The GAVO Data Center's TAP end point.
The Table Access Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our
database tables, inspect various metadata, and upload your own
In GAVO's data center, we in particular hold several large
catalogs like PPMXL, 2MASS PSC, USNO-B2, UCAC4, WISE, SDSS DR7, for
you to use in crossmatches, possibly with uploaded tables.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: nucand from the amanda schema, main from the annisred schema, data from the antares schema, data from the antares10 schema, dr10 from the apass schema, frames from the apo schema, main from the applause schema, gfh, id, identified, master, nid, unidentified from the arigfh schema, main from the arihip schema, main from the auger schema, data, phot_all, ssa_time_series from the bgds schema, data from the boydende schema, cat from the browndwarfs schema, cubes, fluxposv1200, fluxposv500, fluxv1200, fluxv500, objects, spectra from the califadr3 schema, images, srccat from the cars schema, meta from the carsarcs schema, main from the cs82morphoz schema, geo from the cstl schema, data from the danish schema, main from the dfbsplates schema, spectra, ssa from the dfbsspec schema, main from the dmubin schema, main from the emi schema, data from the feros schema, fk6join, part1, part3 from the fk6 schema, data from the flare_survey schema, data, ordersmeta from the flashheros schema, data from the fornax schema, dr2_ts_ssa, dr2epochflux, dr2light, edr3lite from the gaia schema, hyacob, maglims5, maglims6, maglims7, main, missing_10mas, rejected, resolvedss from the gcns schema, data from the gcpms schema, main from the gdr2ap schema, main from the gdr2dist schema, main, photometry from the gdr2mock schema, main from the gedr3auto schema, litewithdist, main from the gedr3dist schema, generated_data, maglim_5, maglim_6, maglim_7, main, parsec_props from the gedr3mock schema, main from the gedr3spur schema, columns, services, tables from the glots schema, main from the gps1 schema, main from the hdgaia schema, data from the hiicounter schema, main from the hipparcos schema, main from the hppunion schema, main from the hsoy schema, nucand from the icecube schema, data from the inflight schema, obscore from the ivoa schema, events, photpoints, timeseries from the k2c9vst schema, plates from the kapteyn schema, katkat from the katkat schema, data from the lamost5 schema, ssa_lrs, ssa_mrs from the lamost6 schema, geocounts, measurements, stations from the lightmeter schema, rawframes from the liverpool schema, main from the lspm schema, plates, wolfpalisa from the lsw schema, main from the magic schema, reduced from the maidanak schema, exts from the mcextinct schema, cubes, slitspectra from the mlqso schema, epn_core, mpcorb from the mpc schema, main, stars from the mwsc schema, main, stars from the mwsce14a schema, data from the obscode schema, bibrefs, maps, masers, monitor from the ohmaser schema, measurements, ssa from the onebigb schema, data, shapes from the openngc schema, main from the pcc schema, data from the plc schema, data from the plc2 schema, data from the plc3 schema, data from the plts schema, data from the polcatsmc schema, plates, rawplates from the potsdam schema, cubes, maps from the ppakm31 schema, data from the ppmx schema, main, usnocorr from the ppmxl schema, map10, map6, map7, map8, map9, map_union from the prdust schema, dr2, dr3, dr4, main from the rave schema, images, photons from the rosat schema, alt_identifier, authorities, capability, g_num_stat, interface, intf_param, registries, relationship, res_date, res_detail, res_role, res_schema, res_subject, res_table, resource, stc_spatial, stc_spectral, stc_temporal, subject_uat, table_column, tap_tables, validation from the rr schema, objects, photpar from the sasmirala schema, sources from the sdssdr7 schema, main from the smakced schema, main from the spm4 schema, sources from the supercosmos schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, main from the taptest schema, main from the tenpc schema, main from the tgas schema, data from the theossa schema, epn_core from the titan schema, data, line_tap from the toss schema, data from the twomass schema, icrscorr, main, ppmxlcross from the ucac3 schema, main from the ucac4 schema, main from the ucac5 schema, main from the urat1 schema, data, platecorrs, plates, ppmxcross, spurious, twomasscross from the usnob schema, data from the veronqsos schema, stripe82 from the vlastripe82 schema, main from the wdsdss10 schema, archives, main from the wfpdb schema, main from the wise schema, data from the zcosmos schema.
Tables containing the information in the IVOA Registry. To query
these tables, use `our TAP service`_.
For more information and example queries, see the
`RegTAP specification`_.
.. _our TAP service: /__system__/tap/run/info
.. _RegTAP specification:
Tables containing the information in the IVOA Registry. To query
these tables, use `our TAP service`_.
For more information and example queries, see the
`RegTAP specification`_.
.. _our TAP service: /__system__/tap/run/info
.. _RegTAP specification:
GAVO at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
Tables containing the information in the IVOA Registry. To query
these tables, use `our TAP service`_.
For more information and example queries, see the
`RegTAP specification`_.
.. _our TAP service: /__system__/tap/run/info
.. _RegTAP specification:
The GEOPS/IPSL DaCHS Server's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the exotopo schema, epn_core from the pretharsis schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.
The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.
The IAP - DaCHS Services's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the cpstasm schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core from the thmsm schema, epn_core from the thmwp3 schema.
IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center TAP service
Short Name:
16 Nov 2023 16:51:52
The IDOC: Integrated Data and Operating Center's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the eit_syn schema, epn_core from the gaia_dem schema, epn_core from the omega_cubes schema, epn_core from the omega_maps schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.
The INAF-OATs VESPA Data Service Hub's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the artecs schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema.