- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/567/A72
- Title:
- Stellar parameters and abundances in NGC 6752
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/567/A72
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Abundance trends in heavier elements with evolutionary phase have been shown to exist in the globular cluster NGC 6752. These trends are a result of atomic diffusion and additional (non-convective) mixing. Studying such trends can provide us with important constraints on the extent to which diffusion modifies the internal structure and surface abundances of solar-type, metal-poor stars. Taking advantage of a larger data sample, we investigate the reality and the size of these abundance trends and address questions and potential biases associated with the various stellar populations that make up NGC 6752. We perform an abundance analysis by combining photometric and spectroscopic data of 194 stars located between the turnoff point and the base of the red giant branch. Stellar parameters are derived from uvby Stromgren photometry. Using the quantitative-spectroscopy package SME, stellar surface abundances for light elements such as Li, Na, Mg, Al, and Si as well as heavier elements such as Ca, Ti, and Fe are derived in an automated way by fitting synthetic spectra to individual lines in the stellar spectra, obtained with the VLT/FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectrograph. Based on uvby Stromgren photometry, we are able to separate three stellar populations in NGC 6752 along the evolutionary sequence from the base of the red giant branch down to the turnoff point. We find weak systematic abundance trends with evolutionary phase for Ca, Ti, and Fe which are best explained by stellar-structure models including atomic diffusion with efficient additional mixing. We derive a new value for the initial lithium abundance of NGC 6752 after correcting for the effect of atomic diffusion and additional mixing which falls slightly below the predicted standard BBN value. We find three stellar populations by combining photometric and spectroscopic data of 194 stars in the globular cluster NGC 6752. Abundance trends for groups of elements, differently affected by atomic diffusion and additional mixing, are identified. Although the statistical significance of the individual trends is weak, they all support the notion that atomic diffusion is operational along the evolutionary sequence of NGC 6752.
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Search Results
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/517/A3
- Title:
- Stellar parameters of Kepler early-type targets
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/517/A3
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- Stellar pulsation offers a unique opportunity to constrain the intrinsic parameters of stars and to unveil their inner structure. Kepler satellite is collecting a huge amount of data of unprecedent photometric precision, that will allow us to test theory and obtain a very precise tomography of stellar interiors. Aiming at providing the stars' fundamental parameters (Teff, logg, vsini, and luminosity) which are needed for computing asteroseismic models and interpreting Kepler data, we report spectroscopic observations of 23 early-type Kepler asteroseismic targets and 13 other stars in the Kepler field, but not selected to be observed. The cross-correlation with template spectra was used for measuring the radial velocity with the aim of identifying non-single stars. Spectral synthesis has been performed in order to derive the stellar parameters for our target stars. State-of-art LTE atmospheric models have been computed. For all the stars of our sample, we derive the radial velocity, Teff, logg, vsini, and luminosities. Further, for 12 stars, we perform a detailed abundance analysis of 20 species; for 16, we could derive only the [Fe/H] ratio. A spectral classification has been also performed for 17 stars in the sample. We found two double-lined spectroscopic binaries, HIP96299 and HIP98551, the former of which is an already known eclipsing binary, and two single-lined spectroscopic binaries, HIP97254 and HIP97724. We also report two suspected spectroscopic binaries, HIP92637 and HIP96762, and the detection of a possible variability of the radial velocity of HIP96277. Two of our program stars turn out to be chemically peculiar, namely HIP93941, which we classify as B2 He-weak, and HIP96210, which we classify as B6Mn. Finally, we find that HIP93522, HIP93941, HIP93943, HIP96210 and HIP96762, are very slow rotators (vsini<20km/s) which makes them very interesting and promising targets for an asteroseismic modeling.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/568/A119
- Title:
- Stellar physical parameters for young stars
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/568/A119
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- A uvbyH{beta} Stromgren photometric survey covering 16 square degrees in the anticenter direction was carried out using the Wide Field Camera at the Isaac Newton Telescope. Physical parameters like stellar distances and extinctions for the young stars of our survey are presented here. We developed a new method for deriving physical parameters from Stromgren photometry and also implemented and tested it. This is a model-based method that uses the most recent available stellar atmospheric models and evolutionary tracks to interpolate in a 3D grid of the unreddened indexes [m1], [c1] and H{beta}. Distances derived from both this method and the classical pre-Hipparcos calibrations were tested against Hipparcos parallaxes and found to be accurate. Furthermore, a shift in the atmospheric grids in the range Teff=[7000,9000]K was detected and a correction is proposed. The two methods were used to compute distances and reddening for around 12000 OBA-type stars in our Stromgren anticenter survey. Data from the IPHAS and 2MASS catalogs were used to complement the detection of emission line stars and to break the degeneracy between early and late photometric regions. We note that photometric distances can differ by more than 20%, those derived from the empirical calibrations being smaller than those derived with the new method, which agree better with the Hipparcos data.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/370/496
- Title:
- Stroemgren by photometry of AI Aurigae
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/370/496
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We present eleven years of Stroemgren by-photometry of the red semiregular variable star AI Aurigae. Data were obtained with the 0.53m telescope of the Lowell Observatory between 1985 and 1996.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/580/A23
- Title:
- Stroemgren-Crawford uvby{beta} photometry catalog
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/580/A23
- Date:
- 08 Nov 2021 15:39:26
- Publisher:
- Description:
- The uvby{beta} photometric system is widely used for the study of various Galactic and extragalactic objects. It measures the colour due to temperature differences, the Balmer discontinuity, and blanketing absorption due to metals. A new all-sky catalogue of all available uvby{beta} measurements from the literature was generated. The data for the individual stars were cross-checked on the basis of the Tycho-2 catalogue.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/155/66
- Title:
- Stroemgren photometric observations of GJ 436b
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/155/66
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- GJ 436b is a prime target for understanding warm Neptune exoplanet atmospheres and a target for multiple James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Guaranteed Time Observation programs. Here, we report the first space-based optical transmission spectrum of the planet using two Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) transit observations from 0.53 to 1.03 {mu}m. We find no evidence for alkali absorption features, nor evidence of a scattering slope longward of 0.53 {mu}m. The spectrum is indicative of moderate to high metallicity (~100-1000x solar), while moderate-metallicity scenarios (~100x solar) require aerosol opacity. The optical spectrum also rules out some highly scattering haze models. We find an increase in transit depth around 0.8 {mu}m in the transmission spectra of three different sub-Jovian exoplanets (GJ 436b, HAT-P-26b, and GJ 1214b). While most of the data come from STIS, data from three other instruments may indicate this is not an instrumental effect. Only the transit spectrum of GJ 1214b is well fit by a model with stellar plages on the photosphere of the host star. Our photometric monitoring of the host star reveals a stellar rotation rate of 44.1 days and an activity cycle of 7.4 years. Intriguingly, GJ 436 does not become redder as it gets dimmer, which is expected if star spots were dominating the variability. These insights into the nature of the GJ 436 system help refine our expectations for future observations in the era of JWST, whose higher precision and broader wavelength coverage will shed light on the composition and structure of GJ 436b's atmosphere.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/130/1002
- Title:
- Stroemgren photometry in Abell 2125 and 2218
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/130/1002
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We combine new narrowband photometry with archival Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) data for A2218 (z=0.18) and A2125 (z=0.25), two clusters with intermediate redshifts but very different cluster properties, in order to examine the evolution of galaxy populations. A2218 is a dense, elliptical-rich cluster (Bautz-Morgan type II) similar to the Coma Cluster in its evolutionary appearance, whereas A2125 is a less dense, more open cluster (Bautz-Morgan type II-III), although similar in richness to A2218.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/120/1808
- Title:
- Stroemgren photometry in LMC disk
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/120/1808
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report new metallicity determinations for 39 red giants in a 220 arcmin2^2^ region, 1.8{deg} southwest of the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud. These abundance measurements are based on spectroscopy of the Ca II infrared triplet.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/465/357
- Title:
- Stroemgren photometry in the Draco dSph galaxy
- Short Name:
- J/A+A/465/357
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- In this paper we demonstrate how Stroemgren uvby photometry can be efficiently used to: 1. identify red giant branch stars that are members in a dwarf spheroidal galaxy; 2. derive age-independent metallicities for the same stars and quantify the associated errors. Stroemgren uvby photometry in a 11'x22' field centered on the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy was obtained using the Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma. Members of the Draco dSph galaxy were identified using the surface gravity sensitive c1 index which discriminates between red giant and dwarf stars. Thus enabling us to distinguish the (red giant branch) members of the dwarf spheroidal galaxy from the foreground dwarf stars in our galaxy. The method is evaluated through a comparison of our membership list with membership classifications in the literature based on radial velocities and proper motions. The metallicity sensitive m1 index was used to derive individual and age-independent metallicities for the members of the Draco dSph galaxy. The derived metallicities are compared to studies based on high resolution spectroscopy and the agreement is found to be very good.
- ID:
- ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/157/49
- Title:
- Stroemgren photometry in the field of NGC 1978
- Short Name:
- J/AJ/157/49
- Date:
- 21 Oct 2021
- Publisher:
- Description:
- We report on the spread of [Fe/H] values in the massive Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 1978, recently confirmed to harbor multiple populations of nearly the same age. We used accurate Stroemgren photometry of carefully selected cluster red giant branch stars along with a high-dispersion spectroscopy-based calibration of the metallicity-sensitive index m_1_. Once we accounted for the photometry quality, assessed from extensive artificial star tests to trace the photometric uncertainties as a function of the position of the cluster's center as well as the stellar brightness, and those from the metallicity calibration, we found that NGC 1978 exhibits a small metallicity spread of 0.035 dex (+/-0.019-0.023), depending on whether stars with individual {sigma}[Fe/H]=<0.15 dex or those located in the cluster's outer areas are considered. Such a spread in [Fe/H] is consistent with a cluster formation model with self-enrichment, if mass loss higher than 90% due to stellar evolutionary and galactic tidal effects is assumed. Nevertheless, scenarios in which the apparent [Fe/H] variation reflects CN abundance anomalies or less extreme mass-loss models with environmentally dependent self-enrichment should not be ruled out.