The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument
onboard the Cassini spacecraft observed the system of Saturn,
acquiring spectral cubes in the range 0.4-5.2 microns. This service
focuses on Saturn satellites, and provides access to calibrated and
ancillary data, computed as described here: It also provides
direct links to a larger web site with previews.
This service provides a compilation of spectra of asteroids in the
visible and NIR range. It is composed of various libraries distributed
as VizieR catalogues. Reformatted VOtable or fits versions are
provided with thumbnails. Ephemeris data are retrieved from Miriade
(IMCCE) for the reference date when possible.
This service provides a compilation of global spectra of planets and
satellites in the visible and NIR range, for quick reference purpose.
It is made from various libraries, including the
Tohoku-Hiroshima-Nagoya Planet Spectra Library (Lundock et al 2009)
and spectra from a USGS web site (R. Clark). Reformatted VOtable
versions are provided together with links to the original data.
The stellar spectra service is a compilation of several libraries
distributed by large observatories, which are intended to calibrate
telescopic observations. It currently provides access to two libraries
of reference stars distributed by ESO (composite spectra:
and NASA IRTF (observations from SpeX: