Data for numerical modeling of planetary atmospheres
12 Jun 2017 10:19:38
Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia-CSIC; INTA-CAB
Numerical modeling of composition and thermal balance of planetary
atmospheres requires a considerable amount of laboratory data. Among
them, the absorption cross sections in the UV range are needed both
for computing the heating in the atmosphere and the photodissociation
coefficients to initiate a rich disequilibrium chemistry. Prompted by
these needs in the community and by the sparse collection of data in
several other web pages ( or whose data depend
on some pre-processing before being ingested in these models), this
web page aims at providing the community with absorption cross
sections in the range 20 nm to 400 nm equally spaced every 0.2, 0.5
and 1.0 nm. Also, original data as appearing in the refereed journal
and the reference itself are downloadable.
The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg. in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the Southern sky. The FBS has been carried out by B.E. Markarian, V.A. Lipovetski and J.A. Stepanian in 1965-1980 with the Byurakan Observatory 102/132/213 cm (40"/52"/84") Schmidt telescope using 1.5 deg. prism. Each FBS plate contains low-dispersion spectra of some 15,000-20,000 objects; the whole survey consists of about 20,000,000 objects.
VO-compliant publication of Schmidt survey ESO-R of the southern sky digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer at the Observatoire de Paris Image Analysis Centre (CAI).
VO-compliant publication of the properties of the 3838 galaxies that were monitored for SNe events, including newly determined morphologies and their DENIS and POSS-II/UKST I, 2MASS and DENIS J and Ks and 2MASS H magnitudes.
The principal research topics of the GEPI (Galaxy - Star - Physics - Instrumentation) Laboratory are the formation and evolution of stars in our Galaxy as well as in numerous other galaxies, which constitute the luminous matter (baryonic matter) component of the Universe. This research calls upon many disciplines, from chemistry to physics, from instrumentation to data-processing engineering, and from project management to financial management within an international framework.
Galileo EPD Calibrated Corrected Delta Event Data Collection
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:26:15
Planetary Data System
These are reprocessed measurements by the Engergetic Particle
Detector (EPD) instrument onboard the Galileo spacecraft that orbited
Jupiter and measured intensities of ion and electron radiation in the
keV and MeV energy range. This set is version 31 of reprocessing and
version 1.0 of PDS delivery. The TOFxE and DeltaExE files include
event data of ion measurements. Event data are different than the
channelized data in the high, medium, and low resolution files. Event
data record the full information of a measured particle. Every "event"
is the measurement of a time of flight (TOF) within the instrument and
energy deposited within a detector (TOFxE file), or two energy values
deposited within the two detector layers (DeltaExE file). The
deposited energy values are generally different from the energy the
particle has in the ambient space. Event data provides measured values
in the native resolution of the instrument. Because such high
resolution increases data volume, event data cannot be taken
continuously and downlinked all the time. Only the provided subset of
this data was kept. The files are comma separated. Invalid entries
will have values of -1.000000E+38. Times are provided in the format
Year.DOYHHMMSSM (first column) and fractional year (second column)
More information can be found in the User Guide. This file includes
measurements by the EPD/CMS/DeltaExE instrument. For each counted
event, the energy deposited in the two solid state detector layers
(Ej_keV and Ek_keV columns) of the instrument are recorded.