NED SED Information Discovery Request service:
This service retrieves photometry for objects within a specified radius of a given
position. The search region is specified by two parameters: POS [RA and DEC
in decimal degrees, ICRF/FK5J2000] and SIZE [degrees]. This service returns a
list of NED Object Identifiers (Names), the count of photometric SED measurements
for each object, and the URI (ACREF) for the SED Data Retrieval request (accessSED).
This service is used by the VO SED analysis tool Iris.
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Chabrier (2003). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Ferrini, Penco, Palla (1990). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Kroupa (2002). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.