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- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/714/1424
- Title:
- Isolated neutron stars from Rosat and Swift
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/714/1424
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Using new and archival observations made with the Swift satellite and other facilities, we examine 147 X-ray sources selected from the ROSAT All-Sky-Survey Bright Source Catalog (RASS/BSC) to produce a new limit on the number of isolated neutron stars (INSs) in the RASS/BSC, the most constraining such limit to date. Independent of X-ray spectrum and variability, the number of INSs is <=48 (90% confidence). Restricting attention to soft (kT_eff_<200eV), non-variable X-ray sources -as in a previous study- yields an all-sky limit of <=31 INSs. In the course of our analysis, we identify five new high-quality INS candidates for targeted follow-up observations. A future all-sky X-ray survey with eROSITA, or another mission with similar capabilities, can be expected to increase the detected population of X-ray-discovered INSs from the 8-50 in the BSC, to (for a disk population) 240-1500, which will enable a more detailed study of neutron star population models.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/II/289
- Title:
- JKH photometry in LDN 1688
- Short Name:
- II/289
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A review of star formation in the Rho Ophiuchi molecular complex is presented, with particular emphasis on studies of the main cloud, L1688, since 1991. Recent photometric and parallax measurements of stars in the Upper Scorpius subgroup of the Sco-Cen OB association suggest a distance for the cloud between 120 and 140 parsecs. Star formation is ongoing in the dense cores of L1688 with a median age for young stellar objects of 0.3Myr. The surface population appears to have a median age of 2-5Myr and merges with low mass stars in the Upper Scorpius subgroup. Making use of the most recent X-ray and infrared photometric surveys and spectroscopic surveys of L1688, we compile a list of over 300 association members with counterparts in the 2MASS catalog. Membership criteria, such as lithium absorption, X-ray emission, and infrared excess, cover the full range of evolutionary states for young stellar objects. Spectral energy distributions are classified for many association members using infrared photometry obtained from the Spitzer Space Telescope.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/702/955
- Title:
- K-band luminosity function from 2MASX
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/702/955
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Differential Ks-band luminosity functions (LFs) are presented for a complete sample of 1613 nearby bright galaxies segregated by visible morphology. The LF for late-type spirals follows a power law that rises toward low luminosities whereas the LFs for ellipticals, lenticulars, and bulge-dominated spirals are peaked and decline toward both higher and lower luminosities. Each morphological type (E, S0, S0/a-Sab, Sb-Sbc, Sc-Scd) contributes approximately equally to the overall Ks-band luminosity density of galaxies in the local universe. Type averaged bulge/disk ratios are used to subtract the disk component leading to the prediction that the Ks-band LF for bulges is bimodal with ellipticals dominating the high luminosity peak, comprising 60% of the bulge luminosity density in the local universe with the remaining 40% contributed by lenticulars and the bulges of spirals. Overall, bulges contribute 30% of the galaxy luminosity density at Ks in the local universe with spiral disks making up the remainder. If bulge luminosities indicate central black hole (BH) masses, then our results predict that the BH mass function is also bimodal.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/IV/34
- Title:
- K2 Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (EPIC)
- Short Name:
- IV/34
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The K2 Mission (Howell+, 2014PASP..126..398H) uses the Kepler spacecraft to obtain high-precision photometry over ~80 day campaigns in the ecliptic plane. The Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (EPIC) provides coordinates, photometry, and kinematics based on a federation of all-sky catalogs to support target selection and target management for the K2 mission.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/831/11
- Title:
- KIC 9777062 RVs & asteroseismology in NGC6811
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/831/11
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present the analysis of an eccentric, partially eclipsing long-period (P=19.23 days) binary system KIC 9777062 that contains main-sequence stars near the turnoff of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 6811. The primary is a metal-lined Am star with a possible convective blueshift to its radial velocities, and one star (probably the secondary) is likely to be a {gamma} Dor pulsator. The component masses are 1.603+/-0.006(stat.)+/-0.016(sys.) and 1.419+/-0.003+/-0.008M_{sun}_, and the radii are 1.744+/-0.004+/-0.002 and 1.544+/-0.002+/-0.002R_{sun}_. The isochrone ages of the stars are mildly inconsistent: the age from the mass-radius combination for the primary (1.05+/-0.05+/-0.09Gyr, where the last quote was systematic uncertainty from models and metallicity) is smaller than that from the secondary (1.21+/-0.05+/-0.15Gyr) and is consistent with the inference from the color-magnitude diagram (1.00+/-0.05Gyr). We have improved the measurements of the asteroseismic parameters {Delta}{nu} and {nu}_max_ for helium-burning stars in the cluster. The masses of the stars appear to be larger (or alternately, the radii appear to be smaller) than predicted from isochrones using the ages derived from the eclipsing stars. The majority of stars near the cluster turnoff are pulsating stars: we identify a sample of 28 {delta} Sct, 15 {gamma} Dor, and 5 hybrid types. We used the period-luminosity relation for high-amplitude {delta} Sct stars to fit the ensemble of the strongest frequencies for the cluster members, finding (m-M)_V_=10.37+/-0.03. This is larger than most previous determinations, but smaller than values derived from the eclipsing binary (10.47+/-0.05).
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJ/866/139
- Title:
- Knots in the deep [FeII]+[SiI] image of the SNR Cas A
- Short Name:
- J/ApJ/866/139
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a long-exposure (~10hr), narrowband image of the supernova (SN) remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) centered at 1.644{mu}m emission. The passband contains [FeII] 1.644{mu}m and [SiI] 1.645{mu}m lines, and our "deep [FeII]+[SiI] image" provides an unprecedented panoramic view of Cas A, showing both shocked and unshocked SN ejecta, together with shocked circumstellar medium at subarcsecond (~0.7" or 0.012pc) resolution. The diffuse emission from the unshocked SN ejecta has a form of clumps, filaments, and arcs, and their spatial distribution correlates well with that of the Spitzer [SiII] infrared emission, suggesting that the emission is likely due to [SiI] not [FeII] as in shocked material. The structure of the optically invisible western area of Cas A is clearly seen for the first time. The area is filled with many quasi-stationary flocculi (QSFs) and fragments of the disrupted ejecta shell. We identified 309 knots in the deep [FeII]+[SiI] image and classified them into QSFs and fast-moving knots (FMKs). The comparison with previous optical plates indicates that the lifetime of most QSFs is >~60yr. The total H+He mass of QSFs is ~0.23M_{sun}_, implying that the mass fraction of dense clumps in the progenitor's mass ejection immediately prior to the SN explosion is about 4%-6%. FMKs in the deep [FeII]+[SiI] image mostly correspond to S-rich ejecta knots in optical studies, while those outside the southeastern disrupted ejecta shell appear Fe-rich. The mass of the [FeII] line emitting, shocked dense Fe ejecta is ~3x10^-5^M_{sun}_.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/161/45
- Title:
- KODIAQ DR3: 727 quasars (01.<zem<6.4) with ESI
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/161/45
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present and make publicly available the third data release (DR3) of the Keck Observatory Database of Ionized Absorption toward Quasars (KODIAQ) survey. KODIAQ DR3 consists of a fully reduced sample of 727 quasars at 0.1<zem<6.4 observed with the Echellette Sepctrograph and Imager at moderate resolution (4000<~R<~10000). DR3 contains 872 spectra available in flux calibrated form, representing a sum total exposure time of ~2.8 megaseconds. These coadded spectra arise from a total of 2753 individual exposures of quasars taken from the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) in raw form and uniformly processed using a data reduction package made available through the XIDL distribution. DR3 is publicly available to the community, housed as a higher level science product at the KOA and in the igmspec database.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/246/15
- Title:
- K2 periodic variables in M35 & NGC2158
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/246/15
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present a catalog of 1143 periodic variables, compiled from our image-subtracted photometric analysis of the K2 Campaign-0 super stamp. This super stamp is centered on the open clusters M35 and NGC2158. Approximately 46% of our periodic variables were previously unreported. Of the catalog variables, we find that 331 are members of M35 and 56 are members of NGC 2158 (P_m_>0.5). Our catalog contains two new transiting exoplanet candidates, both of which orbit field stars. The smaller planet candidate has a radius of 0.35+/-0.04R_J_ and orbits a K dwarf (Kp=15.4mag) with a transit depth of 2.9mmag. The larger planet candidate has a radius of 0.72+/-0.02R_J_ and orbits a late G-type star (Kp=15.7mag) with a transit depth of 2.2mmag. The larger planet candidate may be an unresolved binary or a false alarm. Our catalog includes 44 eclipsing binaries (EBs), including ten new detections. Of the EBs, one is an M35 member and five are NGC 2158 members. Our catalog contains a total of 1097 nontransiting variable stars, including a field {delta} Cepheid exhibiting double mode pulsations, 561 rotational variables, and 251 pulsating variables (primarily {gamma} Doradus and {delta} Scuti types). The periods of our catalog sources range between 43 minutes to 24 days. The known ages of our reported cluster variables will facilitate investigations of a variety of stellar evolutionary processes.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/ApJS/247/28
- Title:
- K2 star parameters from Gaia & LAMOST
- Short Name:
- J/ApJS/247/28
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Previous measurements of stellar properties for K2 stars in the Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (EPIC) largely relied on photometry and proper motion measurements, with some added information from available spectra and parallaxes. Combining Gaia DR2 distances with spectroscopic measurements of effective temperatures, surface gravities, and metallicities from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) DR5, we computed updated stellar radii and masses for 26838 K2 stars. For 195250 targets without a LAMOST spectrum, we derived stellar parameters using random forest regression on photometric colors trained on the LAMOST sample. In total, we measured spectral types, effective temperatures, surface gravities, metallicities, radii, and masses for 222088 A, F, G, K, and M-type K2 stars. With these new stellar radii, we performed a simple reanalysis of 299 confirmed and 517 candidate K2 planet radii from Campaigns 1-13, elucidating a distinct planet radius valley around 1.9R_{Earth}_, a feature thus far only conclusively identified with Kepler planets, and tentatively identified with K2 planets. These updated stellar parameters are a crucial step in the process toward computing K2 planet occurrence rates.