Extracted sources from the Bochum Galactic Disk Survey. We provide
mean photometry in U, B, V, z, r, and i bands. Note that sources in
different bands are not matched. Also, sources sitting in the regions
imaged in multiple fields have not been matched even within one band.
In i and r, BGDS light curves are available. See related services for
The Bochum Galactic Disk Survey is a project to monitor the stellar
content of the Galactic disk in a 6 degree wide stripe centered on the
Galactic plane. The data has been recorded from September 2010 to
September 2019 with the RoBoTT Telecsope at the
Universitaetssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in the Chilean
Atacama desert. It contains measurements of more than 2x10^7 stars.
The second and final data release contains follow-up observations from
January 2017 to September 2019 in Sloan r and i and intermittent
measurements in Johnson UVB, Sloan z and the narrowbands OIII, NB,
Halpha and SII.
This service exposes the light curves of stars produced by the Bochum
Galactic Disk Survey; several million light curves are provided in the
SDSS i and r bands. The lightcurves are published per-band and are
also available through obscore.
Estimated distances to 1.33 billion stars in Gaia DR2
Short Name:
gdr2dist scs
27 Dec 2024 08:31:05
The GAVO DC team
This catalogue provides distances estimates (and uncertainties therein)
for 1.33 billion stars over the whole sky brighter than about G=20.7.
These have been estimated using the parallaxes (and their uncertainties)
from Gaia DR2. A Bayesian procedure was used involving a prior
with a single parameter L(l,b), which varies smoothly with Galactic
longitude and latitude according to a Galaxy model. The posterior is
summarized with a point estimate (usually the mode) and a confidence
interval (usually the 68% highest density interval). The estimation
procedure is described in detail in the `accompanying paper`_,
which also analyses the catalogue content.
.. _accompanying paper: http://www.mpia.de/homes/calj/gdr2_distances.html
This service returns the most important Gaia DR3 gaia_source columns
together with robust geometric and photogeometric distances for the
~1.47 billion objects in Bailer-Jones et al's distance catalogue.
Parameters of 220 million stars from Gaia BP/RP (XP) spectra
Short Name:
XP ap-pars
27 Dec 2024 08:31:01
The GAVO DC team
We present astrophysical parameters of 220 million stars, based on
Gaia XP spectra and near-infrared photometry from 2MASS and WISE.
Instead of using ab initio stellar models, we develop a data-driven
model of Gaia XP spectra as a function of the stellar parameters, with
a few straightforward built-in physical assumptions. This resource is
a VO re-publication of the resulting catalog of stellar parameters.
For bulk downloads, the covariances, the trained model, and more, see
The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) contains stellar atmospheric
parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, overall
metallicity), radial velocities, chemical abundances and distances.
Observations between 2003 and 2013 were used to build the five RAVE
data releases.
The Panchromatic High-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Local Group
Star Clusters PCSLG
Short Name:
27 Dec 2024 08:31:12
The GAVO DC team
This dataset contains spectroscopic observations of 29 globular
clusters in the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way performed with
VLT/X-shooter over eight full nights.