AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS), underway since 2010,
covers the entire sky from 7.5 < V < 16.5 magnitude, and in the BVugrizY
bandpasses. A northern and a southern site are used, each with twin ASA
20cm astrographs and Apogee Aspen CG16m cameras, covering 2.9x2.9 square
degrees with 2.6arcsec pixels. Landolt and SDSS standards are used for
all-sky solutions, with typical 0.02mag calibration errors on the bright
Data Release 10 is a complete reprocessing of all 500K images taken with
the system, including hundreds of nights not part of DR9. Sextractor is
used for star finding and centroiding; DAOPHOT is used for aperture
photometry; the astrometry.net plate-solving library is used for basic
astrometry, supplanted with more precise WCS that utilizes knowledge of the
optical train distortions. With these changes, DR10 includes many more
stars than prior releases.
More information is available at http://www.aavso.org/apass.
A Catalog of Galaxies in the Direction of the Perseus Cluster
Short Name:
pcc cone
27 Dec 2024 08:31:02
The GAVO DC team
This is a catalog of 5437 morphologically classified sources in the
direction of the Perseus galaxy cluster core, among them 496
early-type low-mass galaxy candidates. The catalog is primarily based
on V-band imaging data acquired with the William Herschel Telescope.
Additionally, we used archival Subaru multiband imaging data in order
to measure aperture colors and to perform a morphological
classification. The catalog reaches its 50 per cent completeness limit
at an absolute V-band luminosity of -12 mag and a V-band surface
brightness of 26 mag arcsec^-2 .
In addition to the published table, this service also contains cutout
images of the objects investigated.
A classifier for spurious astrometric solutions in Gaia EDR3
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:04
The GAVO DC team
This table contains estimates of the "fidelity" of Gaia eDR3
astrometric solutions, a measure of the likelihood the eDR3 solution
is physical rather than spurious obtained using a neural network
trained on a small, hand-selected sample.
This catalogue is a simulation of the Gaia DR2 stellar content using
Galaxia (a tool to sample stars from a Besancon-like Milky Way model),
3d dust extinction maps and the latest PARSEC Isochrones. It is
mimicking the Gaia DR2 data model and an apparent magnitude limit of
g=20,7. Extinctions and photometry in different bands have also been
included in a supplementary table as well as uncertainty estimates
using a scaled nominal error model.
2007-2012 ANTARES search for cosmic neutrino point sources
Short Name:
antares cone
27 Dec 2024 08:31:12
The GAVO DC team
A time integrated search for point sources of cosmic neutrinos was
performed using the data collected from January 2007 to November 2012
by the ANTARES neutrino telescope. This dataset includes a total of
5921 events obtained during the effective livetime of 1338 days.
2007-2010 ANTARES search for cosmic neutrino point sources
Short Name:
antares10 cone
27 Dec 2024 08:31:04
The GAVO DC team
A time integrated search for point sources of cosmic neutrinos was
performed using the data collected from January 2007 to November 2010
by the ANTARES neutrino telescope. This dataset includes a total of
3058 events obtained during the effective livetime of 813 days.
This is legacy data. The most recently released data can be found at
A form to search the VAMDC species list published on the TAP service
at http://dc.g-vo.org/tap. Enter parts of species names or chemical
formulae here and get back matching names, inchis and inchikeys.
Extracted sources from the Bochum Galactic Disk Survey. We provide
mean photometry in U, B, V, z, r, and i bands. Note that sources in
different bands are not matched. Also, sources sitting in the regions
imaged in multiple fields have not been matched even within one band.
In i and r, BGDS light curves are available. See related services for
The Bochum Galactic Disk Survey is a project to monitor the stellar
content of the Galactic disk in a 6 degree wide stripe centered on the
Galactic plane. The data has been recorded from September 2010 to
September 2019 with the RoBoTT Telecsope at the
Universitaetssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in the Chilean
Atacama desert. It contains measurements of more than 2x10^7 stars.
The second and final data release contains follow-up observations from
January 2017 to September 2019 in Sloan r and i and intermittent
measurements in Johnson UVB, Sloan z and the narrowbands OIII, NB,
Halpha and SII.
This service exposes the light curves of stars produced by the Bochum
Galactic Disk Survey; several million light curves are provided in the
SDSS i and r bands. The lightcurves are published per-band and are
also available through obscore.