HeViCS is a survey of about 55 sq deg of the nearby Virgo galaxy cluster, obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory using the instruments PACS and SPIRE in parallel mode. It provides a wavelength coverage in five bands from about 100 to 600 microns. The science goals include: a) The detection of dust in the intra-cluster medium, b) Extended cold dust around galaxies, c) FIR-submm luminosity functions, d) The UV to sub-mm spectral energy distribution of galaxies of various morphological types, e) The detection of dust in dwarf and giant elliptical galaxies.
This new generation of IRAS images, called IRIS, benefits from better zodiacal light subtraction, calibration and zero levels compatible with DIRBE, and better destriping. At 100 microns, the IRIS product is also a significant improvement over the Schlegel et al. (1998) maps. IRIS keeps the full ISSA resolution, includes well calibrated point sources, and the diffuse emission calibration at scales smaller than 1 degree was corrected for the variation of the IRAS detector responsivity with scale and brightness. The uncertainty on the IRIS calibration and zero levels is dominated by the uncertainty of the DIRBE calibration and the accuracy of the zodiacal light model.
IRAC Observations of the Extended Disk and Halo of M31
Short Name:
27 Oct 2022 19:00:00
NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
Spitzer IRAC Observations of the Extended Disk and Halo of M31 (M31 IRAC) covers the major and minor axes of M31 with total lengths of 6.6 and 4.4 degrees, respectively. The M31 IRAC Catalog includes 426,529 sources.
The IRAC Ultradeep Field (IUDF) combines all ultradeep data ever taken with the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) at 3.6 and 4.5 microns over GOODS-South and the HUDF (+ parallels). The deepest observations come from the IRAC Ultra Deep Field (IUDF, ID 70145, PI Labbe) and IRAC Legacy over GOODS (IGOODS, PID 10076, PI Oesch) programs, combined with archival data from GOODS (PID 194, PI Dickinson), SEDS (PID 60022, PI G. Fazio), S-CANDELS (PID 70204, PI Fazio), ERS (PID 80217, PI Fazio), and UDF2 (PID 30866, PI Bouwens). The combined IRAC images in this data release amount to 1500 hour total integration time, ranging from >50 hour over 150 sq. arcmin, and >100 hour over 60 sq. arcmin, to ~200 hour over 5 - 10 sq. arcmin.
This is IRSA's implementation of version 2 of the IVOA Simple Image Access (SIA) protocol. Our SIA v2 service allows a rich variety of searches against IRSA's varied holdings.
Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: A Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel
Short Name:
16 Mar 2017 01:00:00
NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
KINGFISH is an imaging and spectroscopic survey of 61 nearby (d<30 Mpc) galaxies, chosen to cover a wide range of galaxy properties and local interstellar medium (ISM) environments found in the nearby universe. Its broad goals are to characterize the ISM of present-day galaxies, the heating and cooling of their gaseous and dust components, and to better understand the physical processes linking star formation and the ISM.
This service provides access to and information about the 2MASS All-Sky Atlas Images. Atlas Images delivered by this service are in FITS format and contain full WCS information in their headers. Additionally, the image headers contain photometric zero point information. 2MASS Atlas Images are suitable for quantitative photometric measurements.
The 2MASS All-Sky Data Release contains Image and Catalog data covering 99.998% of the sky, derived from all northern and southern Survey observations. The All-Sky Release products include a Point Source Catalog (PSC), containing positions and photometry for 470,992,970 objects, an Extended Source Catalog (XSC), containing positions, photometry and basic shape information for 1,647,599 resolved sources, most of which are galaxies, and the Image Atlas, containing over 4,121,439 J, H and Ks FITS images covering the sky.
This service provides access to and information about the 2MASS All-Sky Quicklook Images. The Quicklook Images delivered by this service are restored from lossy-compressed files in FITS format with full WCS information contained in the image headers. These images are suitable for position measurements, finding charts and visual inspection of the near-infrared sky.
Photometric calibration for 2MASS was performed using observations of calibration fields made at regular intervals during each night of survey operations. Measurements of standard stars in the fields were used to derive the photometric zero point offsets as a function of time during each night. Atmospheric extinction coefficients were derived from 2MASS observations made over long periods. 2MASS calibration fields, or tiles, are 1° long in declination and approximately 8.5' wide in right ascension. There are 35 regular survey calibration fields distributed at approximately two hour intervals in right ascension near declinations of approximately -30°, 0° and +30°. An additional five calibration fields were defined in and around the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds to support the deep observation (6x) campaign towards the end of survey operations. Calibration scan Atlas Images, and Point and Extended Source Working Databases (Cal-PSWDB and Cal-XSWDB), analogous to those from the main survey, were produced from the calibration scan pipeline data reduction.