The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument
onboard the Cassini spacecraft observed the system of Saturn,
acquiring spectral cubes in the range 0.4-5.2 microns. This service
focuses on Saturn satellites, and provides access to calibrated and
ancillary data, computed as described here: It also provides
direct links to a larger web site with previews.
Main characteristics of Solar System planets. Data are included in
the table, which includes non-standard EPN-TAP parameters. Data are
retrieved from Archinal et al 2018 (IAU report 2015,
2018CeMDA.130...22A) [radii] and Cox et al 2000 (Allen's astrophysical
quantities, [masses, heliocentric distances, and
rotation periods].
This service provides access to the spectral library in support of
the CRISM experiment on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. This is a
redesigned version of the library once distributed by the PDS
Geosciences node, with data files provided as VOTable (the native
version was available at:
Reference: Murchie et al (2007) Compact Reconnaissance Imaging
Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
JGR Planets, 112:E05S03
Planetary Atmospheres Research Unit - Royal Belgian Institute for
Space Aeronomy
Profiles of pressure, temperature and species of the Martian
atmosphere simulated with the GEM-Mars general circulation model. See
for the main model descritpion Neary, L., et al. 2018. The GEM-Mars
general circulation model for Mars: Description and evaluation. Icarus
300, 458-476. See for
the chemistry description Dearden, F. et al., 2019, Mars atmospheric
chemistry simulations with the GEM-Mars general circulation model,
Icarus, 326, 197-224,