NGC7129 is a bright reflection nebula located in the molecular cloud complex near l=105.4{deg}, b=+9.9{deg}, about 1.15kpc distant. Embedded within the reflection nebula is a young cluster dominated by a compact grouping of four early-type stars: BD+65{deg}1638 (B3V), BD+65{deg}1637 (B3e), SVS 13 (B5e), and LkH{alpha} 234 (B8e). About 80 H{alpha} emission sources brighter than V~23 are identified in the region, many of which are presumably T Tauri star members of the cluster. We also present deep (V~23), optical (VR_C_I_C_) photometry of a field centered on the reflection nebula and spectral types for more than 130 sources determined from low dispersion, optical spectroscopy. The narrow pre-main sequence evident in the color-magnitude diagram suggests that star formation was rapid and coeval. A median age of about 1.8Myr is inferred for the H{alpha} and literature-identified X-ray emission sources having established spectral types, using pre-main sequence evolutionary models. Our interpretation of the structure of the molecular cloud and the distribution of young stellar objects is that BD+65{deg}1638 is primarily responsible for evacuating the blister-like cavity within the molecular cloud. LkH{alpha} 234 and several embedded sources evident in near-infrared adaptive optics imaging have formed recently within the ridge of compressed molecular gas. The compact cluster of low-mass stars formed concurrently with the early-type members, concentrated within a central radius of ~0.7pc. Star formation is simultaneously occurring in a semi-circular arc some ~3pc in radius that outlines remaining dense regions of molecular gas. High dispersion, optical spectra are presented for BD+65{deg}1638, BD+65{deg}1637, SVS 13, LkH{alpha} 234, and V350 Cep. These spectra are discussed in the context of the circumstellar environments inferred for these stars.
We present the analysis and results of a new VRI photometric and spectroscopic survey of the central ~1.8x1.2Mpc^2^ region of the galaxy cluster A3921 (z=0.094). We detect the presence of two dominant clumps of galaxies with a mass ratio of ~5: a main cluster centred on the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) (A3921-A), and an NW sub-cluster (A3921-B) hosting the second brightest cluster galaxy. The distorted morphology of the two sub-clusters suggests that they are interacting, while the velocity distribution of 104 confirmed cluster members does not reveal strong signatures of merging.
We present the optical (V, R, and I) photometry for BL Lacertae, which was observed from 1997 through 1999, with the 1.56-m telescope at the Shanghai astronomical observatory (SHAO). After the 1997 outburst, it dimmed to a low state and then brightened again. During the period JD 2450701 to JD 2450701.5, variations of 0.40mag, 0.27mag, and 0.21mag over a time scale of 100min were found for V, R, and I bands, suggesting that the variations were decreasing with wavelength. The correlation between V, R, and I is also analyzed using the DCF (Discrete Correlation Function) method. This shows that the variability in the V, R, and I bands are correlated with no time delay longer than 0.2day.
Near-infrared spectra were obtained for 117 red giants in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy with the FORS1 spectrograph on the VLT, in order to study the metallicity distribution of the stars and to lift the age-metallicity degeneracy of the red giant branch (RGB) in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD). Metallicities are derived from the equivalent widths of the infrared calcium triplet lines at 8498, 8542, and 8662{AA} calibrated with data from globular clusters, the open cluster M67, and the LMC. For a substantial portion of the sample, the strength of the calcium triplet is unexpectedly high, clearly indicating that the main stellar population of Fornax is significantly more metal-rich than could be inferred from the position of its RGB in the CMD.
We present new photometric V-, R- and I-band data for the rich galaxy cluster AC118 at z=0.31. The new photometry covers an area of 8.6x8.6arcmin^2^, corresponding to 2.9x2.9Mpc^2^ (H_0_=50km/s/Mpc, q_0_=0.5 and Lambda=0). The data have been collected for a project aimed at studying galaxy evolution through the color-magnitude relation and the fundamental plane. We provide a catalogue including all the sources (N=1206) detected in the cluster field. The galaxy sample is complete to V=22.8mag (N_gal=574), R=22.3mag (N_gal=649) and I=20.8mag (N_gal=419). We give aperture magnitudes within a fixed aperture of 4.4arcsec and Kron magnitudes. We also give photometric redshifts for 459 sources for which additional U- and K-band photometry is available. We derive and discuss the V- and R-band luminosity functions. The catalogue is intended as a tool for studies in galaxy evolution.
We observed a field of 16'x16' in the star-forming region Pelican Nebula (IC 5070) at BVRI wavelengths for 90 nights spread over one year in 2012-2013. More than 250 epochs in VRI-bands are used to identify and classify variables up to V~21mag. We present a catalogue of optical time-series photometry with periods, mean-magnitudes and classifications for 95 variable stars including 67 pre-main-sequence variables towards star-forming region IC 5070. The pre-main-sequence variables are further classified as candidate classical T Tauri and weak-line T Tauri stars based on their light curve variations and the locations on the color-color and color-magnitude diagrams using optical and infrared data together with Gaia DR2 astrometry. Classical T Tauri stars display variability amplitudes up to three times the maximum fluctuation in disk-free weak-line T Tauri stars, which show strong periodic variations. Short-term variability is missed in our photometry within single nights. Several classical T Tauri stars display long-lasting (>10 days) single or multiple fading and brightening events up to a couple of magnitudes at optical wavelengths.
We have found 72 premain-sequence (PMS) stars near the center of the {lambda} Orionis star-forming region by spectroscopically testing a magnitude-limited sample for the presence of lithium {lambda}6708 absorption, a diagnostic of youth. All of these stars show large lithium equivalent widths and radial velocities consistent with Orion membership, but only two were discovered previously via H{alpha} or X-ray surveys.
VRI photometry of {lambda} Ori star-forming region
Short Name:
21 Oct 2021
We present VRI photometry of 320,917 stars with 11<~R<~18 throughout the {lambda} Ori star-forming region. Using the more spatially limited spectroscopic surveys of Dolan & Mathieu (1999, Cat. <J/AJ/118/2409>, 2001, Cat. <J/AJ/121/2124>) to define the color-magnitude domain of young low-mass members of the association and removing statistically the field stars in this domain, we use our photometry to identify a representative pre-main-sequence (PMS) population throughout the interior of the molecular ring.
Spatially resolved CCD photometry of the Q2237+0305 gravitationally lensed quasar in V, R and I spectral bands from observations with the Maidanak 1.5-m telescope made in 1995-2000 is presented. For each of the four quasar components, - A, B, C and D, - stellar magnitudes for 78 dates in R filter, and for 17 dates in V and I and shown in Tables 4-6. The color indices V-R and V-I for 17 dates during 1995-2000 are also presented (Table 7), which permitted to analyse a behavior of colors of the lensed quasar images in microlensing, and to discover a significant correlation between the color changes and magnitude changes in the sense, that the components tend to become bluer as their brightness increases.
We present very deep and accurate photometry of the open cluster M35. We have observed this association in the Cousins R, I filters, together with the Johnson V filter. We have covered a region of 27.5x27.5 square arcmin, equivalent to a fifth of the total area of the cluster. The data range from I_c_=12.5 to 23.5mag, and the color intervals are 0.4<=(V-I)_c_<=3.0, 0.5<=(R-I)_c_<=2.5. Roughly, these values span from 1.6M_{sun}_ down to the substellar limit, in the case of cluster members. By using the location of the stars on color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, we have selected candidate members of this cluster. We have merged our sample with previously published data and obtained a color-magnitude diagram for the complete stellar population of the cluster, covering the spectral range early B-mid M. Based on the distribution of field and cluster stars in color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, we estimate that two-thirds of these candidates are likely to be true members of M35. These stars approximately double the number of stars identified as candidate members of this cluster (~2700). We provide the photometry and accurate positions of these stars.