The publishing registry for the GAVO Heidelberg Data Center. On
request, we also host other registry records. Use the contact address
for more information.
This registry is the definitive source for HEASARC Virtual Observatory
metadata. It is not intended for direct use by user applications but
for harvest by other registries. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC.
This is a special publishing registry that describes
resources that represent important infrastructure
components to the VO registry framework. A primary purpose
is to provide a registry to discover other publishing
registries. A registry that wants to harvest all records
known to the VO can first harvest from this registry a list
of all known publishing registries (via the IVOA Registry
Interface for harvesting with set=ivoa_publishers). An
interactive interface allows publishing registry providers
to check their interfaces and make their registries known to
the framework. This registry also describes standard
protocols recognized by the IVOA.