PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Chabrier (2003). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Ferrini, Penco, Palla (1990). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Kroupa (2002). This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
POPSTAR with Salpeter (1955) IMF with m=(0.15-100)Msun.
Short Name:
04 Sep 2019 08:30:29
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Salpeter (1955) with m=(0.15-100)Msun. This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
POPSTAR with Salpeter (1955) IMF with m=(0.85-120)Msun.
Short Name:
04 Sep 2019 08:30:16
PopStar Evolutionary synthesis models. Using IMF from Salpeter (1955) with m=(0.85-120)Msun. This grid of Single Stellar Populations covers a wide range in both, age and metallicity. The models use the most recent evolutionary tracks together with the use of new NLTE atmosphere models.
EXES operated in the 4.5 - 28.3 um wavelength region, at high (R ~ 50,000 - 100,000), medium (R ~ 5000 - 20,000) and low (R . 1000 - 3000) spectral resolution.
FIFI-LS was an integral field, far-infrared spectrometer. The instrument included two independent grating spectrometers sharing a common field of view (FOV). The short wavelength spectrometer (blue channel) operated in the 51 - 120 um wavelength region, and the long wavelength spectrometer (red channel) covered 115 - 200 um. The spectral resolution ranged from 600 to 2,000 dependent on the observed wavelength, with higher values towards the long wavelength ends of each spectrometer.
FLITECAM was an infrared camera operating in the 1.0 - 5.5 um waveband. It consisted of a 1024x1024 InSb detector with 0.475"x0.475" pixels and used refractive optics to provide an 8' diameter field of view. The instrument had a set of filters for imaging, and grisms for moderate resolution spectroscopy. The filter suite consisted of standard Barr filters used for imaging at J, H, K, L and M in one filter wheel. A second filter wheel held a selection of narrow-band imaging filters including Pa-alpha, Pa-alpha continuum, 3.07 um H2O ice, 3.3 um PAH, L-narrow and M-narrow. Additionally there were order sorting filters for use with the grisms. A selection of three grisms was available to provide medium resolution (R ~ 1500) spectra over the entire wavelength range.
FORCAST was a dual-channel mid-infrared camera and spectrograph sensitive from 5 - 40 um. Spectroscopy was also possible using a suite of grisms, which provided coverage from 5 - 40 um with a low spectral resolution of R ~ 200.