Cassini RPWS Electron Densities from Upper Hybrid and Plasma Wave
Short Name:
16 Dec 2022 17:29:24
Planetary Data System
This collection provides electron number density values derived from
features observed in plasma wave data obtained by the Cassini Radio
and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instruments, along with observed or
derived characteristic frequencies, and useful positional parameters
for the spacecraft and related bodies. When present, frequency values
of narrowband emissions at the upper hybrid resonance were digitized
and combined with measured or model magnetic field to derive electron
number density. At other times, features such as the upper cutoff in
auroral hiss or electron plasma oscillations were used to determine
the plasma frequency and electron density.
Cassini Scalar Helium MAG Calibrated Housekeeping ASCII Data
Short Name:
01 Mar 2024 22:33:54
Planetary Data System
This collections contains Cassini scalar helium magnetometer (SHM)
housekeeping ASCII data collected between 1999-08-18T02:56:40.391 and
Main characteristics of Solar System planets. Data are included in
the table, which includes non-standard EPN-TAP parameters. Data are
retrieved from Archinal et al 2018 (IAU report 2015,
2018CeMDA.130...22A) [radii] and Cox et al 2000 (Allen's astrophysical
quantities, [masses, heliocentric distances, and
rotation periods].
Pic du Midi de Bigorre in the French Pyrenees is the place where coronagraphic images were first realized, by Bernard Lyot in the 1930s. Since then, the solar instruments at Pic du Midi regularly provide images of the solar disc, solar prominences and solar corona.
This tutorial uses SPLAT-VO to search the VO registry for spectra of
galaxies and quasars. From the obtained spectra, the Hydrogen Lyman
Alpha line will be used to compute redshift and velocity
Within this intermediate use case you learn about supernovae (see
also the tutorial “Distance to the Crab Nebula“,
ivo:// and determine the
celestial coordinates of a just discovered candidate supernova on an
provided image without astrometric calibration. This use case provides
a glimpse of an activity that is representative of the practical tasks
that astronomers have to perform when they analyze data.