Main characteristics of Solar System planets. Data are included in
the table, which includes non-standard EPN-TAP parameters. Data are
retrieved from Archinal et al 2018 (IAU report 2015,
2018CeMDA.130...22A) [radii] and Cox et al 2000 (Allen's astrophysical
quantities, [masses, heliocentric distances, and
rotation periods].
Predictions of stellar occultations by the main planetary satellites
Short Name:
26 Feb 2025 14:03:55
Paris Astronomical Data Centre
The VOccDB database provides prediction and parameters of stellar
occultations by the main planetary satellites. Observations of a
stellar occultations help to better determine the size and the shape
of the occulting body, as well as its astrometric position at the
milli-arcsecond level precision. Only the main moons of giant planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are considered in the event
prediction database. Predictions are provided over period 2023-2032,
up to visual magnitude 12 for the biggest satellites, and magnitude 14
for other satellites. For each stellar occultation event prediction,
the database provides circumstances and observational data, date and
timing of the occultation, star position and magnitude, excepted
duration, etc.