The database contains profiles of atmospheric CO2 density and
temperature derived thereof, and ozone concentration profiles, all
derived from the first year(s) of SPICAM UV stellar occultation
observations (Forget et al. 2009, Lebonnois et al. 2006). The database
also includes the full dataset of four Martian years of aerosol
extinction profiles from SPICAM UV solar occultations (Määttänen et
al. 2013).
The database contains some outputs of the VCD for the scenarios : {1)
Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions ; 2)
Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV minimum conditions ; 3)
Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV maximum conditions ; 4) Low
cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions ; 5) High cloud
albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions available}, at different
positions of latitude and longitude. These VCD outputs are provided as
Votables containing profiles of temperatures, pressures, density and
abundances of main species for altitudes between 0 and 349.5 km from
the surface.