This service delivers (most of) the datasets held at
The VO @ ASTRON. In addition to the default (nonstandard)
way of just appending accrefs to the get access URL, there is also a
very simple datalink service here that, for each dataset, essentially
just gives the dataset itself and possibly a preview. More advanced
datalink services might be available.
Some datasets may be embargoed, in which case the access yields a 403.
Credentials for individual files may be obtained by contacting the
site operators.
The The VO @ ASTRON's sitewide SIAP version 2 service
publishes all the images published through the site. For more advanced
queries including uploads, all this data is also available through
The The VO @ ASTRON's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: main from the lbcs schema, main, msssvf_img_main from the mvf schema, frb_det, frb_obs from the arts_dr1 schema, img_main, main from the lofartier1 schema, mosaic, source_catalog from the lolss schema, frb_det, frb_obs from the arts_dr2 schema, main from the svc schema, img_main, main from the tgssadr schema, main, mom0 from the sauron schema, images, source_catalog from the apertif_dr_bootes schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, hetdex_images, main, main_merged from the hetdex schema, img_main from the msss schema, obscore from the ivoa schema, beam_cubes, calibrated_visibilities, continuum_images, flux_cal_visibilities, pol_cal_visibilities, pol_cubes, raw_visibilities, source_catalog, spectral_cubes from the apertif_dr1 schema, main_gausses, main_sources, mosaics from the lotss_dr2 schema.
The VSOP (the VLBI Space Observatory Programme) 5 GHz AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei) Survey Program Analysis Data
Short Name:
19 Oct 2021 06:40:34
A significant fraction of the mission time of VSOP was to be dedicated to the VSOP Survey Programme of bright compact Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) at 5 GHz, which was lead by ISAS. The VSOP Survey Sources are an unbiased dataset of 294 targets, of which 82% were successfully observed.