This services provides 1D spectra from DR5 of LAMOST (Large Sky Area
Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) through SSAP;
data is served both in VO-standard SDM and, via datalink, the original
SDSS-inspired FITS described in .
The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey LoTSS DR2
(:bibcode:`2022A&A...659A...1S`) obtained radio data from 27% of the
northern sky between 120 and 168 MHz in the year 2014 through 2020. This
service publishes polarization spectra of extragalactic radio sources
(radio galaxies and blazars) and the rotation measures derived from them.
We also give redshifts for all sources. The data has a spatial resolution
of 20 arcsec.
The MAGIC project observes the VHE sky (GeV~TeV) through Cherenkov
radiation events. The project is operating since 2004 and with the
support from the Spain-VO team they provide data access through a
VO-SSAP and web services. This service re-publishes the data with
homogeneized in flux units (given here in 'erg/(s.cm2)'). Photon
energy values in are transfomred to frequencies.
These spectra are optical follow-up observations of the
X-ray sources detected in the 942 ks exposure of the
Chandra Deep Field-South (CDFS) using FORS.
An archive of optical and near-infrared spectra of strongly lensed
quasars and the lensing galaxies. The spectra are resolved to about a
few Ångstroms and are flux-calibrated. The spectra resulted from
deblending the lensed images in bidimensional spectra available from
the SSAP service for `ivo://org.gavo.dc/mlqso/q/s
TheoSSA provides spectral energy distributions based on model
atmosphere calculations. Currently, we serve results obtained using
the Tübingen NLTE Model Atmosphere Package (TMAP) for hot compact
The Panchromatic High-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Local Group
Star Clusters PCSLG
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:12
The GAVO DC team
This dataset contains spectroscopic observations of 29 globular
clusters in the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way performed with
VLT/X-shooter over eight full nights.
The zCOSMOS redshift survey used 600h on the VIMOS spectrograph spread over
five observing seasons (2005-2009) to obtain spectra of about 20,000 galaxies
selected to have Iab < 22.5 across the full 1.7 deg2 of the COSMOS field.
This part, "zCOSMOS-bright", was designed to yield a high and fairly uniform
sampling rate (about 70%), with a high success rate in measuring redshifts
(approaching 100% at 0.5 < z < 0.8), and with sufficient
velocity accuracy
(about 100 km/s) to efficiently map the environments of galaxies down to the
scale of galaxy groups out to redshifts z ~ 1.