The AKARI Far-infrared All-Sky Survey Maps is produced with the participation of people from the following institutes: University of Tokyo, ISAS/JAXA, Tohoku University, and University of Tsukuba.
The image data in this release are produced based on the AKARI All-Sky Survey with 4 far-infrared bands at N60 (65 um), WIDE-S (90 um), WIDE-L (140 um), and N160 (160 um).
In this tutorial you will learn about asteroids, a very interesting
and current topic in our exploration of the Solar System and of
planetary formation. You will learn about their orbital
characteristics by querying a database.
Intermediate computer skills are recommended, as the tutorial requires
the (guided) query of online electronic databases and use of
Authority Name for National Space Science Data Center
Short Name:
04 Apr 2008 17:51:11
National Space Science Data Center
This naming authority is for identifying resources from the National Space Science Data Center. Note that a second authority name, nasa.gsfc.nssdc, is also used for NSSDC resources.
Authority Name for National Space Science Data Center
Short Name:
04 Apr 2008 17:51:04
National Space Science Data Center
This naming authority is for identifying resources from the National Space Science Data Center. Note that a second authority name, gov.nasa.gsfc.nssdc, is also used for NSSDC resources.
Authority Name for the World Data Center for Astronomy
Short Name:
04 Apr 2008 16:54:59
The World Data Center for Astronomy
This authority name is for identifying resources from the World Data Center for Astronomy, hosted at National Astronomical Observatory of China, Beijing, China
EPNcore table of BASS2000, a Solar survey archive: Images, movies of
full Sun from groundbased instruments: Spectroheliographs of Meudon
and Coimbra, RadioHeliograph and Decametric Array of Nancay, CLIMSO,
The BeStars project contains (1) the complete catalogue of classical Be stars, BeSC, with some of their fundamental stellar parameters, and (2) a database, BeSS, which assembles classical Be star spectra obtained by professional and amateur astronomers at any wavelength, epoch, and spectral resolution.
The BeSS database assembles classical Be star spectra obtained by professional and amateur astronomers at any wavelength, epoch, and spectral resolution.