A collection of images of lensed quasars from various sources.
Included are images from Maidanak Observatory
(ivo://org.gavo.dc/maidanak/res/rawframes/siap), Apache Point
Observatory, from the MiNDSTEp project
(ivo://org.gavo.dc/danish/red/q), and from the Liverpool Robotic
Telescope (ivo://org.gavo.dc/liverpool/res/rawframes/q).
An archive of optical and near-infrared spectra of strongly lensed
quasars and the lensing galaxies. The spectra are resolved to about a
few Ångstroms and are flux-calibrated. The spectra resulted from
deblending the lensed images in bidimensional spectra available from
the SSAP service for `ivo://org.gavo.dc/mlqso/q/s