Spectra from the Flash and Heros Echelle spectrographs developed at
Landessternwarte Heidelberg and mounted at La Silla and various other
observatories. The data mostly contains spectra of OB stars. Heros was
the name of the instrument after Flash got a second channel in 1995.
Spectra from the Flash and Heros Echelle spectrographs developed at
Landessternwarte Heidelberg and mounted at La Silla and various other
observatories. The data mostly contains spectra of OB stars. Heros was
the name of the instrument after Flash got a second channel in 1995.
This service exposes about 0.5 million light curves of stars
classified as variable by the Gaia analysis system through the VO SSAP
protocol. The lightcurves are published per-band and are also
available through obscore.
This is a re-publication the Gaia DR3 RP/BP spectra in the IVOA Spectral
Data Model. It presents the continous spectra in sampled form, using a
Monte Carlo scheme to decorrelate errors, elaborated in this resource's
reference URL. The underlying tables are also available for querying
through TAP, which opens some powerful methods for mass-analysing the data.
Herschel data from the 'Galactic Observations of Terahertz C' (GOT Cplus) Open Time Key Program (KPOT_wlanger_1) are available here using spatial and visualization tools. GOT Cplus surveyed the Galactic Plane in the 158 micron (1.9 THz) fine structure transition of [CII] using Herschel's HIFI instrument. GOT Cplus is a sparse survey containing 454 lines of sight throughout the Galactic Disk, plus two position-velocity maps across the Galactic center.
Fully scalable forward model grid of exoplanet transmission spectra. Considering global condensation and removal of species from the atmospheric column (rainout).
GRAMS (Grid of Red supergiant and Asymptotic giant ModelS) is a grid of radiative transfer (RT) models for dust shells around red supergiant (RSG) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. This is the model grid for Carbon-rich stars