WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VHS will image the entire ~20 000 square degrees of the Southern Sky, with the exception of the areas already covered by the VIKING and VVV surveys, in J and Ks. The resulting data will be about 4 magnitudes deeper than 2MASS and DENIS. The 5000 square degrees covered by the Dark Energy Survey (DES), another imaging survey scheduled to begin in 2010 at the CTIO 4 metre Blanco telescope, will also be observed in H-band. The area around both of the Galactic Caps will be observed in Y- and H- band as well to be combined with the data from the VST ATLAS survey. The main science drivers of the VHS include: examining low mass and nearby stars, studying the merger history of the Galaxy, measuring the properties of Dark Energy through the examination of large-scale structure to a redshift of ~1, and searches for high redshift quasars.
VIDEO DR5 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
25 May 2021 15:50:06
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR4 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:40:50
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR3 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:40:40
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIDEO DR2 - VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations survey
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:40:29
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIDEO survey is a 30 sq. degree, Z,Y,J,H,K survey that is specifically designed to enable exploration of the main issues in observational cosmology. It allows galaxy and cluster/structure evolution to be traced as a function of both epoch and environment from the present day out to z=4 and AGN/QSO evolution up to and into the epoch of reionization at z > 6. The multi-band nature of the survey ensures many key science drivers can be tackled using the survey alone, without recourse to data from other wavebands.
VIKING - VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey Data Release 4
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:41:34
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIKING survey is the VISTA counterpart to the VST KIDS survey. The KIDS survey will cover 1500 deg^2 in u,g,r,i divided in two stripes (NGP, centred on equator ; SGP, centred on Dec = -30). The matching VISTA survey will cover (almost) all of these stripes in Z,Y,J,H, Ks with ~ 400s exposures per band.
VIKING - VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey Data Release 3
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:41:21
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIKING survey is the VISTA counterpart to the VST KIDS survey. The KIDS survey will cover 1500 deg^2 in u,g,r,i divided in two stripes (NGP, centred on equator ; SGP, centred on Dec = -30). The matching VISTA survey will cover (almost) all of these stripes in Z,Y,J,H, Ks with ~ 400s exposures per band.
VIKING - VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey Data Release 2
Short Name:
04 Dec 2019 13:41:10
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
The VIKING survey is the VISTA counterpart to the VST KIDS survey. The KIDS survey will cover 1500 deg^2 in u,g,r,i divided in two stripes (NGP, centred on equator ; SGP, centred on Dec = -30). The matching VISTA survey will cover (almost) all of these stripes in Z,Y,J,H, Ks with ~ 400s exposures per band.
These are 1.4GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry images of 532
radio sources with a flux density exceeding 100uJy as determined by
Ibar et al. (2009, MNRAS, 397, 281), obtained between 2010-06-03 and
For all fields, we give frames processed using natural weighting to
preserve maximal sensitivity. For the 65 detected sources, we
additionally give frames processed using uniform weighting to suppress
sidelobes (see Middelberg et al. 2013, A&A 551, 97 for details) in
flux density measurements. Some sources have larger images to cover a
larger area because the initial coordinates were not sufficiently