GAVO at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
The AIP DaCHS's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: dens256, fof, redshifts from the bolshoi schema, columns, services, tables from the glots schema, fof, fofmtree, fofparticles, particles85, redshifts, treesnapnums from the mdr1 schema, rave_dr4 from the ravedr4 schema, alt_identifier, authorities, capability, g_num_stat, interface, intf_param, registries, relationship, res_date, res_detail, res_role, res_schema, res_subject, res_table, resource, stc_spatial, stc_spectral, stc_temporal, subject_uat, table_column, tap_table, validation from the rr schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
A form to search the VAMDC species list published on the TAP service
at Enter parts of species names or chemical
formulae here and get back matching names, inchis and inchikeys.
CDPP - Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas
The CDPP EPN-TAP server's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the amdadb schema, epn_core from the illu67p schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core from the transplanet schema.
The CeSAM Virtual Observatory Server's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: main from the aspic_6df schema, g02, g09g12g15 from the aspic_gama schema, main from the aspic_muse_wide schema, w1, w1_video, w4 from the aspic_vipers schema, cosmos, ecdfs from the aspic_vuds schema, catalogue, spectra from the el_cosmos_dr1 schema, spectra from the gama_dr3 schema, obscore from the ivoa schema, spectra from the muse_wide_dr1 schema, bolshoi2022, uchuu2022 from the sides schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, spectra from the vipers_dr2 schema, spectra from the vuds_dr1 schema, spectra from the zcosmos_20k schema.
The DaCHS Server for LMD's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the mars_dust schema, epn_core from the mcd schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core from the vcd schema.
The EVN Data Archive's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: main from the evn schema, obscore from the ivoa schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
The FAI archives's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: main from the fai_agn schema, main from the geomagnetic_field schema, main from the grb_photometry schema, obscore from the ivoa schema, main from the maksutov_50_telescope schema, main from the neutrons schema, main from the pulsars schema, main from the schmidt_telescope_lc schema, main from the solar_flux schema, data from the spectra_agn_archive schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
This is a form-based service allowing users to run simple
queries against GAVO Data Center's ivoa.obscore table, with
some nods to users looking of data near the optical waveband.
For serious use, the `obscore table`_ should be queried through
Note that queries without spatial constraints may take time out. You
probably ought to switch to async TAP if you really want to run such
.. _obscore table: /tableinfo/ivoa.obscore?tapinfo=true
The GAVO Data Center's sitewide SIAP version 2 service
publishes all the images published through the site. For more advanced
queries including uploads, all this data is also available through