- ID:
- ivo://mast.stsci/angrrr
- Title:
- Archive of Nearby Galaxies: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (ANGRRR)
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 22 Jul 2020 22:28:43
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- An archive of stellar photometry for galaxies within 3.5 Mpc, excluding Local Group galaxies, based on primary and parallel wide-filter UV and optical observations taken with HST ACS/WFC or WFPC2.The sample includes all observations taken through Dec. 2008, as well as observations taken as part of Cycle 16 Supplemental GO programs 11986 and 11987. This release includes the ANGST targets within 3.5 Mpc; these observations have been rereduced using updated CTE corrections and zeropoints. Galaxies with 3.5 < D <= 5 Mpc will be included in a later release.
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- ID:
- ivo://archive.stsci.edu/borg
- Title:
- Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG)
- Short Name:
- BoRG
- Date:
- 22 Jul 2020 22:24:07
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- The Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) observations were first obtained in HST Cycle 17 in program GO 11700 (PI: Michele Trenti). BoRG is an ongoing pure-parallel program that obtains WFC3 imaging in four filters (F606W, F098M, F125W, F160W) on random sightlines at high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 30 degrees). BoRG also assimilates data from the similar Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey (HIPPIES) pure-parallel program (GO 11702; PI: Yan). Data from the HIPPIES program uses the F600LP filter instead of F606W.
- ID:
- ivo://cxc.harvard.edu/csc.siap
- Title:
- Chandra Source Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 24 Oct 2019
- Publisher:
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Description:
- The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by NASA in December, 1998. Originally three instruments and a high-resolution mirror carried in one spacecraft, the project was reworked in 1992 and 1993. The Chandra spacecraft carries a high resolution mirror, two imaging detectors, and two sets of transmission gratings. Important Chandra features are: an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution, good sensitivity from 0.1 to 10 keV, and the capability for high spectral resolution observations over most of this range. The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) includes information about X-ray sources detected in observations obtained using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Release 2.0 of the catalog includes 317,167 point, compact, and extended sources detected in ACIS and HRC-I imaging observations released publicly prior to the end of 2014. Observed source positions and multi-band count rates are reported, as well as numerous derived spatial, photometric, spectral, and temporal calibrated source properties that may be compared with data obtained by other telescopes. Each record includes the best estimates of the properties of a source based on data extracted from all observations in which the source was detected. The Chandra Source Catalog is extracted from the CXC"s Chandra Data Archive (CDA). The CXC should be acknowledged as the source of Chandra data. For detailed information on the Chandra Observatory and datasets see: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ for general Chandra information; http://cxc.harvard.edu/cda/ for the Chandra Data Archive; http://cxc.harvard.edu/csc/ for Chandra Source Catalog information.
- ID:
- ivo://cxc.harvard.edu/cscr2.siap
- Title:
- Chandra Source Catalog Release 2
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 24 Oct 2019
- Publisher:
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Description:
- The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by NASA in December, 1998. Originally three instruments and a high-resolution mirror carried in one spacecraft, the project was reworked in 1992 and 1993. The Chandra spacecraft carries a high resolution mirror, two imaging detectors, and two sets of transmission gratings. Important Chandra features are: an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution, good sensitivity from 0.1 to 10 keV, and the capability for high spectral resolution observations over most of this range. The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) includes information about X-ray sources detected in observations obtained using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Release 2.0 of the catalog includes 317,167 point, compact, and extended sources detected in ACIS and HRC-I imaging observations released publicly prior to the end of 2014. Observed source positions and multi-band count rates are reported, as well as numerous derived spatial, photometric, spectral, and temporal calibrated source properties that may be compared with data obtained by other telescopes. Each record includes the best estimates of the properties of a source based on data extracted from all observations in which the source was detected. The Chandra Source Catalog is extracted from the CXC"s Chandra Data Archive (CDA). The CXC should be acknowledged as the source of Chandra data. For detailed information on the Chandra Observatory and datasets see: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ for general Chandra information; http://cxc.harvard.edu/cda/ for the Chandra Data Archive; http://cxc.harvard.edu/csc/ for Chandra Source Catalog information.
- ID:
- ivo://cxc.harvard.edu/cscr1.siap
- Title:
- Chandra Source Catalog Release 1
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 24 Oct 2019
- Publisher:
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Description:
- The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by NASA in December, 1998. Originally three instruments and a high-resolution mirror carried in one spacecraft, the project was reworked in 1992 and 1993. The Chandra spacecraft carries a high resolution mirror, two imaging detectors, and two sets of transmission gratings. Important Chandra features are: an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution, good sensitivity from 0.1 to 10 keV, and the capability for high spectral resolution observations over most of this range. The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) includes information about X-ray sources detected in observations obtained using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Release 1.1 of the catalog includes about 138,000 point and compact sources with observed spatial extents less than ~30 arcsec detected in a subset of ACIS and HRC-I imaging observations released publicly prior to the end of 2009. Observed source positions and multi-band count rates are reported, as well as numerous derived spatial, photometric, spectral, and temporal calibrated source properties that may be compared with data obtained by other telescopes. Each record includes the best estimates of the properties of a source based on data extracted from all observations in which the source was detected. The Chandra Source Catalog is extracted from the CXC"s Chandra Data Archive (CDA). The CXC should be acknowledged as the source of Chandra data. For detailed information on the Chandra Observatory and datasets see: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ for general Chandra information; http://cxc.harvard.edu/cda/ for the Chandra Data Archive; http://cxc.harvard.edu/csc/ for Chandra Source Catalog information.
- ID:
- ivo://cxc.harvard.edu/cda.siap
- Title:
- Chandra X-ray Observatory Data Archive
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 21 Dec 2015
- Publisher:
- Chandra X-ray Observatory
- Description:
- The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory. Chandra was formerly known as AXAF, the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, but renamed by NASA in December, 1998. Originally three instruments and a high-resolution mirror carried in one spacecraft, the project was reworked in 1992 and 1993. The Chandra spacecraft carries a high resolution mirror, two imaging detectors, and two sets of transmission gratings. Important Chandra features are: an order of magnitude improvement in spatial resolution, good sensitivity from 0.1 to 10 keV, and the capability for high spectral resolution observations over most of this range.
- ID:
- ivo://mast.stsci/clash
- Title:
- Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH)
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 22 Jul 2020 22:29:29
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- By observing 25 massive galaxy clusters with HST's new panchromatic imaging capabilities (Wide-field Camera 3, WFC3, and the Advanced Camera for Surveys, ACS), CLASH will accomplish its four primary science goals: - Map, with unprecedented accuracy, the distribution of dark matter in galaxy clusters using strong and weak gravitational lensing; - Detect Type Ia supernovae out to redshift z ~ 2, allowing us to test the constancy of dark energy's repulsive force over time and look for any evolutionary effects in the supernovae themselves; - Detect and characterize some of the most distant galaxies yet discovered at z > 7 (when the Universe was younger than 800 million years old - or less than 6% of its current age); - Study the internal structure and evolution of the galaxies in and behind these clusters.
- ID:
- ivo://mast.stsci/candels
- Title:
- Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS)
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 12 Feb 2020 21:03:03
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- CANDELS is designed to document the first third of galactic evolution from z = 8 to 1.5 via deep imaging of more than 250,000 galaxies with WFC3/IR and ACS. It will also find the first Type Ia SNe beyond z greater than 1.5 and establish their accuracy as standard candles for cosmology. Five premier multi-wavelength sky regions are selected; each has multi-wavelength data from Spitzer and other facilities, and has extensive spectroscopy of the brighter galaxies. The use of five widely separated fields mitigates cosmic variance and yields statistically robust and complete samples of galaxies down to 109 solar masses out to z ~ 8.
- ID:
- ivo://mast.stsci/andromeda
- Title:
- Deep Optical Photometry of Six Fields in the Andromeda Galaxy
- Short Name:
- HST.Andromeda
- Date:
- 22 Jul 2020 22:25:44
- Publisher:
- Space Telescope Science Institute Archive
- Description:
- Using the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope, Thomas Brown (STScI) et al. obtained deep optical images reaching well below the oldest main sequence turnoff in six fields of the Andromeda Galaxy. The fields fall at four positions on the southeast minor axis, one position in the giant stellar stream, and one position on the northeast major axis. These data were obtained as part of three large observing programs (9453, 10265, 10816) designed to probe the star formation history of the stellar population in various structures of the galaxy.
- ID:
- ivo://eso.org/dss
- Title:
- Digitized Sky Survey
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 05 Jul 2021 08:18:13
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Online Digitized Sky Surveys (DSS1 & 2) server at the ESO/ST-ECF Archive provides access to the CD-ROM set produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute through its Guide Star Survey group. The images of these surveys are based on photographic data obtained using the Oschin Schmidt Telescope on Palomar Mountain and the UK Schmidt Telescope. The plates were processed into the present compressed digital form with the permission of these institutions. The photographic plates were scanned to a pixel scale of about 1.7 arcseconds per pixel for the POSS, SERC, and Palomar Quick-V surveys, and to about 1.0 arcseconds per pixel for the POSS-II surveys. Images of any part of the sky may be extracted from the DSS, in either FITS or GIF format.