Bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs), illuminated and shaped by nearby OB stars, are potential sites of recent/ongoing star formation. Here we present an optical and infrared photometric study of three BRCs: BRC 5, BRC 7 and BRC 39 to obtain a census of the young stellar population, thereby inferring the star formation scenario, in these regions. In each BRC, the Class I sources are found to be located mostly near the bright rim or inside the cloud, whereas the Class II sources are preferentially outside, with younger sources closer to the rim. This provides strong support to sequential star formation triggered by radiation-driven implosion due to the ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, each BRC contains a small group of young stars being revealed at its head, as the next-generation stars. In particular, the young stars at the heads of BRC 5 and BRC 7 are found to be intermediate-/high-mass stars, which, under proper conditions, may themselves trigger further star birth, thereby propagating star formation out to long distances.
We present new high resolution and dynamic range dust column density and temperature maps of the California Molecular Cloud derived from a combination of Planck and Herschel dust-emission maps, and 2MASS NIR dust-extinction maps. We used these data to determine the ratio of the 2.2{mu}m extinction coefficient to the 850{mu}m opacity and found the value to be close to that found in similar studies of the Orion B and Perseus clouds but higher than that characterizing the Orion A cloud, indicating that variations in the fundamental optical properties of dust may exist between local clouds. We show that over a wide range of extinction, the column density probability distribution function (pdf) of the cloud can be well described by a simple power law (i.e., PDF_N_{}A_K_^-n^) with an index (n=4.0+/-0.1) that represents a steeper decline with A_K_ than found (n~=3) in similar studies of the Orion and Perseus clouds. Using only the protostellar population of the cloud and our extinction maps we investigate the Schmidt relation, that is, the relation between the protostellar surface density, {Sigma}_*_, and extinction, A_K_, within the cloud. We show that {Sigma}_*_ is directly proportional to the ratio of the protostellar and cloud pdfs, i.e., PDF_*_(A_K_)/PDF_N_(A_K_). We use the cumulative distribution of protostars to infer the functional forms for both {Sigma}_*_ and PDF_*_. We find that {Sigma}_*_ is best described by two power-law functions. At extinctions A_K_<=2.5mag, {Sigma}_*_{}A_K_^{beta}^ with {beta}=3.3 while at higher extinctions {beta}=2.5, both values steeper than those (~=2) found in other local giant molecular clouds (GMCs). We find that PDF_*_ is a declining function of extinction also best described by two power-laws whose behavior mirrors that of {Sigma}_*_. Our observations suggest that variations both in the slope of the Schmidt relation and in the sizes of the protostellar populations between GMCs are largely driven by variations in the slope, n, of PDF_N_(A_K_). This confirms earlier studies suggesting that cloud structure plays a major role in setting the global star formation rates in GMCs
X-rays from very young stars are powerful probes to investigate the mechanisms at work in the very first stages of the star formation and the origin of X-ray emission in very young stars. We present results from a 500ks long observation of the rho Ophiuchi cloud with a XMM-Newton large program named DROXO, aiming at studying the X-ray emission of deeply embedded young stellar objects (YSOs).
To understand the stellar population content of dwarf early-type galaxies (dEs) and its environmental dependence, we compare the slopes and intrinsic scatter of color-magnitude relations (CMRs) for three nearby clusters, Fornax, Virgo and Coma. Additionally we present and compare internal color profiles of these galaxies to identify central blue regions with younger stars. We use the imaging of the HST/ACS Fornax cluster in the magnitude range of -18:7<=Mg0<=-16:0, to derive magnitudes, colors and color profiles, which we compare with literature measurements from the HST/ACS Virgo and Coma Cluster Survey. We benefit HST accuracy to investigate and parameterize the (g'-z') color profiles of these dEs. Based on analysis of the color profiles, we report a large number of dEs with young stellar populations in their center in all three clusters. While for Virgo and Coma the number of blue-cored dEs is found to be 85%+/-2% and 53%+/-3% respectively, for Fornax, we find that all galaxies have a blue core.We show that bluer cores reside in fainter dEs, similar to the trend seen in nucleated dEs. We find no correlation between the luminosity of the galaxy and the size of its blue core. Moreover, a comparison of the CMRs of the three clusters shows that the scatter in Virgo's CMR is considerably larger than in the Fornax and Coma clusters. Presenting adaptive smoothing we show that the galaxies on the blue side of the CMR often show evidence for dust extinction, which strengthens the interpretation that the bluer colors are due to young stellar populations. We also find that outliers on the red side of the CMR are more compact than expected for their luminosity. We find several of these red outliers in Virgo, often close to more massive galaxies. No red outlying compact early-types are found in Fornax and Coma in this magnitude range while we find three in the Virgo cluster. We show that the CMR of the Fornax and Virgo clusters are slightly bluer than that of Coma. We suggest that the large number of outliers and larger scatter found for the Virgo cluster CMR is a result of Virgos different assembly history.
The Herschel survey of the Galactic plane (Hi-GAL) provides a unique opportunity to study star formation over large areas of the sky and different environments in the Milky Way. We use the best-studied Hi-GAL fields to date, two 2{deg}x2{deg} tiles centered on (l,b)=(30{deg}, 0{deg}) and (l,b)=(59{deg},0{deg}), to study the star formation activity in these regions of the sky using a large sample of well-selected young stellar objects (YSOs). We used the science demonstration phase Hi-GAL fields, where a tremendous effort has been made to identify the newly formed stars and to derive their properties as accurately as possible, e.g. distance, bolometric luminosity, envelope mass, and stage of evolution. We estimated the star formation rate (SFR) for these fields using the number of candidate YSOs and their average time scale to reach the zero age main sequence, and compared it with the rate estimated using their integrated luminosity at 70um, combined with an extragalactic star formation indicator.
We investigate the young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Lynds 1641 (L1641) cloud using multi-wavelength data including Spitzer, WISE, the Two Micron All Sky Survey, and XMM covering ~1390 YSOs across a range of evolutionary stages. In addition, we targeted a sub-sample of YSOs for optical spectroscopy with the MMT/Hectospec and the MMT/Hectochelle. We use these data, along with archival photometric data, to derive spectral types, extinction values, masses, ages, and accretion rates. We obtain a disk fraction of ~50% in L1641. The disk frequency is almost constant as a function of stellar mass with a slight peak at log (M_*_/M_{sun}_){approx}-0.25. The analysis of multi-epoch spectroscopic data indicates that the accretion variability of YSOs cannot explain the two orders of magnitude of scatter for YSOs with similar masses. Forty-six new transition disk (TD) objects are confirmed in this work, and we find that the fraction of accreting TDs is lower than for optically thick disks (40%-45% versus 77%-79%, respectively). We confirm our previous result that the accreting TDs have a median accretion rate similar to normal optically thick disks. We confirm that two star formation modes (isolated versus clustered) exist in L1641. We find that the diskless YSOs are statistically older than the YSOs with optically thick disks and the TD objects have a median age that is intermediate between those of the other two populations. We tentatively study the star formation history in L1641 based on the age distribution and find that star formation started to be active 2-3 Myr ago.
We introduce a new set of selection criteria for the identification of infrared bright young stellar object (YSO) candidates and apply them to nine HII regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), focusing particularly on lower mass candidates missed by most surveys. Data are from the Spitzer Space Telescope legacy program SAGE (Surveying the Agents of Galaxy Evolution; Meixner et al. 2006, Cat. J/AJ/132/2268, see also II/305), combined with optical photometry from the Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey (MCPS; Zaritsky et al. 1997AJ....114.1002Z) and near-infrared photometry from the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF; Kato et al. 2007, Cat. II/288). We choose regions of diverse physical size, star formation rates (SFRs), and ages. We also cover a wide range of locations and surrounding environments in the LMC. These active star-forming regions are LHA 120-N 11, N 44, N 51, N 105, N 113, N 120, N 144, N 160, and N 206. Some have been well-studied (e.g., N11, N44, N160) in the past, while others (e.g., N51, N144) have received little attention. We identify 1045 YSO candidates, including 918 never before identified and 127 matching previous candidate lists. We characterize the evolutionary stage and physical properties of each candidate using the spectral energy distribution (SED) fitter of Robitaille et al. (2007ApJS..169..328R) and estimate mass functions and SFRs for each region.
Knowledge of the evolution of circumstellar accretion disks is pivotal to our understanding of star and planet formation; and yet despite intensive theoretical and observational studies, the disk dissipation process is not well understood. Infrared observations of large numbers of young stars, as performed by the Spitzer Space Telescope, may advance our knowledge of this inherently complex process. While infrared data reveal the evolutionary status of the disk, they hold little information on the properties of the central star and the accretion characteristics. Existing 2MASS and Spitzer archive data of the Lynds 1630N and 1641 clouds in the Orion GMC provide disk properties of a large number of young stars. We wish to complement these data with optical data that provide the physical stellar parameters and accretion characteristics.
We used Spitzer infrared observations to find the young stars of two HII regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud, N63 and N180. The young stellar object (YSO) candidates were identified in each nebula by means of color-color, color-magnitude diagrams, and the shapes of their spectral energy distributions (SEDs). The most luminous YSOs are found near the ionization fronts within strong 8um emission clumps. Most YSOs, less luminous, are seen in projection inside the HII regions. HST images show several Class I stars that have emerged along the borders of the HII regions; other YSOs are embedded in cometary clouds. The most luminous YSO of N63 is connected to a string of pointlike sources. Its SED can be modeled by a central source of stellar mass M_*_ between 7 and 11M_{sun}_, with a circumstellar disk of outer radius R_d_ of ~55AU, and an envelope of moderate accretion rate, M_env_ of ~2x10^-5^M_{sun}_/yr. N180 is experiencing a phase of star formation more intense than N63, attested by the properties of its most luminous YSO: M_*_ of 25M_{sun}_, R_d_ of ~200AU, and M_env_ of ~1.5x10^-3^M_{sun}_/yr. The modes of triggered star formation in N63 and N180 appear similar to those seen in Galactic HII regions.
YSOs in star-forming region associated to V582 Aur
Short Name:
21 Oct 2021
We have studied the environment of the FU Ori type star V582 Aur. Our aim is to explore the star-forming region associated with this young eruptive star. Using slitless spectroscopy, we searched for H{alpha} emission stars within a field of 11.5 arcmin x 11.5 arcmin, centred on V582 Aur. Based on UKIDSS and Spitzer Space Telescope data, we further selected infrared-excess young stellar object candidates. In all, we identified 68 candidate low-mass young stars, 16 of which exhibited H{alpha} emission in the slitless spectroscopic images. The colour-magnitude diagram of the selected objects, based on the IPHAS data, suggests that they are low-mass pre-main-sequence stars associated with the Aur OB 1 association, located at a distance of 1.3kpc from Sun. The bright-rimmed globules in the local environment of V582 Aur probably belong to the dark cloud LDN 1516. Our results suggest that star formation in these globules might have been triggered by the radiation field of a few hot members of Aur OB 1. The bolometric luminosity of V582 Aur, based on archival photometric data and on the adopted distance, is 150-320L_{sun}_.