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- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Images/LVL
- Title:
- Spitzer Local Volume Legacy Survey
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 27 Oct 2022 19:00:00
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- LVL consists of a sample of 258 galaxies, which have been mapped with both IRAC (4 bands) and MIPS (3 bands). In addition, ancillary data products consisting of images in the narrow-band H-alpha line emission and broad-band R (from the ground) and the UV continuum (2 bands) from GALEX are also available for many of the galaxies.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/goodsmips
- Title:
- Spitzer MIPS GOODS 24 Micron Data
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Spitzer MIPS observations of the GOODS North and South fields in the 24 micron channel. Provenance: IRSA, GOODS team. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Images/Abell1763
- Title:
- Spitzer Observations of Abell 1763
- Short Name:
- Abell 1763
- Date:
- 27 Oct 2022 19:00:00
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- This data set includes images of the galaxy cluster Abell 1763 at visible and infrared wavelengths: r', J, H, and Ks obtained using the Palomar 200in telescope, as well as the IRAC and MIPS images from Spitzer. The cluster is covered out to approximately 3 virial radii with deep 24 mum imaging (a 5sigma depth of 0.2 mJy). This same field of ~40' × 40' is covered in all four IRAC bands as well as the longer wavelength MIPS bands (70 and 160 mum). The r' imaging covers ~0.8 deg2 down to 25.5 mag, and overlaps with most of the MIPS field of view. The J, H, and Ks images cover the cluster core and roughly half of the filament galaxies, which extend toward the neighboring cluster, Abell 1770.
- ID:
- ivo://irsa.ipac/Spitzer/Images/S4G
- Title:
- Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies
- Short Name:
- S4G
- Date:
- 27 Sep 2024 01:00:00
- Publisher:
- NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
- Description:
- The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G) is a volume-, magnitude-, and size-limited survey of over 2300 nearby galaxies at 3.6 and 4.5μm. This is an extremely deep survey reaching an unprecedented 1σ surface brightness limit of μ3.6μm(AB) = 27 mag arcsec-2. This translates to a stellar surface density of << 1 M⊙ pc-2 ! S4G can thus probe the stellar structure in galaxies in a regime where the gas dominates the stars (typical HI surface density ~ a few M⊙ pc-2).
- ID:
- ivo://jvo/subaru/moircs
- Title:
- Subaru MOIRCS data service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 14 Nov 2019 03:50:26
- Publisher:
- Description:
- MOIRCS (Multi-Object InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph) provides wide-field imaging and long-slit / multi-object (MOS) spectroscopic capabilities in the 0.9 ~ 2.5 µm spectral range under the natural seeing condition. The 4'?~7' field of view is covered by two Hawaii-2 2048?~2048 arrays with the spatial resolution of 0.117 arcsec/pixel.
- ID:
- ivo://jvo/subaru/spcam
- Title:
- Subaru Suprime-Cam data service
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 04 Nov 2020 06:00:31
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) is a mosaic of ten 2048 x 4096 CCDs, located at the prime focus of Subaru Telescope, which covers a 34' x 27' field of view with a pixel scale of 0.20''. This service provides access to the JVO Subaru Suprime-Cam mosaic image archive. The purpose of this archive is to provide quick look images taken by Subaru/Suprime-Cam. Those images were processed by a pipeline developed by JVO.
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/suzamaster
- Title:
- Suzaku Master Catalog
- Short Name:
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This database table records high-level information for each Suzaku observation and provides access to the data archive. Each record is associated with a single observation. An observation contains data from all instruments on board Suzaku. The Suzaku satellate operated from July 2005 till September 2015. This database table was generated at the Suzaku proceesing site with the final data reprocessing (September 2016) after the mission stopped operating. During operation, it was updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/swiftbalog
- Title:
- Swift BAT Instrument Log
- Short Name:
- SwiftBAT
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The BAT can operate several configuration modes simultaneously. Each of the simultaneous modes is listed in separate records within this table. For a given time interval, there are several records (partially overlapping in time), each describing a single configuration/mode. The BAT modes collect data for the entire FOV but also have the capability to record rates (tag mask rate) for up to a few specific sky positions (typically 3) that correspond to a pre-assigned target ID. It is possible that at least two or more of these positions do not coincide with the BAT or NFI pointing position and therefore the target ID does necessarily coincide with Target_ID of the BAT or NFI pointing position. This table records for the position (RA and Dec) and Target_ID parameters the correct values associated to each of the mask tag data. This database table is generated at the Swift processing site. During operation, it is updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .
- ID:
- ivo://nasa.heasarc/skyview/bat-flux-1
- Title:
- Swift BAT 70 Month All-Sky Survey: 14\-20 keV: flux
- Short Name:
- BAT-flux-1
- Date:
- 07 Mar 2025
- Publisher:
- Description:
- This BAT Hard X-ray Survey data is the 70-month survey product of the BAT instrument on the Swift observatory. Swift/BAT is a wide field-of-view (70x100 degrees) hard X-ray imager consisting of a coded mask and a large array of CdZnTe detectors (with an effective area of ~ 5000 cm<sup>2</sup>). <p> BAT is sensitive in the energy range 14-195 keV. The data are divided into 8 energy bands <table border> <tr><th>Band<th>Energy (keV)<th>Frequency (EHz) </tr> <tr><td>1<td> 14-20 <td> 3.38-4.84</tr> <tr><td>2<td> 20-24 <td> 4.84-5.80</tr> <tr><td>3<td> 24-35 <td> 5.80-8.46</tr> <tr><td>4<td> 35-50 <td> 8.46-12.1</tr> <tr><td>5<td> 50-75 <td> 12.1-18.1</tr> <tr><td>6<td> 75-100 <td> 18.1-24.2</tr> <tr><td>7<td> 100-150<td> 24.2-36.3</tr> <tr><td>8<td> 150-195<td> 36.3-47.2</tr> <tr><td>Sum (SNR only)<td>14-195<td> 3.38-47.2</tr> </table> Each band is represented as as two separate surveys, a signal-to-noise (SNR) map and a flux map. (e.g., BAT-snr-1 or BAT SNR 1 or BAT SNR 14-20, or BAT-Flux-1, ...). An additional summed survey, BAT-SNR-SUM or BAT SNR SUM or BAT SNR 14-195, is also available, but there is no summed flux survey. In our Web interface only the SNR surveys are shown in the Web form. Users can get flux maps corresponding to a given SNR image from the results pages. The batch interfaces may directly query any of the surveys since the user chooses the names explicitly rather than from a selection box. <p> The values displayed in the significance maps are the local signal to noise ratio in each pixel. The noise in these coded-mask images follows a Gaussian distribution with center at zero and a characteristic width (sigma) of 1.0. The noise is calculated locally for each pixel by measuring the RMS value of all pixel values in an annulus around each pixel and hence includs both statistical and systematic components. Known sources are excluded from the annuli. <p> The signal in each pixel is taken from the flux maps. <p> The flux values are in the native BAT survey units of counts/sec/detector. The detector is an individual piece of CZT in the BAT array with an area of 1.6 x 10<sup>-7</sup>m<sup>2</sub>. <p> While the Swift mission is primarily designed to follow gamma-ray bursts, the random distribution of bursts in the sky means that these survey's sky coverage is relatively uniform with the exposure at any point varying between about 6 to 16 megaseconds. The survey limits for source detection are about 10<sup>-11</sup> ergs/s/cm<sup>2</sup> over about half the sky and 1.3x10<sup>-11</sup> ergs/s/cm<sup>2</sup> over 90%. <p> These data replace the 9-month BAT datasets which we have retired. If you wish access to the older data please let us know. Note that for the 9-month data we provided access through the web page to the flux data and gave links to the signal-to-noise maps. Since the existence of sources is most easily seen in the SNR maps, we decided to invert that for this release. <p> For the 8 band data, the source data were provided by the BAT team as 6 FITS files. Each of these contained the 8 bands in separate image extensions for a region centered at l=0,b=+/-90 or l=0,90,180,270,b=0, the centers of 6 cubic facets. However these data are not the classical cube-faced projections, e.g., as used in COBE data. The data on the facets overlap, so that this is just a convenient way to tile the sky. <i>SkyView</i> separated each of the FITS image extensions into a separate file, but no other modifications were made to the data. The summed image was provided as six separate files. Provenance: NASA BAT Team. This is a service of NASA HEASARC.