The release consists of event lists and instrument response functions
for observations of various well-known gamma-ray sources (the Crab
nebula, PKS 2155-304, MSH 15-52, RX J1713.7-3946) as well as
observations of empty fields for background modeling.
High-resolution optical spectra of HD165052 (Ferrero+, 2013) at NOVA
Short Name:
NOVA HD 165052
14 Aug 2014 17:03:24
This is a set of high-resolution high-S/N optical spectra of the
massive binary star HD 165 052 (O7Vz + O7.5Vz) taken between 2008
April and 2011 May with echelle spectrographs at CASLEO (mainly), LCO
and ESO. Each one covers the spectral range 3700-6000 A with a
resolution varying between ~13000 and ~45000 @ 5000A according to the
instrument. Originally, the spectra were secured for radial velocity
measurements. More details about observations, instrument
configurations and reduction process can be found in documentation
High-Resolution Very Large Array Imaging of Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Stripe 82 at 1.4 GHz
Short Name:
vlastripe82 cone
27 Dec 2024 08:31:02
The GAVO DC team
This is a high-resolution radio survey of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
(SDSS) Southern Equatorial Stripe, a.k.a. Stripe 82. This 1.4 GHz survey
was conducted with the Very Large Array (VLA) primarily in the
A-configuration, with supplemental B-configuration data to increase
sensitivity to extended structure. The survey has an angular resolution
of 1.''8 and achieves a median rms noise of 52 μJy per beam over 92 deg^2.
The catalog contains 17,969 isolated radio components, for an overall
source density of ∼195 sources/deg^2. See also J.A. Hodge et al,
:bibcode:`2011AJ....142....3H` .
GAVO's historical photographic plate archive (GHHPA) is a
collection of various digitized historical photographic
plates. It currently exposes:
* the scans of plates of selected Kapteyn special fields obtained
at Potsdam
* the Palomar-Leiden Trojan surveys, 1960-1977,
* a collection of plates obtained at Boyden Station, South Africa,
kept at various German observatories.
Other plate collections kept by GAVO include the Heidelberg
Digitized Astronomical Plates HDAP,
ivo://org.gavo.dc/lswscans/res/positions/siap, and the APPLAUSE
database from Potsdam.