The Hubble Source Catalog (HSC) is designed to optimize science from the Hubble Space Telescope
by combining the tens of thousands visit-based source lists in the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA)
into a single master catalog.
The HSC Summary search displays a single row entry for each object,
as defined by a set of detections that have been cross-matched and hence are believed to be a single object.
Averaged values for magnitudes and other relevant parameters are provided.
The catalog currently contains over 16 million entries.
This services provides 1D spectra from DR5 of LAMOST (Large Sky Area
Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) through SSAP;
data is served both in VO-standard SDM and, via datalink, the original
SDSS-inspired FITS described in .
Massive O-type stars near ZAMS elusive detection (Holgado+, 2020)
Short Name:
30 Jun 2020 06:56:58
List of the 285 stars with spectroscopic parameters obtained in this work. We performed an exhaustive search for spectra of these stars in modern high resolution spectroscopic databases. The spectrum with best quality, in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, was considered for the quantitative spectroscopic analysis and a multi-epoch characterization.
The 2MASS Point Source Catalogue, short a couple of exotic fields. We
provide this data mainly for matching with other catalogs within our
TAP service.
PPM-Extended (PPMX) is a catalogue of 18 088 919 stars on the ICRS
system containing astrometric and photometric information. Its
limiting magnitude is about 15.2 in the GSC photometric system.
The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) contains stellar atmospheric
parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall
metallicity), radial velocities, chemical abundances and distances.
Observations between 2003 and 2013 were used to build the five RAVE
data releases.