SkyBoT is a VO service which allows to seek and identify solar system objects (planet, satellites, asteroids, comets) in any field of view at a given epoch (cone-search method). It provides also a solar system object name resolver which convert the name or the designation of solar system objects into their celestial coordinates at a given epoch (resolver method). The SkyBoT service are available through a Web interface and a Web service (SOAP+WSDL+HTTP) which implements the IVOA Simple Cone-Search protocol.
VO-compliant publication of Schmidt survey SRC-J of the southern sky digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer at the Observatoire de Paris Image Analysis Centre (CAI).
The main activity at Nançay is the development and application of new radio techniques to fundamental research in astrophysics and astronomy. A number of instruments are operated on behalf of researchers in France and worldwide to conduct scientific programmes of observation of the Universe, including the nearby Earth-Space environment, the study of the Sun and the solar system, and the study of distant stars and galaxies in the Universe.
VOPSAT is a set of southern sky digital surveys based on ESO-R, SRC-J and POSS1-E atlases. The plates have been digitized with the MAMA microdensitometer with a resolution of 0.7 arc-sec. Pixel resampling will allow mosaicing neighbouring Schmidt fields up to hundreds of square degrees.
The Miriade project aims to provide a VO-compliant suite of services to compute positional and physical ephemerides of known solar system bodies as seen from any location on Earth as well as various location in space (HST, SPITZER, Gaia, etc.)