Phebus instrument, a part of scientific equipment on board the Granat astrophysical Observatory, has the purpose to study cosmic gamma-ray bursts and solar flares in the range from 100keV to 100MeV. This is the final catalog of cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed in the PHEBUS experiment Granat orbiting astrophysical observatory. This catalogue contains information on 66 events recorded from December 1989 to May 199, 52 events recorded from June 1991 to December 199, 60 events recorded from January 1993 until September 1994, and 32 events recorded from October 1994 until December 1996. We provide the GRB light curves in the range 100keV - 1.6MeV, energy spectra and data on the total energy fluxes and energy fluxes at GRB luminosity peaks at energies above 100keV.
We present the catalogue of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) observed with the WATCH all-sky monitor on board the GRANAT satellite during the period December 1989 to September 1994. The cosmic origin of 95 bursts comprising the catalogue is confirmed either by their localisation with WATCH or by their detection with other GRB experiments. For each burst its time history and information on its intensity in the two energy ranges 8-20keV and 20-60keV are presented. Most events show hardening of the energy spectrum near the burst peak. In part of the bursts an X-ray precursor or a tail is seen at 8-20keV. We have determined the celestial positions of the sources of 47 bursts. Their localisation regions (at 3-sigma confidence level) are equivalent in area to circles with radii ranging from 0.2 to 1.6deg. The burst sources appear isotropically distributed on the sky on large angular scales.
Catalogue containing solar X-ray bursts measured by the Danish Wide Angle Telescope for Cosmic Hard X-Rays (WATCH) experiment aboard the Russian satellite GRANAT in the deca-keV energy range. Table 1 lists the periods during which solar observations with WATCH are available (WATCH ON-TIME) and where the bursts listed in the catalogue have been observed.