars; the remaining objects include likely extragalactic contaminants and faint YSOs. Using mid-IR spectral indices and bolometric temperatures, the sample of 330 YSOs is classified into 92 Class 0 protostars, 125 Class I protostars, 102 flat-spectrum sources, and 11 Class II pre-main-sequence stars. HOPS also implements a simple protostellar model (including a disk in an infalling envelope with outflow cavities) to generate a grid of 30,400 model SEDs and uses it to determine the best-fit model parameters for each protostar.
SPIRE Highly Processed Data Products are available for two data sets: the spectrometer calibration sources and re-gridded hyper-spectral cubes for 22 mapping observations.
Herschel: TNOs are Cool! - A Survey of the trans-Neptunian Region
Short Name:
04 Oct 2024 00:04:13
NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
The 'TNOs are Cool! - A Survey of the trans-Neptunian region' Open Time Key Program (KPOT_thmuelle_1) used PACS to observe 132 Centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects, as well as the giant planet irregular moon Sycorax.
HeViCS is a survey of about 55 sq deg of the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster, obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory using the instruments PACS and SPIRE in parallel mode. It provides a wavelength coverage in five bands from about 100 to 600 microns. The science goals include: a) The detection of dust in the intra-cluster medium, b) Extended cold dust around galaxies, c) FIR-submm luminosity functions, d) The UV to sub-mm spectral energy distribution of galaxies of various morphological types, e) The detection of dust in dwarf and giant elliptical galaxies.
This survey is a mosaic of data taken at Jodrell Bank, Effelsberg and Parkes
telescopes. The data was distributed in the NRAO <i>Images from the
Radio Sky</i> CD ROM. Provenance: Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, generated by Glyn Haslam. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at
prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The Deep survey concerns 4 patchsof 1 square-degree. All will be observed in u,g,r,i and z, with very lon gexposure time<p>
This survey description was generated automatically from the <a href=''>HiPS property file</a> Provenance: CFHT<br> HiPS generated by CDS. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey is a 5-year program carried out jointly by the Canadian and French agencies. It will use the Megaprime/Megacam instrument mounted at
prime focus of the 3.6m CFH telescope during the period 2003-2008. The WIDE survey concerns 4 patchs, 3 of about 7x7 square-degrees each and 1 of about 4x4 square-degrees. All will be observed in
u,g,r,i and z, with about 1 hr exposure time per filter<p> This survey description was generated automatically from the <a href=''>HiPS property file</a> Provenance: CFHT<br> HiPS generated by CDS. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.