The German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies (GREAT) was a modular heterodyne instrument with multiple configurations that provided high-resolution spectra (up to R = 1e8) in several frequency windows between 0.4900-4.7448 THz.
An archive of optical and near-infrared spectra of strongly lensed
quasars and the lensing galaxies. The spectra are resolved to about a
few Ångstroms and are flux-calibrated. The spectra resulted from
deblending the lensed images in bidimensional spectra available from
the SSAP service for `ivo://org.gavo.dc/mlqso/q/s
The ELODIE interpolator is a service buil on top of the ELODIE library to generate a spectrum given the atmospheric parameters: Teff, log(g) and [Fe/H]. The typical usage of this function is to generate a grid of atmospheric spectra for a set of parameters in order to feed a population synthesis program. The grid used for the PEGASE.HR program has been generated with this method. The program is based on a method described in Prugniel & Soubiran (2001) and uses the version of the stellar library presented in Prugniel & Soubiran (2004). The service responds to the metadata and data requests defined in VOspec for theoretical spectra access (called TSA). A normal SSA positional search will return an empty result.
SSA service for RCSED spectrophotometric catalog of nearby galaxies
Short Name:
16 Jul 2024 00:01:13
Paris Astronomical Data Centre
miror service of Observed spectra and their fitted models for galaxies
from RCSED catalog (derived from cross-match between SDSS, GALEX, and
UKIDSS catalogs)
The SVO EXPORT Herbig AeBe SSAP service gives access to a homogeneous spectroscopic database of HAeBe stars. It consists of 337 multi-epoch optical spectra of 38 object observed by the EXPORT consortium (Eiroa, C., Alberdi, A., Camron, A. et al. 2000, ESASP, 451, 189) in 1998/1999.The multi-epoch observation is a useful approach for understanding the origin of the CS lines and their variability, and to establish distinctions in the physical processes operating in pre-main sequence stars.
The BAT can operate several configuration modes simultaneously. Each of the simultaneous modes is listed in separate records within this table. For a given time interval, there are several records (partially overlapping in time), each describing a single configuration/mode. The BAT modes collect data for the entire FOV but also have the capability to record rates (tag mask rate) for up to a few specific sky positions (typically 3) that correspond to a pre-assigned target ID. It is possible that at least two or more of these positions do not coincide with the BAT or NFI pointing position and therefore the target ID does necessarily coincide with Target_ID of the BAT or NFI pointing position. This table records for the position (RA and Dec) and Target_ID parameters the correct values associated to each of the mask tag data. This database table is generated at the Swift processing site. During operation, it is updated on daily basis. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .