TeVCat (<a href="http://tevcat.org/">http://tevcat.org/</a>) is an online, interactive catalog for very-high-energy (VHE: energies, E >~ 50 GeV) gamma-ray astronomy. As VHE astronomy continues to grow, the usefulness of a one-stop clearing house for information on new sources is increasingly evident. TeVCat is intended to be such a resource. With sky maps, scientific information, visibility plotters and linked references available at the website, it will help the wider gamma-ray community stay up-to-date and informed on this exciting and rapidly developing field. This HEASARC database table provides the TeVCat list of VHE sources as well as links to the TeV source resource pages on the TeVCat website. The catalog and <a href="http://tevcat.org/">the website at the University of Chicago</a> are maintained by Scott Wakely and Deirdre Horan. This table was first ingested by the HEASARC in July 2017 based on the catalog of VHE gamma-ray sources available at <a href="http://tevcat.org/">http://tevcat.org/</a>. It is updated automatically within a few days of the catalog being updated on the University of Chicago website. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .