PADC TAP Server on TAP service
Short Name:
16 Jul 2024 14:07:24
Paris Astronomical Data Centre
The PADC TAP Server on's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the cassini_jupiter schema, epn_core from the cassini_rpws schema, epn_core from the expres schema, epn_core from the juno_waves schema, epn_core from the lofar4sw_proto schema, epn_core from the maser_services schema, epn_core from the spase_vespa schema, epn_core from the stereo_waves schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core, fogg_akr_wind, leblanc_nda_jupiter_emi, leblanc_nda_jupiter_obs, louis_juno_waves, marques_nda_jupiter, taubenschuss_frp_saturn, wu_anomalous_nsmr, wu_nkom_saturn, wu_skr_harmonic from the tfcat schema, epn_core from the voyager_pra schema, epn_core from the wind_waves schema.
PADC TAP Server on TAP service
Short Name:
18 Oct 2024 18:07:32
Paris Astronomical Data Centre
The PADC TAP Server on's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the apis schema, epn_core from the basecom schema, epn_core, observatories from the bdip schema, epn_core from the crism_speclib schema, epn_core from the dynastvo schema, epn_core from the exoplanet schema, epn_core from the gmap schema, epn_core from the hst_planeto schema, epn_core from the iks schema, epn_core from the lunar_craters schema, epn_core from the m4ast schema, epn_core from the mars_craters schema, epn_core from the mars_craters_lagain schema, epn_core from the mercury_craters schema, epn_core from the meteor_showers schema, epn_core from the moonsprop schema, epn_core from the planets schema, epn_core from the spectro_asteroids schema, epn_core from the spectro_m_ast schema, epn_core from the spectro_planets schema, epn_core from the spectro_stars schema, epn_core from the spectro_trojans schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core from the titan_profiles schema, epn_core from the tnosarecool schema, epn_core from the usgs_wms schema, epn_core from the venus_craters schema, epn_core from the vims_satellites schema, epn_core from the voccdb schema, epn_core from the vvex schema.
Parameters of 220 million stars from Gaia BP/RP (XP) spectra
Short Name:
XP ap-pars
27 Dec 2024 08:31:01
The GAVO DC team
We present astrophysical parameters of 220 million stars, based on
Gaia XP spectra and near-infrared photometry from 2MASS and WISE.
Instead of using ab initio stellar models, we develop a data-driven
model of Gaia XP spectra as a function of the stellar parameters, with
a few straightforward built-in physical assumptions. This resource is
a VO re-publication of the resulting catalog of stellar parameters.
For bulk downloads, the covariances, the trained model, and more, see
This service delivers (most of) the datasets held at
PDS-PPI VO server. In addition to the default (nonstandard)
way of just appending accrefs to the get access URL, there is also a
very simple datalink service here that, for each dataset, essentially
just gives the dataset itself and possibly a preview. More advanced
datalink services might be available.
Some datasets may be embargoed, in which case the access yields a 403.
Credentials for individual files may be obtained by contacting the
site operators.
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
Small subset of the SuperCOSMOS Science Archive, useful for testing queries. The SuperCOSMOS data held in the SSA primarily originate from scans of Palomar and UK Schmidt blue, red and near-IR southern sky surveys. The ESO Schmidt R (dec < -17.5) and Palomar POSS-I E (dec > -17.5) surveys have also been scanned and provide a 1st epoch red measurement. Further details on the surveys, the scanning process and the raw parameters extracted can be found on the further information link. The SSA is housed in a relational database running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Data are stored in tables which are inter-linked via reference ID numbers. In addition to the astronomical object catalogues these tables also contain information on the plates that were scanned, survey field centres and calibration coefficients. Most user science queries will only need to access the SOURCE table or to a lesser extent the DETECTION table.