TLUSTY OSTAR2002+BSTAR2006 Grid, The merged files use the BSTAR2006 models for effective temperatures up to 30,000 K and the OSTAR2002 models for higher temperatures.
The Tübingen Echelle Spectrograph (TUES), designed and managed at the University of Tübingen, flew on the Orbiting and Retrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrograph (ORFEUS)-SPAS II space shuttle mission in 1996, returning spectra in the 900 Å to 1400 Å wavelength range. The instrument was designed to achieve a spectral resolution of /=10000 when used with an entrance aperture of 10" diameter. During the 17.7 day flight, TUES returned 239 spectra of 62 targets. Note each file contains one echelle order.
Spectra from the Univsity of Wisconsin Pine Bluff Observatory
in the 3,200 - 7,750 Å range, resolution ~ 80, V_max ~ 15, ~ 2800 observations
of ~ 400 targets, 1989-1998. Note spectropolarimetry data is also included.
Observations complement those obtained from the ASTRO WUPPE project.