A catalogue of mid-infrared slit-less spectra (5.5-12.5 ?m) extracted from the AKARI/IRC MIR-S spectroscopic observation data. All 886 MIR-S spectroscopic data obtained in Phases 1&2 are analyzed, and 862 spectra of 604 individual sources that are little contaminated by nearby sources are catalogued. We also present a 9 ?m point source catalogue generated as a by-product. The point source catalogue contains 42,387 sources brighter than 0.3 mJy.
AKARI/IRC NIR Spectral Atlas of Galactic Planetary Nebulae
Short Name:
29 May 2024 05:26:27
This catalog contains near-infrared (2.5--5.0 micron) low-resolution (R ~ 100) spectra of 72 Galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNe), obtained with the InfraRed Camera (IRC) onboard the AKARI satellite in the post-helium phase. The objects were treated as almost point sources for the IRC. Grism spectroscopy was carried out in the 1-arcmin window. The near-infrared spectra were obtained in a slit-less mode without any flux loss due to a slit. The spectra show emission features including hydrogen recombination lines, helium recombination lines, the 3.3--3.5 micron hydrocarbon features, [MgIV] at 4.49 micron, and [ArVI] at 4.53 micron. This catalog also contains the intensity and equivalent width of these emission features measured by spectral fitting. The source list (source.dat) summarizes observations. As ancillary data, the magnitudes in the V- and Ks-band, the extinction at V-band toward the objects, and the effective temperature collected from literature are listed in another table (misc.dat). The intensities and the equivalent widths of the emission features are tabulated in different tables (intens.dat and equivw.dat). Each object is identified by the PNG ID (PNG) or an observation ID (Obs-ID). One-dimensional near-infrared spectra are stored in a directory (spc/). Each spectrum is identified by the observation ID.
The Berkeley Extreme and Far-UV Spectrometer (BEFS), flew on the
Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrograph (ORFEUS)-SPAS I
and II space shuttle missions in 1993 and 1996, returning high-resolution (/3000)
FUV spectra (900-1200 Å) of 75 astrophysical objects from the first flight and more
than 100 from the second. EUV spectra (400-900 Å) were obtained for a subset of these
High frequency water maser and HI spectra are available through this web service. The water maser phenomena are found in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and have been surveyed with the NRAO Green Bank Telescope. HI spectra are measured mostly from galaxies in the local Universe.
MAST-produced spectral container files for STIS spectra. STIS
spectra range from 1150 to 10,300 at low to medium spectral resolution, high
spatial resolution echelle spectroscopy in the ultraviolet. STIS began
operation in 1997. (Note the included echelle spectra are technically not
yet supported by the SSAP.)