The global TAP schema collects information on
tables and columns from known TAP servers. This facilitates locating
queriable data by physics (via UCD) or keywords (via description).
Note that this shouldn't really be necessary as all information
present here should be exposed through Registry records. However,
in reality data providers currently are much more liable to give
column metadata in their tap_schema than in their Registry records.
Hence, for the time being, we maintain this service by harvesting
tap_schemas about monthly.
Gravitational arc candidates in the CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey
Short Name:
carsarcs scs
27 Dec 2024 08:31:02
The GAVO DC team
Candidate gravitational arcs in the 37 deg^2 of
CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey (CARS). The data include their
post-stamp images, astrometry, photometry (u*,g',r',i'), geometric
properties (length, length-to-width ratio, profile curvature, area),
and photometric redshifts. The arc candidates were selected booth with
an automatic arcfinder, based on a tailored image segmentation and a
color selection, and by visually inspecting the survey.
HALCA VSOP (the VLBI Space Observatory Programme) Correlated Data
Short Name:
19 Oct 2021 07:12:04
The VSOP (VLBI Space Observatory Programme) mission was led by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, in collaboration with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan with international collaboration with NSAS, CSA, JIVE and the world radio telescopes in 14 countries.
This mission provided a dedicated space radio telescope "HALCA" launched in February 1997, and carried out high-resolution observations at 1.6, 5.0, and 22 GHz with ground radio observatories to perform Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) on baselines of up to 2.6 Earth diameters. The observations are continued till 2003, and HALCA finished its operation in 2005.
GAVO at Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
Operators of publishing registries
can use this service to request a re-harvest of their registry by pasting
in their registry's IVOID below. If you paste in the magic value
``ivo://``, we will also fetch new registries from the
You usually want to use this when you want to see the effect of some
change in your registry on, say, TOPCAT. Note that you cannot start
a full re-harvest of a registry from this interface. Contact the
operators if you think you need that.
Operators of publishing registries
can use this service to request a re-harvest of their registry by pasting
in their registry's IVOID below. If you paste in the magic value
``ivo://``, we will also fetch new registries from the
You usually want to use this when you want to see the effect of some
change in your registry on, say, TOPCAT. Note that you cannot start
a full re-harvest of a registry from this interface. Contact the
operators if you think you need that.
Scans of plates kept at Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Königstuhl. They
were obtained at location, at the German-Spanish Astronomical Center
(Calar Alto Observatory), Spain, and at La Silla, Chile. The plates
cover a time span between 1880 and 1999.
Specifically, HDAP is essentially complete for the plates taken with
the Bruce telescope, the Walz reflector, and Wolf's Doppelastrograph
at both the original location in Heidelberg and its later home on