This services provides 1D spectra from DR5 of LAMOST (Large Sky Area
Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope) through SSAP;
data is served both in VO-standard SDM and, via datalink, the original
SDSS-inspired FITS described in .
A collection of images of lensed quasars from various sources.
Included are images from Maidanak Observatory
(ivo://org.gavo.dc/maidanak/res/rawframes/siap), Apache Point
Observatory, from the MiNDSTEp project
(ivo://org.gavo.dc/danish/red/q), and from the Liverpool Robotic
Telescope (ivo://org.gavo.dc/liverpool/res/rawframes/q).
The LIFE Target Star Database contains information useful
for the planned `LIFE mission`_ (mid-ir, nulling
interferometer in space). It characterizes possible
target systems including information about stellar,
planetary and disk properties. The data itself is mainly
a collection from different other catalogs.
Note that LIFE's target database is living
data. The content – and to some extent even structure – of these
tables may change at any time without prior warning.
.. _LIFE mission:
We give continuous night and day light measurements at all natural
outdoor light levels by a network of low-cost lightmeters. Developed
to start simple, global continuous high cadence monitoring of night
sky brightness and artificial night sky brightening (light pollution)
in 2009. The lightmeter network is a project of the Thüringer
Landessternwarte, Tautenburg, Germany and the Kuffner-Sternwarte
society at the Kuffner-Observatory, Vienna, Austria.
It started as part of the Dark Skies Awareness cornerstone of the
International Year of Astronomy.
The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey LoTSS DR2
(:bibcode:`2022A&A...659A...1S`) obtained radio data from 27% of the
northern sky between 120 and 168 MHz in the year 2014 through 2020. This
service publishes polarization spectra of extragalactic radio sources
(radio galaxies and blazars) and the rotation measures derived from them.
We also give redshifts for all sources. The data has a spatial resolution
of 20 arcsec.
The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey LoTSS DR2
(:bibcode:`2022A&A...659A...1S`) obtained radio data from 27% of the
northern sky between 120 and 168 MHz in the year 2014 through 2020. This
service publishes polarization spectra of extragalactic radio sources
(radio galaxies and blazars) and the rotation measures derived from them.
We also give redshifts for all sources. The data has a spatial resolution
of 20 arcsec.
A catalogue of E(V-I) extinction values is presented for 3174 (LMC)
and 693 (SMC) fields within the Magellanic Clouds. The extinction
values were computed by determining the (V-I) colour difference of the
red clump from Optical Gravitational Microlensing Experiment (OGLE
III) observations in the V and I bands and theoretical values for
unreddend red clump colours.